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We Need To Talk About Carol

We've come a long-ass way.

Walking Dead fans, we're here. It happened. It's been a wild + crazy six seasons (minus the second one). BUT WE'RE HERE. Forget Rick, move over Michonne, and who is Daryl even? It's time we recognize that Carol is the best character on The Walking Dead.

She's come a loooong-ass way from Season 1 abused wife to Season 6 LEADER OF THE WORLD. Remember when she hacked open her shitty "husband"*?

Then she literally lost her child and found her in a dang barn! Everyone thought she was crazy and you're lying if you thought Carol stood a chance of surviving herself.

But then it happened. Carol turned into a bad bitch*.

In the words of Carol herself: "I don't know if I believe in God anymore or heaven, but if I'm going to hell, I'm making damn sure I'm holding it off as long as I can."

Carol kept the team together. She made the tough decisions. She burned the bodies when they needed to be burned. She kept Daryl sane.

Remember Lizzie? LOOK AT THE FLOWERS.

Byeeee! Carol killed her because she had to.

Meanwhile, Rick was losing his mind. Beth was singing or something. And honestly, who even ever knew where Carl was?

Carol is the true definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Our unassuming zombie slaying queen. Make America great again, Carol.

Remember Terminus? Everyone would be dead if it wasn't for Carol covering herself in zombie bowels and shooting up that tank.

Yaaass Carol! You look so good! Slay, mama!

She was also taking care of a baby that entire time! Judith would actually be dead if it weren't for Carol.

And then in the end of Season 5, Carol proved her complete and utter superiority. Remember how she basically went undercover as an unassuming housewife?

Yeah, that was a load of shit and 100% brilliant.

Boom, bitch!

Because when The Wolves attacked Carol was all:

And it was at that moment that Carol became the best, most badass, truly enjoyable character on The Walking Dead.

I can't wait to see what the next couple of seasons bring us.

Literally slay on, Queen Carol. Slay on.