• Canada 150 badge

People Are Roasting This Manspready Justin Trudeau Magazine Cover

"Please, Mr. Trudeau was my father. Call me Justin."

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is on the cover of Delta's in-flight magazine, Sky — all manspready and casual.

Such as a try-hard substitute teacher who tells you Mr. Trudeau was his dad — call him Justin.

"You know who else was basically a rapper? Shakespeare," the sub said, settling into the backwards chair. "And you… https://t.co/GEDTV9z5sN

Amirite, fellow youth?

"Cash Money Records, eh fellow teens? You know there's another fun thing called Cash-For-Access, ever heard of that… https://t.co/LrA53dViht

It's almost too easy.

Class, throw away your textbooks, I'm the cool sub... https://t.co/0xjl9ccTBB

@Slade "Don't call me Mr Trudeau, call me Justin. Or J-Dog."

So nonchalant.

So Backstreet Boys circa 1999.


People also couldn't help but notice how nicely framed the prime ministerial crotch is.

Framing "prime time" around his spread-eagle crotch is just bad framing. Or is it genius... https://t.co/0EFzuQ5PRq

Like, are we just going to ignore this?

And, as usual, people enjoyed it all far too much.

Hold on, I thought SMOKIN' was not allowed on any Delta flights https://t.co/N1AVgKkH5S