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    We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    33 Beauty Products Reviewers *Over* 50 Love — And You Probably Will Too

    People from every generation can agree that mascara that doesn't flake, lips that are baby bottom soft, and plump, hydrated skin = good.

    1. A tub of brightening, firming, and rejuvenating eye cream so you look vibrant and well-rested.

    Reviewer before and after showing the cream tightened and brightened their under-eye area
    Different reviewer's progression photo showing their eye bags disappearing over time

    Promising review: "I have been using this daily for about eight months now. I am 60 years old. It reduced the puffiness and bags under my eyes. I am Sicilian and had dark circles. It has brightened up my eye area. I am very surprised as I have paid much more for eye creams that have done so much less. I recently had pre-cancerous cells removed at the bridge of my nose. After healing, I was left with a dark scar. The dermatologist told me that it would heal over time. Since I began to apply this eye cream, the mark has almost disappeared entirely. I shop constantly from Amazon. This is the first time that I have taken the time to write a review. That's how impressed I am with this product. If you decide to purchase this, you won't be sorry." —Lynda M.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in three sizes and a two-pack).

    2. A splurge-worthy and dermatologist-recommended Elta MD tinted sunscreen for folks with sensitive skin. Sun protection is important at any age (UV damage can speed up your skin's aging process), and this one will tick all your boxes: not greasy, free of fragrance, noncomedogenic, free of oil, and free of parabens. 

    reviewer wearing the sunscreen showing that it blends in flawlessly under their makeup
    The tan-colored sunscreen on a reviewer's hand

    Promising review: "Finally a sunscreen that doesn’t make my face itch all day! Sure wish they would bring the price down. Love how it blends in and is soft and moisturizing. I’m 59 and this goes on smooth and doesn’t ball up under my makeup." —Melony Phillips

    Get it from Amazon for $41.00.

    3. A teeth-whitening pen that'll be a heck of a lot quicker (and taste a lot better) than those irritating whitening strips that slip and slide all over your teeth. You can use each pen ~20 times and should expect your teeth to lighten four to eight shades.

    Promising review: "I’ve had stained teeth from drinking coffee for over 50 years. I tried brushing after having my daily coffee and even used professional solution in a tray but nothing worked. I used the AsaVea pen twice the first day and saw immediate results. After a week of using the pen as directed twice a day, I’m proud to smile!" —Amazon Customer

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $14.97.

    4. A cruelty-free lip balm with SPF 25 because whoever you're locking lips with will definitely notice a difference.

    before photo of a reviewer's dry, chapped lips
    same reviewer's lips looking soft and moisturized after applying the balm

    Promising reviews: "Nothing has healed my chapped lips like this balm…it is AMAZING. I’m a 72-year-old woman and I’ve tried a lot of lip therapies. This is the best!!" —Sharon

    "Works extremely well on my chapped and dry lips. Best product I’ve ever used and I'm 70 years old! Application is designed perfectly so the application of the meds are distributed where and exactly in the correct area. LOVE this stuff." —Jetson 49

    Get it from Amazon for $10 (available in six flavors and multipacks). 

    5. Or an overnight lip mask if you're looking for all-day hydration in just a few simple swipes. And it's infused with vitamin C to exfoliate dry flakes.

    model holding small pink tub of Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask in Sweet Candy
    model holding small pink tub of Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask in Gummy Bear

    Promising reviews: "I’ve bought several of these. It’s popular with the teen crowd, so I am an outlier. At 51, I use this at night around my lips. Really softens the pinched look that can come with age. I like the scent too! A little teeny but I’ll take it." —EJF

    Get it from Amazon for $24 (available in five flavors).

    6. An anti-humidity spray so you can give humidity a metaphorical middle finger. This spray creates a waterproof coat around your hair that blocks out moisture (that eventually leads to frizziness). As if that wasn't already magical enough, this effect lasts up to 72 hours or through two to three shampoos!

    reviewer with shiny-looking frizz-free hair
    another reviewer with soft-looking frizz-free hair

    Promising review: "I don't usually try all the latest hair things because my hair is very fine and it doesn't like product. But, I received as a sample and I can't believe how nice it made my hair and how long it lasted. I have to wash every single day or my hair would be limp and lifeless. You could tell if I didn't wash my hair for one day. This miracle stuff makes it so that I don't have to wash my hair for a good three days at least and it still looks fresh. It also lasts between washes, so I only have to use it every other wash or sometimes not for three or four. I can't live without this now that I found it. It took me till my 50s to find this amazing product. I sure coulda used this in my 20s!" —B.S.

    Get it from Amazon for $26.60.

    7. An adorable octopus-shaped blackhead remover to exfoliate your skin while pulling out whiteheads, blackheads, and other pore-clogging yuckies. 

    A black small octopus shaped remover in a reviewer's hand
    the cap off to show the salt on the top of the remover

    See it in action on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "I thought these were a gimmick. WRONG!! It works so very well. I was astounded at how clear and glowing my skin was after first use. I just turned 60 and have really nice skin for my age, but still have occasional clogged pores in my T-zone. This little cutie cleans out pores like a super powerful vacuum. I've been using about once a week and each time, skin is clearer than before. I am a firm believer and will definitely keep using. Great buy and a cute package." —Fashion Ragazza

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50

    8. A moisturizing hair treatment for a quick burst of hydration. In just eight seconds — eight! — it starts working to leave your mane feeling silkier, softer, and smoother after washing.

    to the left, an image of brown hair with the text
    Reviewer with natural hair that looks voluminous, healthy, and shiny
    @lorealparis / Via,

    Promising review: "I am 66-years-old. I have fine thinning hair. Followed instructions. Blew dry my hair. How awesome was it? My hair now feels regular in thickness and holds a curl and actually has body. I wish for a lifetime supply. Will use this from now on." —Mortimer Brewster

    Get it from Amazon for $9.97.

    9. A nail concealer that'll subtly hide yellowing and staining on your nails.

    reviewer wearing the pale pink version
    another reviewer wearing the quartz shade, which gives off a pearly sheen

    Promising reviews: "As a 62-year-old woman who gardens, cleans house, etc., I needed something that improved the look of my nails without looking cheap or crappy. This was more than I wanted to spend on nail polish...but totally worth it. Two coats showed NO ridges and looks better than natural without looking fake or cheap. Totally worth it!" —Unbiased Independent Reviewer

    "The best nail product I’ve ever used! I am 75 years old! It cost more than any nail product I’ve ever bought but two coats have lasted me over two weeks without chipping! A product has to be outstanding for me to write a review and this product qualifies!!" —Frances

    Get it from Amazon for $20 (available in three shades).

    10. cuticle oil because too many gel manis have destroyed your nails. Sweet almond oil, vitamin E, and jojoba soften the cuticle and strengthen your claws so you'll be proud to show them off.

    Before and after of reviewer who used the oil, showing that it helped reduce nail breakage
    reviewer with healthy-looking cuticles

    Promising review: "I was skeptical that this would do anything for my fragile nails. Four months later I'm stunned that my nails are not chipping and peeling like they used to, and even the ridges are diminishing. When I look at the quarter-inch or so of growth from the nail bed that has occurred since I started using this product, I see nice smooth healthy nails. I can't wait to see what they look like several months from now when the entire nail has had a chance to grow out. I apply the oil all around the nail including under the tips of the nails before I go to bed most nights and massage it in while I watch the evening news. It is good to know nice nails are not a thing of the past even though I'm over 50 years old." —All His 247

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90+ (available in three sizes).

    11. Glossier Ultralip, a nourishing lipstick if you want a hydrating wash of color that doesn't make your lips feel dry as a desert. It's made with hyaluronic acid, a moisture magnet, and applies like a creamy balm.

    Aurora James wearing a pink-red color
    Nine tubes of Ultralip in different colors

    Promising review: "This product does everything Glossier says. Goes on easy, moisturizing but not oily, sticky, or greasy. No lip liner needed (unheard of at my age, 59). Beautiful buildable color. I am a G10 and bought Ember and it is perfect." —Susanne

    Get it from Glossier for $18 (available in nine shades) and from Sephora for $18 (available six shades).

    12. A super soft MakeUp Eraser so you don't feel like you're removing stuck-on foundation with sandpaper. This is designed to work with just water!

    BuzzFeed writer removing their makeup with the cloth
    Taylor Miller / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I'm impressed. The Makeup Eraser removes my makeup easily and completely. I wear waterproof mascara, water-resistant foundation, and fairly heavy eyeshadow and brow powder. I was tired of using up cotton pads and remover liquid to get my makeup off at the end of the day — it was time-consuming, expensive, and not always effective. This cloth and some warm water solves the problem. I'm 60 years old and I try not to subject my skin to undue pulling and stretching. The Makeup Eraser requires only a gentle circular motion, and maybe a little extra wiping right at the eyelash edge. My face comes out makeup free and gently exfoliated, ready for moisturizer. What a great product!" —A. Hawley

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in 14 colors).

    Read my colleague's MakeUp Eraser review as well as our deep dive into the best makeup remover (the MakeUp Eraser won as our mid-price pick).

    13. A powerful snail repair cream to brighten dull skin, fade discoloration, add plumpness. Snail mucin extract is a popular ingredient in K-beauty products and is rich in hyaluronic acid (hydrates) and glycolic acid (stimulates collagen production).

    Promising review: "I'm 55 years old and my skin is a bit sensitive. I don't have a lot of wrinkles, but I'm definitely noticing a few more laugh lines and forehead crinkles than I had a few years ago! I've tried several moisturizers and have not been terribly impressed with any of them until now. This stuff really is great — incredibly hydrating without feeling greasy and it absorbs quickly. It feels great on my skin. In just a few short weeks, I definitely notice an improvement in my skin tone and fewer lines and wrinkles! Plus, the customer service is great. I had questions when I first received the product and got followup response immediately. I will definitely be ordering this product again. I use it in the evening and morning; no need for two different moisturizers. Very pleased!" —sbakey

    Get it from Amazon for $20.

    14. A crème to powder waterproof eyeshadow stick for a stay-all-day eyeshadow that won't fade or crease — it isn't too much to ask for. One end is the eyeshadow stick and the other is a built-in smudger so you don't need any brushes to achieve your eye look. Plus the formula is made with nourishing vitamin E and vitamin C.

    Promising review: "I'm 52, with crepey eyelids and they itch and water if a smidge of eye product gets in them. Powder shadow is a complete no-go! Just bought two of these and I am so happy! After years of not wearing shadow, I am back in the game! It goes on creamy exactly where you put it. The smudger works beautifully and it stayed put all day with no creasing, no watery or itchiness. Didn't use any primer, just on clean, moisturized skin Thank you! I will definitely be getting more colors!" —Tania Nicholson

    Get it from Amazon for $16 (available in 38 shades).

    15. A collagen-coating hair treatment that'll revitalize a mane that's dry, damaged, and overprocessed. Waking up with frizz-free hair? Umm, yes please!

    BuzzFeed editor's before and after photos showing that the cream made their hair less frizzy and more smooth
    The tube
    Bek O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "This product has a light but really lovely scent. I absolutely love it! My almost waist-length hair was seriously damaged by my last hairstylist. I've tried everything to make my hair shinier and more manageable, with less frizz. I've been through countless deep conditioning treatments with little results...till I found CER 100! I'm in my early 50s so I have far from 'virgin' hair. If mine looks this great, that says a lot! My only wish? That it came in a bigger tube/bottle!" —C. Fordham

    Get it from Amazon for $7.44.

    Read our review of Elizavecca's CER-100 Collagen Coating Hair Protein Treatment to learn more about why my colleague calls it, "the miracle product I've been searching for."

    16. A splurge-worthy bottle of Olaplex No. 3 because it's not messing around. It'll revive your dry, damaged, colored hair like no other. As someone who spends four-plus hours bleaching my hair every six to eight weeks, I can 100% vouch for this miracle in a bottle.

    reviewer with graying 3b curls that look springy and hydrated
    reviewer with straight hair that looks free of damage

    Promising review: "For the price of this small bottle I had very high expectations, and it truly delivered! This is not a hair conditioner. As it says on the bottle, it is a 'hair bonder.' I am 55 years old and I dye my gray Asian hair every 3–4 weeks. This makes my hair very frizzy and dry-looking no matter how much I condition. After using this twice — I washed my hair first, towel dried it, applied Olaplex, left it on for 10–15 minutes each time, did a quick rinse, towel dried it, and then blow dried it — the result is just amazing! No more frizz and fly-away hair. That was two days ago and still looks good." —SusannaF

    Get it from Amazon for $30.

    17. A Schick Silk dermaplaning razor if you've found more stray hairs on your face as you've aged. This handy mini blade is great for trimming eyebrows, as well as removing unwanted facial hair, especially if you find handling tweezers tricky.

    Close-up of reviewer's razor showing the peach fuzz it removed
    Another reviewer holding a cotton pad with a large ball of peach fuzz they shaved from their face

    Promising review: "Just used this amazing little razor on my face for the first time and I am hooked! I am 58 years old and battle the peach fuzz especially on my lip and chin....this was super easy and effective! The exfoliation alone is fantastic! Grab some of these for your beauty arsenal!" —Cisami

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $5.94 (also available in a nine-pack).

    18. A lightweight primer so you can apply your makeup to a smooth, even surface and have it stay all day. It's made with green tea extract and collagen to protect and moisturize the skin.

    Asian reviewer showing off their poreless-looking makeup
    Reviewer with dark skin with beautiful makeup over the primer

    Promising review: "I won! This primer not only has a pleasant, light, and delicate smell, but it actually works very well too. I have a really oily T-zone and and really dry aging skin everywhere else. Somehow this primer seemed to do whatever my skin needed to keep the makeup in place. I live in a very humid, sub-tropical climate so finding a primer that holds up in nearly 100% humidity is amazing! I had two events to attend two nights in a row and they both lasted too long....hours! My makeup looked as good at the end of the night as it looked when I first put it on and set it that morning. It also made my skin feel so soft. I've been wearing it most of the time without adding any makeup and it really improves the look of my 64-year-old skin. Try it. I think you'll be as pleasantly surprised as I have been." —JanJan

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    19. An eye primer to ensure your flawless smokey eye isn't ruined by your chronically oily eyelids on a night out.

    reviewer at 8:30 a.m. showing off their eye makeup
    the same reviewer at 6:30 p.m. showing their eye makeup still looks the s

    Promising review: "I feel so stupid...I'm 65 years old and have always been annoyed by the fact that by mid-afternoon, my upper lids would be oily, shiny and sporting a stripe from my eye liner. I didn't think there was a cure. Then stumbled upon the idea of using a primer/foundation designed for the eyelids. What? How BRILLIANT!! Who would have thought? I dipped my toe into the water and purchased one tube of the Thank Me Later Eye Shadow Primer. I don't use eye shadow on my lids, but I do use it as a liner on my lower lashes. (I add water to compressed eye shadow and put it on my skin with a sponge-end pencil thing). This stuff ROCKS!! At the end of a hot Texas day, my lids are still as fresh and dry as they were at 6 a.m. And it only takes a pinhead-sized drop to cover one entire lid from lashes to eyebrow, with enough left to cover the lower lid area as well. It's creamy, but dries very quickly. Awesome! The only thing that keeps this product from being 100% perfect is that it has a chemical smell when you first put it on...BUT...after a few minutes, the smell is gone and my eye makeup looks impeccable for 12+ hours. Obviously, I highly recommend this product. They've found a lifetime customer with me." —ShortieTX

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    20. A splurge-worthy iS Clinical serum for folks who aren't here to play around. Its powerful blend of pharmaceutical grade botanicals — like mushroom extract (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties), bilberry (cleanses, tightens, and nourishes), and arbutin (brightens) — may help give you a glowier, younger-looking complexion.

    model holding the blue dropper bottle

    Promising review: "I have been using this stuff for almost two years. I know it has made a huge difference in my skin. I get many compliments on my skin and I am 58 years old. My hairdresser said I have the skin of a 25-year-old. It has minimal lines, no pores, and is smooth and tight. I would highly recommend this serum. With that said, I also lead a very clean lifestyle and have for many years. I'm sure this helps with the condition of my skin." —Kindle Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $88+ (available in two sizes).

    21. A cruelty free vitamin C serum that'll give your skin a much-needed pick-me-up. Just listen to the 51,000+ people who gave it a 5-star review: this stuff brightens, softens, and dramatically fades hyperpigmentation.

    A reviewer with dark skin showing the serum lightened the acne scars on their forehead and cheeks until they were basically gone
    Progression photos showing redness and acne on reviewer's cheeks is reduced on day 2 and day 4

    Promising review: "This serum is just as amazing as everyone says it is. I am 67 years old, and I have light melasma on both of my cheekbones. I have done *everything* to get rid of it (microdermabrasion, other serums, clarisonic exfoliation, and on and on ad nauseam). I wear SPF 50–70 on my face 365 days a year, and I've done that for decades. I also drink a lot of water. It looked as good as it was going to get. Now, my skin looks even better, and the melasma has never been lighter. Overall, my skin tone just looks very even and smooth. Every morning when I look in the mirror at my face, I marvel at how smooth it looks for my age. This is such a terrific product. I just finished my first bottle and I'm on to my second one!" —Rabid Reader

    Get it from Amazon for $21.50+ (available in two sizes and a two-pack).

    22. A cruelty-free lengthening mascara because you're tired of mascaras that don't live up to their promises. This one won't let you down — I promise! It's lightweight, won't transfer, doesn't smudge, and lasts all day. Consider your expectations exceeded!

    before and after showing the mascara made their light lashes visible and lengthened
    Reviewer showing off their fluffy, full-looking lashes

    Promising review: "I am 68 years old and have been using makeup for 52 of those years. I have tried many mascaras over those years, from inexpensive to very expensive. I cannot say that I have ever been really happy with the results. I had reached the point where I thought that, it does not matter the cost, they are pretty much all the same. This changed my mind. I put on two coats and it made my lashes look so thick. If I did not know better, I would think that I had on false eyelashes. I used baby shampoo, as I always do and I always lather with the baby shampoo twice, to remove the mascara, and it came off easily. I will look no more for a new mascara. I cannot imagine a mascara better than this." —Piaget

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    23. Or a splurge-worthy tube of Stila mascara if you're dreaming of a formula that doesn't flake, fade, or streak again. 

    buzzfeed writer's face with one set of eyelashes with no product on and the other wearing the mascara looking longer and darker
    Jasmin Sandal / BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed editor Jasmin Sandal (that's her above!) loves this stuff. In her own words:

    "I don't think I ever knew the true meaning of wide-awake eyes until I armed myself with this mascara from Stila. Let's just start with the look and feel of it: It comes in a weighty gold tube — so you already know you're about to experience something special — and the applicator is curved in the center with just the right amount of product on it. Clearly from my experience, you can tell the obvious difference between the with and without — and, TBH, the 'without' has been my general M.O. during these recent times. But that has all changed thanks to this lash extension in a tube! Not only do my eyelashes appear thicker, but the length is just truly phenomenal. I feel like a brand-new, less-tired-looking woman any time I apply a lick of this!

    Promising review: "BEST mascara ever!!! I’m asked all the time if my eyelashes are real or if they are mine. Keep in mind I am 57 years old! This makes my lashes look lush and long and healthy." —KC (Houston,TX)

    Get it from Amazon for $26.

    24. A Stila waterproof eyeliner so you can create precise and dramatic wings that won't budge through humidity, sweat, and tears.

    reviewer wearing the black eyeliner
    another reviewer with more dramatic winged eyeliner

    Promising reviews: "I had never used a liquid eyeliner before this one. I'm 68 years old and was a little hesitant to try a liquid. I love it. It is so easy to apply. I can get a thin line so I don't look overly made up. Love it." —D'Angelee

    "This is the best liquid eye liner I've ever used. I'm 40+ years old and I've tried a lot of them. I have oily eyelids (yep, I admit it). Crayon eyeliners and even other liquid eye liners always ended up smudged by midday and I would look like a panda bear. Plus, when I was using other liners, I always wondered why it was that my eyes would be so red and itchy every day. Since Stila, that all went away. It's pricey, yes, but for me, it's the only one." —Cecelia

    Get it from Amazon for $24 (available in eight shades and three styles).

    25. Or a winged eyeliner stamp to achieve matching cat-eyes in seconds. Just stamp the wings and use the liner pen on the other end to connect it to your inner corner. That's eyeliner done for the day!

    reviewer with cat eye liner applied with the stamp
    another reviewer showing off their crisp winged liner

    Promimsing review: "I am a 50-year-old woman who is ridiculous about trying out new makeup trends. I have been wearing my eyeliner winged since my teen years, and although I have gotten pretty good at applying my wings, I always seem to have one thicker than the other, or at an odd angel, most likely due to my eyes not being perfectly even. So when I saw a review of this product, I thought, what the heck, I will try it. Well, ladies (and guys who wear liner), this winged liner set is one of the best purchases I have ever made in the cosmetic world. It is so simple and I can't believe how quickly I was able to give myself the absolutely, flawless wings! If eyes could fly....worth every penny." —Molly A. Kasdan

    Get it from Amazon for $14.97 (available in three sizes and a combo pack).

    26. A box of pore-tightening, skin-lifting face masks that'll truly terrify you, first because you'll look like a zombie once you've applied it, and second because it's so darn effective at reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

    Promising review: "At 60 years old I have tried SO MANY products...anything short of surgery to lift and tighten my face. Around the age of 57 my pores became larger and larger. I tried product after product and spent hundreds trying to find that fountain of youth. There is nothing like going into a store with sales people younger than my grandchildren telling me what I'm doing 'wrong' with my skin care regime. They had never seen a wrinkle in their lives. I thought I would give this face mask a shot. I mean what did I have to lose? Immediate results! I couldn't believe it! My pores were small; my face was different...and in a good I can't believe my skin looks so good. I'm so excited. I had to write a review. I don't think you'll be sorry if you decide to try this. I know I sure wasn't!" —Judi Bragg

    Get a box of eight masks from Amazon for $24.99 (also available in a 16-pack).

    27. A beloved tightening cream because the 20,000+ reviewers who rated it 5 stars is all the proof you need. It's infused with caffeine, coconut oil, and guarana extract to firm, smooth, and add shimmer to the skin. Plus the vanilla, salted caramel, and pistachio scent is better than any perfume out there.

    before photo of a 60-year-old reviewer's legs and cellulite on their thighs
    after photo of the same reviewer showing their leg skin is much tighter and the cellulite is basically gone

    Promising review: "I am 60 and notice that no matter how much diet and exercise I do, I could not get rid of the cellulite on my legs. I started using this product six weeks ago and can noticeably see a difference. I apply morning and evening, before bed for optimal results. It goes on smooth and has a creamy, non-sticky feel. The smell is dreamy, and even my husband has commented on the improvement. Make sure you apply in a circular motion for optimal coverage, absorption and circulation." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $22+ (available in two sizes).

    28. Embryolisse, a cult-favorite French moisturizing cream if you getting your money's worth. It's designed to hydrate, protect, soothe, and nourish your skin. (It's been with you after all these years, so give it the pampering it deserves.) Makeup artists also use it as a primer, so consider this a 2-for-1 value purchase.

    Promising review: "So far I am loving this lotion. I put in on every morning under my makeup and it leaves my face perfectly moisturized all day long. I also noticed I use less foundation because it’s so moisturizing. I don’t believe there is any miracle moisturize that will ever get rid of our crows feet, laugh lines, neck sagging, etc. but this moisturizer helps reduce the look of these problems as long as they’re not deep surface. I’m 68 years old and never was someone who was a 'sun worshipper' and, fortunately, stopped smoking in 1980 after smoking for 15 years. Those two things do a lot of damage to your skin, so to all young women reading this who are doing these two things, take it from me, if you want to retain healthy, youthful skin, stop these too harmful habits. Use sunscreen when you are in the sun and use moisturizer now. Embryolisse seems to be a good place to start!" —Janet Cahill

    Get it from Amazon for $16+ (available in two sizes and a two-pack).

    29. La Roche-Posay acne treatment cream so you can fight breakouts with a concentrated formula of 5.5% benzoyl peroxide and exfoliating LHA (lipohydroxy acid) to lift away dead skin and pore-clogging debris.

    before photo of a reviewer with breakouts on their cheek
    after photo of the same reviewer with cheeks that are acne free and smooth-looking

    Promising reviews: "This is the only thing that keeps my acne at bay. I’m almost 60 years old and still suffer. Have used OTC and prescription meds of every kind since about age 30. As long as I use this and am religious about washing my face, I stay pretty clear. It’s never caused irritation or excessive drying." —Lilly G

    "I've been using this product for several years, and I've never been disappointed. It diminishes pimples gently over a few days, and my skin never gets flaky or dry. For reference I'm 46 with oily skin, but my skin can get dry using regular benzoyl peroxide. In addition, if left to its own devices, my face will break out with cystic acne. Not a lot, but enough. This product keeps it smooth and pimples to a minimum. I know, because when I run out and try to use something else to save money, I inevitably break out once again." —josephine517

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in two sizes).

    30. A Maybelline concealer to mask dark circles and reduce under-eye puffiness (because what is sleep?). This may be what feels like the millionth Monday you've woken up wishing it was still the weekend, but at least you'll look fresh, well-rested, and ready to take on the day.

    Reviewer with dark under-eye bags
    The same reviewer wearing the concealer, which has brightened the under-eye area

    Promising review: "Best under eye concealer ever. I am 67 years old and have tried them alI. I wouldn't go out without applying this concealer. It blends nicely with my foundation and has never caked. The sponge applicator is soft and makes application quick and easy. I will continue to use this product and hope, like many products I've used over the years, that it doesn't get discontinued." —Morty

    Get it from Amazon for $8.60+ (available in 14 shades).

    Check out my colleague's Maybelline's Instant Age Rewind Concealer review and learn why it's her favorite.

    31. An acne patch for those days when a pimple pops up at the *worst* possible moment. Hydrocolloid, tea tree oil, and calendula oil are gentle on the skin while still drawing out fluids and pus from your pimple.

    Reviewer photo of square acne patch that is filled with pimple discharge
    Reviewer photo of cheeks with dark red acne scars and breakouts
    Same reviewer's cheeks, which are now a more even skin tone and free of almost all breakouts

    Promising review: "These are the best. I’m 65 years old and still experience frequent breakouts. Pop on one of these and your zit heals in half the time. The package has several different sizes so you can use really small ones for average pimples or on small places like the tip of your nose. It also comes with big ones for those zits that look like a light in the middle of your forehead. They’re practically invisible so you can wear them during the day." —Terry L. Burgess

    Get 40 round patches from Amazon for $8.49 (also available in XL square patches and in an 80-pack).

    32. Verb hair oil that'll gift your hair with a weightless blend of moringa seed oil, bamboo extract, and argan oil that simultaneously moisturizes, strengthens, and adds shine while leaving behind a light, fresh scent (because no one needs to know this is third-day hair).

    BuzzFeed editor holding the spray bottle in her hand
    BuzzFeed editor showing that the oil has helped reduce frizz and made her hair look sleek and shiny
    Alice Prendergast / BuzzFeed

    My colleague Alice Prendergast (pictured above) loves this bad boy. In her own words:

    "When I bleached my hair, it was completely busted. It broke every time I brushed it and basically looked like one of those tumbleweeds you see in an old western movie every time I blow-dried it — until I found this. It's thicker than most oils (a bit lighter than the consistency of gel) and combs through hair like a dream. It packs in moisture like nobody's business and also smells freaking amazing."

    Promising review: "I have shoulder-length hair that is frizzy without product. This product is the best I have ever used in my 56 years. If I put it on damp hair and blow-dry, my hair looks great and bouncy. If I use my flat-iron after blow-drying, it stays smooth, even on rainy days." —delenbaas

    Get it from Amazon for $20+ (available in two sizes and a two-pack).

    Not convinced? Check out another BuzzFeed writer's Verb Ghost Oil review (#5) for more deets!

    33. Sunday Riley Luna because it's a skincare hero you shouldn't sleep on — OK, actually, you're supposed to wear it overnight, but you know what I mean! It's a retinol oil that plumps your skin, reduces redness and fine lines, and makes your skin feel oh so soft.

    hand using a dropper bottle to drop the blue liquid into a palm

    Promising review: "I have fair, dry, sensitive skin along with pustular rosacea. I am VERY careful with everything I put on my skin, hair, and face. I have my day routine and products locked in — but I was struggling to find products for my nighttime routine. I just turned 50 and have been struggling with how to use and which retinol to use with my rosacea. I read some great reviews about this, and although I was a little skeptical due to the color and the fragrance (two things my skin does not normally like) I decided to give it a shot. I feel like my skin smiles and thanks me when I apply this! In the colder, drier months I do apply a moisturizer on top of the oil after I have given it a little time to absorb. My skin has NEVER looked or felt this good. Bright, glowy, smooth, and the fine lines and wrinkles are looking smoother and softer. And NOT a single ROSACEA outbreak. Of course I wish that this was a little more financially friendly, but a little goes a long way and I am so happy with this product that I know I will be purchasing it over and over." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $55+ (available in two sizes).

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.