29 Times Caitlin Stasey Was Actually The Greatest Celebrity On Twitter

    The Reign star is Queen of Truth Bombs.

    1. The time she called out everyday sexism.

    'One of the guys' implies that to resemble any kind of man is better than actually being any kind of woman

    2. And systematic sexism.

    Because of the way society & the media treats female breasts, young women spend their whole lives believing that theirs are abnormal

    3. And sexism in entertainment.

    Falling in love is not the only adventure worthy of a young woman.

    4. Repeatedly.

    I ❤️ buddy comedies,truly,but fuck any frm now on tht only incorporate women as the girlfriend/wife.Shouldnt b a chore 2 use women in comedy

    5. When she celebrated all girls.

    #GirlsWillBeGirls because we be cool as fuck, bodily autonomous bad ass bosses

    #GirlsWillBeGirls and bigger than those who would fault them for doing so

    #GirlsWillBeGirls whatever that means to them

    #GirlsWillBeGirls and will not be restricted or burdened by your sexualization of them

    6. And encouraged other women to do the same.

    Women, let us treat each other with love and not tear one another down for reasons physical or material. Be living examples of tolerance

    7. When she revealed the truth about acting.

    Why do I usually take acting jobs? Because no one trusts me to me to babysit, I dropped out of high school and I REALLY love truffles.

    @torry_roombs dude, let's not elevate certain professions. It isn't a dream, it's hard work IF you can't get it, sometimes rewarding

    8. When she mentioned how lucky she is.

    Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've never met a straight guy who doesn't eat pussy & dig it.

    9. When she loved leftovers as much as we do.

    10. The time she slammed tabloid articles about her for being misogynistic.

    Would like to thank @dailytelegraph @DailyMailUK and @TheFIXninemsn for adding to the shaming of women who openly discuss their sexuality

    @TheFIXninemsn @dailytelegraph @DailyMailUK YOU DID IT, well done to you for speaking out against the injustice that is oral sex. We made it

    "The Reign star shared a series of explicit images, which show her baring her breasts" THIS is the problem

    U who take it upon urselves 2 refer 2 any part of my body as indecent.Think of teenage girls reading,examining themselves against your words

    Having yet another source reaffirm what they have been forced into believing their entire lives.You are sex.You are sex and not for yourself

    Be ashamed, be terrified that in the future people will apologize for you, call you a product of the time. The time of gender inequality

    I appreciate your desire to take my sex agency from me AUSTRALIA but I'm too busy slinging dick, punching pussy and doin general housework

    11. When she had a hopeful vision for the future.

    Assuming the earth doesn't implode imminently our children's, children will look back to today & laugh at the follies of the hateful

    Also at the fact that we were still at the mercy of our own bowels, (in the future we will outsource all of our pooping)

    12. When she spoke out against Terry Richardson and Hollywood in general.

    This industry protects, forgives & celebrates sex offenders in whatever form they come, welcome to the Catholic Church that is Hollywood

    be a child molester,a rapist,a wife beater & youll never be without your lifetime achievement award, residuals & spineless, glittery friends

    13. The time we could all relate to her Twitter problems.

    Posting inflammatory tweets then going to check your feed

    14. For real.

    Erryday on Twitter "Yeah I'm pretty proud of that argument I had with that idiot." Also "This is my blocking song, block, block, block"

    15. Also her text problems.

    Texting rules for me - Do not type as many ha's as you expressed irl. You look very crazy/insincere

    16. And her shower problems.

    Im so distraught when I get out of th shower that I just shuffle from room to room in a wet towel muttering. "Next time Im not getting out."

    17. And her spider problems.

    Him: spider Me: don't kill it, OH MY GOD ITS GETTING AWAY KILL IT Him: got it Me: oh no did you kill it, I wish you hadn't Him: -.-

    18. The time she didn't want to see children's entertainment watered down.

    Children's entertainment has become a death denying, self righteous hell scape with no actual messages of substance or relevancy

    Yes, be yourself, be good, be kind, but death doesn't only happen to villains! It isn't a punishment and therefore it is not a curse

    The iron giant, charlottes web, Vicky angel, the lion king. All dealing with the death of a hero, all life changers and beloved

    19. Especially when it comes to diversity.

    I do sincerely apologise for spell check angrily underlining LGBTQIA

    20. When she had Orange Is the New Black feels like the rest of us.


    Taystee I swear to god you lay a hand on her in that bathroom

    My new star sign is @Lavernecox TELL ME IT FUCKING ISNT

    21. And worshipped Azealia Banks.

    To clarify @AZEALIABANKS is my religion and emergency contact

    22. And posted cute cat pics.

    Today, Love is spelt D-I-A-B-L-O @AlanNeff

    23. The time she encouraged everyone to do whatever they wanted with their own bodies.

    Your body shouldn't be a prison because of the way other people will see it. Be dressed, be undressed, it is YOUR vessel

    24. And had some advice for parents.

    If you walk in on your child masturbating don't punish them or mock them. Walk away, Giggle to yourself & acquire high speed internet access

    25. Real talk.

    Insulting someone by accusing them of being a 'girl' or 'gay' is about as offensive as calling them a human.

    26. YES.

    Men threatened by feminism either don't understand it or don't like that they now have to modify their own shitty behavior

    27. PREACH.

    Being open about my sexuality isn't an invitation to it.

    28. When she pointed out the plight of the red Skittle.

    Hugely saddened by the abundance of non red skittles

    29. And basically every time she tweets. Follow her here.