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17 Movie Scenes That Are So Freaking Good But Don't Get Any Credit

THAT scene in Prisoners is so, so, so, so, so good.

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which movie scenes are so good but don't get the credit they deserve. Here are the underrated results.

🚨 Spoilers ahead, people! 🚨

1. In Rocketman, when the pool montage succinctly illustrated Elton's overdose and how much pressure he was under to perform and sell records.

Elton overdosing in the pool and then being brought to the concert in "Rocketman"

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2. In Amélie, when Amélie helped the man who's blind cross the street, and she explained every tiny thing she saw in expressed detail, resulting in a magical sensory overload.

Amélie describing the statue, florist, and bakery window tot he man who's blind as his face glows in awe

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3. In Zodiac, when Robert realized that he was alone in the basement with the suspected Zodiac Killer, and he had to escape but couldn't let on that he knew too much.

Robert trying to escape Vaughn's house in "Zodiac"

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4. In Booksmart, when Amy followed Ryan into the pool, and everything that followed was equal parts innocent, beautiful, authentic, nostalgic, exciting, playful, and heartbreaking.

Amy jumping into the pool and playfully searching for Ryan

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5. In Blindspotting, when Collin confronted the officer and rapped his soliloquy about the relationship between Black people and police in America.

The final scene of "Blindspotting" when Collin talks about the difference between him and the cop

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6. In The Hunger Games, when the timer counted down to zero and the bloodbath officially began and everything was silent, except for a faint ringing in Katniss's ears.

All of the tributes running and killing each other at the start of The Games in "The Hunger Games"

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7. In Short Term 12, when Jayden read Grace her story about the shark and the octopus, and they both started crying because they knew the underlying message.

Jayden reading her story to Grace in "Short Term 12"

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8. In Prisoners, when the final scene ended on a cliffhanger, and you were unsure if Detective Loki found Keller from his faint whistles for help.

Detective Loki hearing Keller's faint whistles for help

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9. In Monster's Ball, when Hank fed Leticia ice cream while she quietly thought about whether he was worthy of her love and a future together.

Hank feeding Leticia ice cream while they sit on their stoop at the end of "Monster's Ball"

Here's the full scene:

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10. In Atonement, when everything unfolded and an elderly Briony revealed the truth about what happened to Robbie and Cecilia.

Old Briony revealing that her sister and Robbie died years ago

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11. In 20th Century Women, when the final montage revealed exactly what happened to each character, and it simultaneously broke your heart and filled it with endless love.

Dorothea smiling with friends and riding in a plane at the end of "20th Century Women"

Here's the full scene:

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12. In Ex Machina, when Ava locked Caleb inside the fortress and then escaped in hopes of finally experiencing life as a real human.

Ava escaping the fortress and trapping Caleb in "Ex Machina"

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13. In Juno, when Bleeker comforted Juno after she delivered the baby, and they silently cried while holding each other in the hospital bed.

Bleeker holding Juno on the hospital bed after she gives birth in "Juno"

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14. In Queen & Slim, when Queen and Slim slowly danced together at the juke joint and opened up about what they truly wanted in life.

Queen and Slim talking about their greatest desires in the bar and in the car

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15. In Hearts Beat Loud, when Sam was determined to learn how to ride a bike, after being discouraged for years because her mom died in a biking accident.

Rose teaching Sam how to ride a bike in "Hearts Beat Loud"

Here's the full scene:

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16. In Almost Famous, when Lester delivered his "uncool" monologue after William became friends with the band.

Lester talking on the phone with William about being uncool

Here's the full scene:

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17. And in Someone Great, when Jenny wrote a love letter about her relationship with Nate and talked about how thankful she was for the experience, even though they could no longer be together.

Jenny crying as she writes her goodbye letter on the subway in "Someone Great"

Here's the full scene:

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