16 Confusing Storylines And Seasons That Basically Ruined People's Favorite Shows

    "The last season of Game of Thrones reads like a high schooler who forgot they had a huge term paper due the next day."

    Recently, I wrote about TV show plotlines that felt like the writers were running out of ideas. In the comments, the BuzzFeed Community shared more examples of nonsensical TV storylines and seasons.

    Here are 16 confusing storylines and seasons that basically ruined people's favorite shows:

    Warning: Spoilers ahead!

    Some responses have been edited for length/clarity.

    1. "The writers pushing Damon and Elena so hard on Vampire Diaries. They listened to loud fans and basically forgot about the first four seasons so they could force Damon and Elena to be soulmates."

    "Then to push Stefan and Caroline made more sense. He told her in Season 1 it would never happen, then she became a best friend, like Lexi, and it was wonderful. It should’ve stayed that way. So frustrating."


    elena and damon kissing by a pool table

    2. "The last season of Game of Thrones. So much of what happened negated other storylines, and some characters did things that made absolutely no sense for them."

    "Arya killing the Night King and Sansa being the Queen of the North were the only good things."


    group staring up at the sky

    "The last season of GoT reads like a high schooler who forgot they had a huge term paper due the next day."


    "Shh. We don't talk about the last season of GoT. It was all a terrible fever dream."


    3. "What about Gossip Girl? The writers admitted they had no clue who Gossip Girl was gonna be and switched up whoever it was supposed to be while the show was airing."

    "They even changed their minds when fans were too convinced someone was Gossip Girl (for example people were once very sure Eric was GG so the writers scrapped that solution)."


    character typing on a laptop

    4. "How could Supernatural not make this list? I love that show, but it jumps the shark around Season 5 (when Sam and Dean fight against their destinies to become the vessels of Lucifer and the Archangel Michael) and becomes completely unwatchable in Season 11 (when they battle the Darkness, a force older than death and God)."


    closeup of the two characters talking to each other

    "It should have ended at Season 5. Dean was out of hunting and living a happy life. Sam sacrificed himself and died. End of show. Perfect wrap-up."


    "That show was five seasons of plot long, and then they started it over. How many times can the world/universe/existence end?

    (*silently tucks Doctor Who away and tells them to sit there quietly*)"


    5. "Twin Peaks after Laura Palmer's killer was revealed. It descended into soap opera territory."


    people around a hospital bed as someone sits up with a bandaged stomach

    6. "I didn't enjoy when they added more Slayers on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The whole Slayerettes things was too much, and an instant turn off (literally) for me."


    people standing around in a living room

    7. "Charmed Season 5 [which involved a mermaid, an evil Prince Charming, and a Leprechaun] and beyond... It was a shit party."


    three characters in a wrecked living room

    8. "The current season (Season 6) of Rick and Morty (which opened with Rick and Morty stranded in space and has evolved into the sudden return of Earth's old rulers). WTF is going on? It's completely un-canon."


    the cartoon holding a glass of wine

    9. "I love James Spader, so I watched The Blacklist. I had to give up a couple of years ago because the plot had turned into an absolute shit show. I can’t even remember who Red’s really supposed to be anymore."


    man sitting on a couch

    10. "The first three seasons of Arrested Development are hilarious and so good, but I've never been able to finish Season 4 (when each episode retold the story of the past six years from an individual Bluth's storyline instead of presenting the entire plot chronologically), no matter how many times I try."


    two men standing in a house looking confused

    11. "All of Euphoria was 100% made up as it went along LOL."


    closeup of two characters in a bathroom

    12. "Fringe. The first seasons were fantastic, but I can’t stand the final season. Maybe they had those plans for the Observers all along, and that wasn’t just the writers running out of ideas, but I hate the time jump to a dystopian nightmare world ruled by the Observers."

    "When I started watching Fringe, I loved the premise: FBI agents and scientists team up to catch the bad guys in weird cases using fringe science. Great characters, great stories, and great television. I did not sign up for dystopian sci-fi. Plus, the finale ruined the whole setup of the show!"


    man and woman standing outside and looking ahead

    13. "Heroes should've been a limited series. It came just before the influx of limited series on streaming services and had a nearly flawless first season (Season 2 was criticized for undoing a lot of Season 1's development, such as making Peter Petrelli lose his memory and recycling the apocalypse plotline)."


    man standing in a room

    "Heroes was so good and then it was a car crash. Super disappointing."


    14. "I'm not generally a fan of retcons, but in this case, I hope they retcon the hell out of the whole Timeless Child thing on Doctor Who (when the Thirteenth Doctor found out she was not a Time Lord from Gallifrey but a mysterious being who had a bunch of past regenerations she didn't remember)."

    "They should just have it be something the Master cooked up. I've been watching for years, and yes, the show does have to change and develop, but this was not successful at all. [As an actually good example,] the adding of the War Doctor was a HUGE gamechanger, but it was done so well that it made sense."


    closeup of two characters staring ahead

    15. "Season 1 of Riverdale was intriguing, a mystery. Season 2 was eh, but Betty’s pole dance scene sealed the deal. No more, thanks."

    "I find amusement when I stumble upon Riverdale storylines online though — like, whaaaat?"


    closeup of Betty holding the pole

    16. And finally: "Pretty Little Liars should have topped this [original] list. After Season 3 (when Big A stole the game from the original A), it was so obvious they were making stuff up just to milk as much as they could out of the show for as long as possible."

    "I quit watching because it got so ridiculous and jumped the shark so many times."


    crowd of people behind a police tape

    "The entirety of Pretty Little Liars made it very obvious that they were just making it up as they went along and creating shit that wasn’t the case for the sake of SHOCK."


    "They should have stuck to the books!"


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