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15 Gross Roommate Stories That Will Make You Want To Look For A Studio Apartment ASAP

""We decided to kick him out after discovering his collection of used condoms under the bed."

1. "The toilet got clogged one time, and the guy thought it would be okay to take a dump in a bag and throw it in the bathroom trash can."

2. "She was allergic to menstrual pads and would wash her bloody panties IN THE BATHROOM SINK. When I would go to brush my teeth, I'd see drops of blood everywhere."

3. "The girl had left a ROAST CHICKEN in her closet."

4. "I shared a room in a boarding house with a girl who never bathed. What's worse is that she was always scratching her vag, taking stuff out of it, and wiping it on the wall and on the furniture."

5. "In order to avoid complaints that she wasn't washing dishes, she would keep dirty dishes in her closet."

6. "There was a cardboard box on the floor from the move, and he decided to just sweep around the box."

7. "My roommate had gone five days without showering, when normally she would go one or two days."

8. "Everyone has shared a dorm with somebody who would make 'cotton candy' in the rice cooker."

9. "I went to pee in the dark because I was too lazy to turn the light on. When I went to lift the toilet seat, I got my hand wet from pee."

10. "We decided to kick him out after discovering his collection of used condoms under the bed."

11. "Only those who have seen a rotten potato up close will know the horror I experienced."

12. "The final straw was when she ruined one of my boots that I hadn't lent to her, plus I caught her using my roll-on deodorant!!!!"

13. "She would eat sweet potato and eggs every day, three times a day."

14. "The dishes they used would sit in the sink for WEEKS to the point where mold would go from white to pink to green to black and then would fade away... in other words, THE MOLD DIED!"

15. "During the 4 months we lived together, he NEVER washed his clothes."

This post was created based on eyewitness testimony from readers of the BuzzFeed Brasil Facebook group. Statements may have been edited and translated for clarity and length.

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This post was translated from Portuguese.