People Who've Recovered From Burnout At Work Are Sharing How They Did It, And It's So Helpful

    "Therapy, meditation, and screaming into the void have helped."

    These days, it seems like more and more of us are feeling if not burnt out, then at least extra crispy. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, nearly three out of five workers felt negative effects of work stress in the last year, including loss of motivation and fatigue.

    Stressed office worker covering her eyes in pain

    Recently, people shared their personal subtle signs and red flags that they're experiencing burnout. And for a lot of us, it was way too relatable. So I asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share what's helped them cope with and heal from burnout at work. Here's what they had to say:

    1. Exploring other options can give you a boost, even if you're not quite ready to quit.

    2. And if you're physically uncomfortable all day while you work, a more ergonomic setup can truly work wonders.

    Man holding his lower back in pain

    3. Therapy and medication (if appropriate for you) can be so life-changing.

    Illustration of a hand untangling a string inside a woman's head

    4. And do aaaaaaaaaaall of the self-care things that you love to do.

    5. It's totally normal and okay if it takes some time for you to feel better.

    6. Find ways to incorporate things that make you happy into your workday, like listening to your favorite music or squeezing in a workout.

    Woman taking a break listening to headphones

    7. Take lots of quick breaks throughout the day to let your mind just rest.

    8. If you're a bookworm, getting lost in one of your favorite series can get your mind off work like nothing else.

    Woman reading a book while drinking her morning coffee

    9. Whatever you do, don't keep all those negative thoughts and feelings locked inside. Reach out to someone and share what's up with you.

    10. Spend some time with a relaxing hobby like baking, crafting, or gardening.

    11. And spending time with pets can be another great way to recharge.

    12. If your workplace is generally a healthy place to be, you might benefit from opening up about your mental health at work.

    13. Plan a vacation or a staycation, and use your PTO to recharge.

    Woman hanging out in her backyard with a book, a cat, and a glass of wine

    14. Engaging with your senses can also be super relaxing.

    15. Don't take work home with you, if you can avoid it.

    Stressed out woman working late at home

    16. Close your laptop, lock up your phone, and spend some time in a screen-free zone.

    17. If you're working lots of extra hours, find a way to cut them down — even if it means looking for a new job.

    18. If you can, consider taking time out of the workforce for education or other opportunities.

    Students taking a test in a university

    19. Finally, remember that no matter how stuck you feel, you can always leave.

    Is there something else that's helped with your burnout? Tell us all about it in the comments.

    And for more stories about work and money, check out the rest of our personal finance posts