17 Bad Christmas Movies People Absolutely Love, And 14 Popular Christmas Movies People Actually Hate

    "The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of the worst movies I've ever seen."

    A while back, we wrote a post where the BuzzFeed Community shared the popular Christmas movies they actually hate. On another post, they shared the "worst" Christmas movies they truly love.

    Here are some of the most surprising responses:

    1. Hated: The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

    Jack Skellington in "The Nightmare Before Christmas"

    2. Loved: The Princess Switch (2018)

    Vanessa Hudgens plays two women who look identical in "The Princess Switch"

    3. Hated: Home Alone (1990)

    Young Macaulay Culkin as Kevin McCallister in "Home Alone"

    4. Loved: The Polar Express (2004)

    Two characters from "The Polar Express" open a gift box that has a bell

    5. Hated: Love Actually (2003)

    Keira Knightley in the iconic "Love Actually" note card scene

    6. Loved: Bad Santa (2003)

    A miserable-looking Santa with a kid on his lap

    7. Hated: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

    The Grinch talks to young Cindy Lou

    8. Loved: Every Hallmark Christmas Movie

    A couple have a deep conversation outside during a Hallmark Christmas movie

    9. Hated: Elf (2003)

    Will Ferrell in "Elf" screams during a doctor's visit

    10. Loved: Christmas With the Kranks (2004)

    Jamie Lee Curtis screams while being dragged away in "Christmas With the Kranks"

    11. Also Loved: A Christmas Horror Story (2015)

    George Buza plays an edgier-looking Santa in the movie

    12. Hated: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964)

    Three reindeer, including Rudolph, look happy outside

    13. Loved: The Christmas Prince (2017)

    Prince Richard and Amber have a conversation at a ball

    14. And Loved: A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding

    Prince Richard and Amber look surprised in a room decorated for Christmas

    15. Also Loved: A Princess for Christmas (2011)

    Characters from "A Princess for Christmas" are dressed up, as if for a ball

    16. Hated: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)

    Clark Griswold wears a Santa suit and stands near a Christmas tree

    17. Loved: The Mistle-Tones (2012)

    Tori Spelling dances with a group of women in "The Mistle-Tones"

    18. Hated: The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

    Kermit, Miss Piggy, and Tiny Tim as "Christmas Carol" characters

    19. Loved: A Very Brady Christmas (1988)

    A bunch of the Brady members stand together, looking surprised

    20. Hated: A Christmas Story (1983)

    The iconic scene where Flick gets his tongue stuck on a frozen pole outside

    21. Loved: Deck the Halls (2006)

    Danny DeVito rides a sleigh in "Deck the Halls"

    22. Hated: The Holiday (2006)

    Jude Law and Cameron Diaz play lovers in "The Holiday"

    23. Loved: A Christmas Wedding Date (2012)

    A couple looks at each other lovingly in "A Christmas Wedding Date"

    24. Hated: It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

    "It's a Wonderful Life" characters pose together for a sweet family moment

    25. Loved: Snowglobe (2007)

    Angela looks longingly at a snow globe while laying in bed

    26. Hated: Home Alone 3, 4, and 5

    Young Alex, the new kid in "Home Alone 3"

    27. Loved: A Mom for Christmas (1990)

    A family poses together for the holidays in "A Mom for Christmas"

    28. Hated: Die Hard (1988)

    Bruce Willis holds a shotgun in "Die Hard"

    29. Loved: All I Want for Christmas (1991)

    Ethan Embry and Thora Birch have a conversation in "All I Want for Christmas"

    30. Hated: Miracle on 34th Street (1947)

    A young girl hugs Santa in "Miracle on 34th Street"

    31. And Finally, Loved: 12 Dates of Christmas (2011)

    A couple about to kiss in "12 Dates of Christmas"

    Any Christmas movies you'd add to either list? Let us know in the comments below!

    Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.