If You've Ever Worked In Event Catering, We Want To Know The Stories You'll Never, Ever Forget

    Caterers ALWAYS have the wildest stories, so we want to hear yours.

    Earlier this week, the 2024 Met Gala took over our collective feeds in a pretty serious way. Amidst all the debate swirling around the best and worst looks of the night, I was also reminded of the often-forgotten food element since, you know, dinner is a pretty significant portion of the evening...whether or not attendees end up caring.

    Person in an elaborate outfit is assisted on stairs at a gala, with photographers capturing the moment

    That got me thinking: The celeb-to-celeb drama is always undoubtedly interesting...but what about accounts of the evening from the folks actually working the event and interacting with everyone? I mean, in general, caterers and cater waiters always have the juiciest on-the-job stories; I'm married to a former one, so trust me, I'd know.

    So, if you've ever worked as a caterer or cater waiter, or ever found yourself dabbling in the always fascinating world of catering or events, I want to hear from you. What's your wildest on-the-job story that you still vividly remember to this day?

    Maybe you were put on door duty for a high-profile event, and all the goodbyes between the wealthy celebrity guests were...well, let's just say they were memorable. Basically, people acted like you weren't even there — and you got to be a fly on the wall for some seriously bizarre "private" interactions.

    A doorman in a suit and white gloves is holding open a wooden door

    Perhaps you were working a local wedding, and as you ran food between courses, you witnessed a blowout fight between the parents of the newlyweds. The groom's parents went totally MIA after the cake-cutting, and it was the talk of the night between all the guests...but only you (and your coworkers) knew the real reason why they dipped.

    Or, maybe you signed up to work a weekend-long event out of state. Up until your travel day, you figured the client would fly you out in economy — but when you arrived at the airport, you realized you were taking a private jet. (And that's the day you realized, yep, some people just have way too much money.)

    Private jet landing on a runway with landing gear deployed

    Whatever your wild catering story is, we want to hear it. Tell us all about your wildest, weirdest, or most dramatic experiences in catering in the comments below, or use this anonymous form. We'll feature the best responses in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.