Ariana Grande Opened Up About Wearing Her Natural Hair In Private And Her New Song "My Hair"

    "Hair definitely is personal."

    If there's two things I know about Ariana Grande: she likes her notes high and her ponytails even higher.

    Ariana Grande arrives at the 62nd Annual GRAMMY Awards

    And before we were introduced to the signature pony, we knew Ari as Cat from Victorious, who rocked bright red tresses.

    Ariana Grande arrives to the 2009 AFI Festival opening night featuring "Fantastic Mr. Fox"

    With two beauty staples attached to her career, some fans often wondered what her natural hair looked like. So on a few rare occasions, the Grammy Award–winning artist teased fans with a few photos of her curls.

    Ariana Grande posted a photo of her natural hair on March 30, 2020

    Now, with a new song titled "My Hair" on her sixth studio album Positions, Ariana wants fans to learn a little more about her hair journey. In a recent Zach Sang Show interview, she opened up about the significance of the song.

    "[Hair] definitely is [personal], especially when your hair kind of is something that you use to differentiate, you know what I mean?”

    “It’s kind of like the red was Cat, and that was very much a character, and it was very much a portion of my life that I love and I am so grateful for."

    “My real hair, which is the humungous, curly, curly poof, is kind of, I don’t know..."

    Ariana Grande gives fans another glimpse of her curly hair on Instagram stories.

    " few people get to see it and it’s cute, and it reminds me of me as a kid…it’s who I am privately."

    Ariana Grande attending the Cast of the Broadway Musical "13"

    But the 27-year-old singer also admitted that ponytail-Ari also plays a really big part in who she is today, which is part of the reason she wanted to write "My Hair."

    "But so is this. I wear my ponytail all the time too, but the curls are definitely something that I don’t bring around much.”

    "I think that’s kind of what I envisioned that song being about, is because it’s like such an intimate thing to be just like curly shower head."

    Ari concluded, "The hair for me is such a guard, character facade type thing, and it has had its own evolution, but it has always been this kind of costume piece.”

    But this isn't the first time she's opened up about her natural curls. Back in 2014, she revealed she was forced to start wearing extensions because her hair was so damaged from the consistent dye jobs.

    Facebook: arianagrande

    And then again last February, when she shared an adorable throwback photo of her 5-year-old self and her vibrant curls.

    if i’m honest ..... this is still exactly what i look like without lashes and my pony ..... anyone who knows me knows me knows ..... like .... i’m twenty five. i was five here. the only difference now is that hand now says bbq grill finger.

    Well, all I know is, whether it's short or long, curly or straight, Ariana looks beautiful no matter what style she rocks.

    To hear more behind-the-scenes details about Ariana's new album Positions, be sure to check out her full interview on the Zach Sang Show.

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