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    30 Ingenious Products You'll Wish You'd Ordered Long, Long Ago

    A rotating towel rack, a portable water bottle designed for dogs, and other useful things you'll be telling alllll your friends about.

    1. A transparent mouse and memo pad so you'll always have your to-do list ~on hand~ when you're at your desk.

    Model shows the different parts of the memo pad under the transparent mouse pad

    2. A doorstop with a built-in security alarm that'll 1) emit a loud, high-pitched sound when door pressure is applied and 2) prevent the door from opening or being pushed in. The alarm is loud enough to wake and alert the homeowner and possibly even neighbors so you can feel extra secure, and the whole device is tiny and portable so you can bring it with you when you travel too.

    The doorstop under a closed door

    3. A slim webcam sliding cover that makes it easy to jump from privacy-mode straight into a video call so you can stop taking that old, worn out Post-it Note on and off of the lens every time you have to hop into a meeting. Plus, it's thinner than a credit card, so it won't keep your laptop from closing all the way.

    4. A wine purifier — it removes histamines and sulfites (aka HEADACHE INGREDIENTS) from red, white, or sparkling vino. Just swirl it around in your glass before drinking to help alleviate wine-induced headaches and hangovers! And don't worry, it won't change the taste or the color, so even wine connoisseurs can enjoy using it. In fact, it's also a great way to restore opened, oxidized wine to its natural state so you can save the rest of that bottle you thought was gonna go to waste.

    5. A set of Bond Touch bracelets to help you and loved ones stay connected even when you're far apart. When you touch your bracelet, no matter where they are, they'll feel a vibration on their's to let them know you're thinking about them <3

    Reviewer wearing the bracelet

    6. A leakproof pet water bottle that makes it easy to keep your pooch hydrated on walks or long drives. The top even seals shut so you can throw it in your bag without worrying about spills.

    A little dog drinking from the water bottle

    7. A portable, cordless electric razor — it's the perfect compact option to travel with. You can use it on both wet *and* dry skin, and the blades are specially designed to capture hair at all angles while preventing cuts and avoiding skin irritation.

    Reviewer holding the small, portable, cordless electric razor

    8. A super cool faux book display that's secretly hollow so you can use it to hide ugly cords and cables that don't really fit with the aesthetic of your space.

    Four photos which show how from the front, the display looks like a stack of books but from the back it&#x27;s actually empty

    9. A cruelty-free Glossier eyebrow gel for anyone who wants an easy and amazingly effective way to thicken, fluff, fill in, and groom their brows *without* them getting stiff and flaky. All it takes is one quick swipe to make everyone jealous of your eyebrows, thanks to the tinted gel formula and mascara-like wand!

    Model applies the gel to eyebrow
    Closeup of a model's eyebrows before and after using the gel, showing how much thicker and fulled in it makes them.

    Promising review: "I’ve always wanted something mild to enhance my brows as my hair is dirty blond and my eyebrows are thin/light. This product is PERFECT! I used the blond color and it is the perfect shade for everyday use along with wearing it to go out. Extremely happy with this purchase!" —Kim

    Get it from Glossier or Sephora for $17 (available in seven shades).

    Check out one BuzzFeeder's full review of the Glossier brow gel.

    10. A portable paw washer that'll help you keep your pup from tracking mud all around your home after walks and potty time. The inside bristles are super soft, so your pooch won't mind the lil' paw massage, and the whole thing is easily portable so you can bring it to the dog park to keep your car from getting trashed on the way home.

    A dog dipping their visibly dirty paws into the paw washer and showing how clean they are after

    11. And some waterproof dog shoes to protect your puppers from irritating their paws. The shoes expand to fit their specific paw size and have two adjustable and reflective straps to ensure a tight fit.

    12. An amazingly effective, fume-free oven cleaner that'll tear through years and years of baked-on crud so all you have to do is easily wipe it clean.

    Before and after photo of a visibly dirty oven that looks perfectly clean after using the cleaner

    13. An Ecotools makeup-removing shampoo to make your dirty brushes, applicators, and sponges look like the day they were just born instead of being covered in a bunch of leftover residue you'd rather not rub all over your face.

    The visibly dark and dirty makeup sponge before using the shampoo and the same sponge visibly cleaner and its original color

    14. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner if you're looking for a hands-off solution that'll banish the foul odor coming from your sink so you don't have to get up close and personal with last week's rotting veggies. This stuff will bubble and fizz through the grime while you just stand back and wish you'd gotten it sooner.

    Here's all you have to you do: Run some hot water, pop one of the packets in your disposal, let it foam, then wait for the foam to fully disappear. Garbage disposal = clean and odor free.

    Promising review: "Works like a charm! These are pretty cool! I was a little skeptical but I followed the easy-to-use directions and it worked just like the product said it would. Foamed up and cleaned the drain!! Smell removed!!" —Jennifer K

    Get two packs of four from Amazon for $9.88 (also available in bigger multipacks).

    15. A versatile clay mask to give those pores a *deep* cleansing, help clear breakouts, accelerate healing, and nourish your skin so it feels nice and refreshed. Some reviewers even use it on their hair!

    reviewer wearing the mask on their 4C hair
    reviewer with cheek breakouts before using the mask and then noticeably clearer cheeks after using the mask consistently

    P.S. this stuff works best when mixed with apple cider vinegar!

    Promising review: "I bought this because of TikTok and do not regret it. I have really sensitive skin so I was a bit skeptical at first. I used it for about the minimum time and I could not move my face. When I took it off I was shocked and worried because my entire face looked like it was burned and I had welts on my outer cheeks. If this happens to you, don’t freak out! It goes away in less than 30 minutes. The next day my acne had completely disappeared and my skin looked glowy. Normally when I do a face mask I can’t tell any difference, but with this it was super noticeable. This will be my go-to face mask from now on." —kk

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95+ (available in two sizes).

    16. A fast-acting spot-removing spray — it works so well, you won't have to go into a panic every time you have a destructive-looking spill. No rinsing or vacuuming necessary, just spray and blot, and it'll come right out!

    17. A bottle of Thayers witch hazel toner to tone and hydrate your skin with fresh-smelling rosewater, organic witch hazel extract, and soothing aloe vera. It can help keep acne under control while reducing redness and inflammation — but be sure to do a patch test before applying it to your entire face just to be on the safe side.

    18. A dip clip that attaches right to your car's air vent so you can easily squeeze a meal in on the road without spilling sauce all over the inside of your cup holder.

    Reviewer dunking a nugget into some sauce in the sauce holder

    19. Some nail and cuticle oil made from jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, and vitamin E that'll help soften cuticles and strengthen nails when used daily.

    Visibly rough nails before using the oil and the same nails looking smooth after using the oil

    20. A bidet toilet attachment because the time has come to ~bidet~ sincere farewell to fully relying on toilet paper. This attachment is easy to install (no plumber needed!), will help you cut down your TP usage, and will make you feel so much cleaner and refreshed after going #2.

    21. A sleek rotating rack so you can hang a bunch of towels in one place instead of letting them pile up on the floor.

    the rotating hanging rack towel bar mounted on a bathroom wall with linen towels hanging from several of its bars

    22. And some flat, wireless sleep headphones because trying to sleep with regular earbuds in is all fun and games until you roll over on your side. With these, you can stream audio via Bluetooth, block out external sound, and sleep much more comfortably than with tiny pieces of plastic pressing into your ears and tumbling out every time you change positions.

    Reviewer wearing the sleep headphones while laying down
    Reviewer wearing the sleep headphones while laying down

    Promising review: "I saw these on TikTok, and since I have so much trouble finding quality headphones I decided to try it. I’m very happy with the sound quality and comfort of these. I’m able to fall asleep to my music or podcast without having to limit myself to sleeping on my back or losing an ear bud in my bed in the middle of the night. It makes working out easier as well. The value is worth the quality. I would recommend." —Thunder Muffin

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in a variety of colors). 

    23. A set of decorative hinges perfect for turning even the most boring garage door into something much more charming — without breaking the bank. Plus, they're magnetic so you won't even have to bust out the drill to get them installed and looking fab.

    A plain garage door and then the same garage door with decorative hinges and windows

    24. A tube of Grip Clean perfect for anyone who works with their hands all day long and needs something a little more heavy-duty than regular soap. It's tough on grease, oil, ink, odors, and more — without relying on harsh chemicals. This stuff is made from only natural ingredients like coconut and olive oils, so even those with sensitive skin can use it regularly without winding up with dry, cracked, or irritated hands.

    A photo of really dirty hands and then the same hands looking much cleaner after using the Grip Clean

    25. And a keychain car escape tool that can cut through seat belts and break car windows because it's always better to be prepared.

    Model gripping the keychain which is hooked to the rearview mirror in a car

    26. A pop-up collapsible tent — it folds down so small, you can just sling it over your shoulder! When you're ready to use it, just pull on the cords and the tent will pop right up with *no assembly required*! It works on any surface — including grass and sand — and has a built-in zippered door in case you want a lil' privacy. Reviewers say it really holds up in wind too.

    27. A stealthy storage ottoman no one will know is secretly extra storage for blankets, toys, and anything else you don't want cluttering up your living room.

    28. An easily-washable drip catcher for anyone whose sink area is always drenched after a dishwashing session.

    drip catcher placed around kitchen sink's faucet
    the drip catcher in a variety of colors
    Hustle Sew Shop/Etsy

    Hustle Sew Shop is a small Etsy shop based in Saint Helens, Oregon.

    Promising review: "LOVE these splash catchers! They save me from having to chase the puddles that form around the base of our faucet before they start creeping over the counter. So reasonably priced, made well with neatly finished edges, and packaged with gift-ready care." —Alina

    Get it from Hustle Sew Shop on Etsy for $13.50+ (available in four sizes and six colors).

    29. Some weatherproof, battery-operated motion sensing night lights so you don't stub your toe for like the millionth time when all you wanted was a glass of water in the middle of the night. No professional installation needed — you can just stick them on!

    An LED light on the wall of a staircase
    Night lights installed on the wall where are there are no outlets
    Amazon, Amazon

    These little lights are AA battery-operated (not included, but you can grab some here) and can be stuck anywhere (just grab some Command strips!).

    Promising review: "We have a short set of steps from the house into the attached garage that have always been dark and a little hard to see clearly in certain situations. These lights have been a perfect solution. They activate quite well and at a good distance, and put out a really nice amount of light. They also seem well made. I mounted one with the adhesive strip, and one with the screws (both included) and they are equally secure. They couldn't be easier to install and use right away. My whole family appreciates them." —Driveforce

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99 (also available in a three-pack). 

    30. And finally, a rechargeable lighter to make running out of lighter fluid a thing of the past!

    buzzfeed editor using the lighter to light a candle
    the red rechargeable lighter
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Promising review: "This is seriously the coolest device of my holiday. It makes lighting candles a breeze. Yes, there is a weird crackling noise, but that's a super minor annoyance. It's a super intuitive device. Plus the lighter with the USB (included), charge for a bit, then pop it open and light ALL THE THINGS; well, candles. I don't know how well it lights cigarettes or whatever. However, for my personal intended use, it's awesome!" —Jee W

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in twelve colors/styles).