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18 People Who Fucked Up Their Halloween Costumes

When you dress up as an onion and people think it's sperm...

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to send us their Halloween costume fails. Here are the results:

1. SpongeBob, Patrick, and Gary:

2. Onion/sperm:

3. Grass:

4. Elsa/Anna from Frozen:

5. Kidney/kidney stones:

6. Leela from Futurama:

7. A flying pig:

8. Blue Man Group:

9. Troll dolls:

10. Justin Timberlake:

11. Cards Against Humanity:

12. Rubik's Cube:

13. "Wrecking Ball" video:

14. Whatever they could find:

15. Cupcake:

16. Hipsters:

17. Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist:

18. Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump:

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