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  • Best of Australia 2015 badge

19 Of The Totally Random Dudes Everyone Was So Thirsty For In 2015

Bring on the thirst of January 2016.

1. That babe behind Jake Tapper at the GOP debate.

2. Brock O'Hurn and his royally great manbun.

3. Actually a LOT of brilliantly hot dudes with manbuns.

4. The incredibly hot Doctor Mike and his insanely adorable husky, Roxy.

5. Basically a ton of super hot medical professionals...

🎶 Let's get a physical, physical. I wanna get a physicaaaaal... 🎶

6. ...aaaaand don't forget hot teachers.

He could teach me how to French IYKWIM.

7. Also the SMOKIN' Italian calculus teacher / model.

8. Or THIS calculus teacher who put the hot in "Hotline Bling" for Halloween.

9. There was Logan the tasty travellin' tradie.

10. This handsome dude that got even hotter when he adopted a tiny puppy.

11. The mega hot cameraman who accidentally stole the show from Australia's latest Prime Minister.

12. Speaking of which... Australia's PM, Malcolm "Daddy" Turnbull had quite the year.

13. Not to be outdone, Canada stepped up the game with Trudeau.

14. Speaking of dads, this LITERAL father/son duo.

15. There was this tasty AF bean curd salesman in Taiwan.

16. This super hot guy that looked like 1D's Liam and Zayn had a baby.

17. The dude that voiced Arnold from Hey Arnold! who grew up to be more like "haaay Arnold".

18. Ethan, the wet weather warrior.

19. Oh yeah, and this sexy-ass Gorilla.

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