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15 Things Americans Don't Realize Are Weird About College In The US

I have so many questions.

1. Sharing a dorm room.

2. And living on campus.

3. The fact that you can't legally drink for the first couple of years of college.

4. How swanky your college rec centers are.

5. How much people care about college sports when they're in college.

6. And how much they still care about it once they've left college.

7. The absurd size of some of your stadiums.

8. The whole concept of fraternities and sororities.

9. That weird door choreography they do.

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This deserves its own point because IT'S SO BIZARRE. What is this? WHY is this??

10. The fact that secret societies actually exist.

11. The way the students dress for Halloween.

12. The fact that so many of your campuses are in the middle of nowhere in towns that revolve entirely around college life.

13. All the college gear.

14. The fact that you have to pay so much for your education.

15. And the fact that you can study Buffy in college.