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I Will Literally Faint From Shock If You've Done Less Than 25% Of These Burnout-Inducing Work Things

Rising and grinding myself into dust.

People are talking a lot about the problems with hustle culture these days. Hustle culture is a mindset that values work and productivity over all other aspects of life. Even if you haven’t heard the term before, you're probably already familiar with hustle culture. The working world (especially in America) is riddled with messages that encourage us to work constantly, monetize every minute, and never. Stop. Grinding.

But guess what? We're entering year three of a pandemic, and people are TIRED. Rates of work-related burnout have been on the rise, and workers in all kinds of jobs are feeling it. From exhausted healthcare workers and teachers to retail workers and people logging in to work from home, it's been a trying time for all of us.

So, it's truly a great time to examine the messages and behaviors that add up to create hustle culture. And hopefully, this conversation can help us all rebalance our relationships with work. So, with that in mind, take the quiz below to see how many toxic hustle culture things you've done: