19 Professional Bakers Shared The Most Common Mistakes We're Making

    We've all tried to frost a hot cake.

    We asked professional bakers of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the most common mistakes we're making when baking, and their responses were super helpful.

    1. You don't read the recipe or follow it carefully, or you substitute ingredients.

    2. You take preheating the oven as a suggestion rather than a requirement.

    3. You don't weigh your ingredients.

    4. You dunk your measuring cup into flour and pack it.

    5. You bake warm or room temperature cookie dough rather than cooling it first.

    6. You crack your eggs on the side of the bowl rather than on the countertop.

    7. You throw all your ingredients together at once and mix them without thinking about their order.

    8. You forgo using an electric mixer because you think arm power is suitable for everything.

    9. And even if you are using a mixer, you are mixing things incorrectly or are making the mistake of over-mixing.

    10. You don't sift your dry ingredients prior to mixing, which leaves large clumps behind.

    11. You use cold ingredients (like butter and eggs) even though the recipe calls for them to be room temperature.

    12. You use salted butter when your recipe specifically calls for unsalted butter.

    13. You throw your batter into a pan without preparing the pan first.

    14. You constantly open and close the oven door and have yet to invest in an oven thermometer.

    15. You frost hot cakes and always end up making a huge mess.

    16. You skip the crumb coat when decorating a cake and don't add simple syrup to keep your cake moist.

    17. You stack cakes without giving them the proper support.

    18. You skip out on salt when it's called for.

    19. And finally, you add a bunch of food coloring into your buttercream before letting the color develop.

    Now it's your turn! What baking mistakes do you think way too many people are making? Share yours in the comments below for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post and/or video!

    Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.