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What It Was Like For Lesbians To Watch Television In 2013

So many ladies, so many feelings — so little time in your TV watching schedule.

Although the percentage of LGBT characters on television dropped overall from previous years, lesbian and bisexual characters had quite a moment in 2013. We watched women experience first love, suffer through devastating heartbreak, and even endure a bit of pie throwing. Instead of teasing subtext, we were finally given tangible story lines.

1. When Kalinda used this corny joke as a pickup line on The Good Wife...

... you couldn't believe it actually worked.

2. When Mulan was completely friend-zoned on Once Upon A Time, the pain was real and you felt it.

3. Orphan Black made you squirm in your seat as Cosima and Delphine took the art of lip biting to fantastically brave new heights.

4. The hoe-down scene on Pretty Little Liars happened. You had to double check, but yes — it happened.

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5. Over on Mistresses, Joss and Alex somehow ended their relationship on a good note — and it seriously gave you hope.

Of course, that didn't stop you from going back and re-watching every scene where they were still together.

It's called denial, and it's okay.

6. American Horror Story: Asylum scared you half to death and made you so happy, all at the same time.

7. Skins Fire toyed with your emotions in the most unspeakable way; bringing "naomily" back together...

... only to take it all away through Naomi's heartbreaking illness.

8. Speaking of tears, Stef and Lena’s wedding on The Fosters made you sob like a small child into your pillow.

How can anyone keep it together when there are hugs like this going down?

9. You saw Kate Moennig triumphantly return to a lesbian role on Ray Donovan...

Kate, you are looking very "Shane" today.

... and fangirled so hard, people were concerned.

10. Over on ABC's Betrayal, your heart didn't think it could take anymore when Jules and Val became the world's cutest couple.

But when the actresses got in on it, your heart actually may have exploded with cuteness.

11. Demi Lovato used the term "lady parts" on Glee and you realized nothing would ever be the same.

12. Leslie Shay, resident badass paramedic on Chicago Fire, laid down the law for all gay ladies.

And just like that, you were considering signing up for an EMT class.

If she could be your instructor, of course.

13. When the Season 4 promo of Lost Girl aired...

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Let's just say you needed to take a deep breath and do some serious processing.

14. Callie and Arizona broke up, got back together, and did it all over again on the emotional gauntlet that is Grey's Anatomy.

It was a whole lot.

And then there was "easy peasy" Leah. You kind of hated her for interfering, but at least her undefined sexual orientation was refreshing.

15. NBC's Dracula reminded you there is nothing quite as painful as unrequited love.

16. And when 13-year-old Bullet came around on The Killing, you quickly realized she was more fearless than any adult on the show.

17. You felt a national holiday should have been put in place the moment Officer Gail Peck finally let down her frosty exterior and kissed Holly on Rookie Blue.

18. You witnessed the "lesbian zombie" on Two And A Half Men and wondered how Amber Tamblyn ever left your radar.

19. And you felt a whole lot of nothing when True Blood wrapped up Season 6 with barely any Pam and Tara action.

20. Canadian drama Bomb Girls wrapped up its final season and you couldn't believe something you loved so much could just...leave!

But you actually screamed when your prayers were answered and a movie, filled with lots of Betty Mcrae swagger, was announced.

Just like that? LIFE IS GOOD.

21. Just when you thought 2013 had maxed out on awesomeness, Orange Is The New Black came into your life.

Suddenly, you had more queer ladies than you even knew what to do with.

And WAY more feelings than you ever thought possible.

Your straight friends didn't understand what you were freaking out about – until they were binge-watching it themselves.

Dear 2014: Continue to bring the feels, keep the ladies coming, never stop lesbianing.