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37 Movie Moments That Traumatised You For Life

Thanks for the nightmares, Disney.

We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share the non-scary movies they were afraid of as a kid. Here are some of the moments that are responsible for a lifetime of nightmares...

1. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

"At the end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, there is a scene where Judge Doom melts in his own acid dip and of course, the scene where he melts a sweet, innocent cartoon shoe that was sentient. Those screams will haunt me. That movie was full of nightmare fuel. I couldn't watch the movie again for years afterwards." - submitted by Caitlin Lewellen (Facebook)

2. Return to Oz

"Return to Oz! I don't know if it gets any creepier than Queen Mombi running around headless (or switching heads) and those damn Wheelers screeching about. F that noise. No wonder Fairuza Balk turned out to be such a weirdo... poor kid." - submitted by Jocelyn Shaw-Shanahan (Facebook)

3. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

"When Snow White goes into the dark forest." - submitted by Krissyd4d85974f1

4. Labyrinth


"Everything about that boat ride in Willy Wonka was traumatising." - submitted by Hayley Mulcrone (Facebook)

6. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

"I was about three or four and my grandmother made me watch E.T. and I was so terrified that I slept in a sleeping bag on the floor next to the bed in my parent’s room for a solid year. I was afraid of the movie up until a few years ago when I watched it again and was mostly confused." - submitted by Cassthequeenofsass

7. Look Who's Talking

"The monster toilet from one of the Look Who’s Talking movies." - submitted by Ameskayy

8. The Brave Little Toaster

"THAT FREAKING CLOWN when he was all like 'run' and there was smoke coming out of his ears and crap." - submitted by Sheridan Gardner (Facebook)

9. Pinocchio

"I'd have to say the scene in Pinocchio where the kids change into donkeys. Watching that transition freaked me the heck out as a kid, and put me off of ever smoking in any capacity." - submitted by Colleen Sweeney (Facebook)

10. Mary Poppins

"The 'Fidelity Fiduciary Bank' scene in Mary Poppins was unnerving to me as a child. Those creepy old banker dudes back the kids into a wall and Dick Van Dyke in old man makeup literally snatches Michael's tuppence right out of his hand. And their own father just goes along with it and doesn't step in to defend them! It wasn't until I was older that I realised the kids were just trying to open a bank account. Still, super creepy scene." - submitted by Julia Ricci (Facebook)

11. Home Alone

"The heater in the basement in Home Alone. I still refuse to be left alone in the house because of that movie." - submitted by Kris J Boorman (Facebook)

12. Dumbo

"The drunk scene in Dumbo scared the crap out of me. Pink Elephants on Parade in my nightmares." - submitted by Emily Holland (Facebook)

13. Spice World

"The Spice Girls movie when the guy comes out of the toilet. I was scared of toilets for years because of this lol." - submitted be Janice Evelyn (Facebook)

14. The Witches

"I’m 26 and still scared of Anjelica Huston in The Witches." - submitted by Matwhi

15. The Dark Crystal

"Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal. Those puppets were so SCARY. I had nightmares." - submitted by Kaeh

16. Matilda

"The Chokey scene in Matilda. Apparently I was carried out of the theater because I was screaming so much in terror. I say 'apparently' because I don’t remember a thing…must have repressed that memory." - submitted by Ameliaw451773908.

17. My Girl

"The first time I saw My Girl it was on TV and while channel surfing I only saw the scene where Macaulay Culkin is stung by bees and then immediately dies, which made me terrified of bees for years." - submitted by Ashleighb42cc3e824

18. Pee-Wee's Big Adventure

"Hands down: Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure - when Large Marge made that horrible face at Pee-Wee. My twin sister and I would plug our ears and run out of the room when we knew it was coming." - submitted by Kelciew

19. The Little Mermaid

"Ursula in The Little Mermaid scared me so much that I still haven’t watched it to this day." - submitted by Kaylag42a1f84ee

20. The Neverending Story

"Definitely Gmork from The Neverending Story. He was the reason I hardly slept for years when I was a kid because I thought he was sitting in that one dark corner of my room, preparing to leap." - submitted by Trinneer

21. The Rescuers

"When Madame Medusa takes off her fake eyelashes in Disney’s The Rescuers.” - submitted by Kyleeb458ddc16e

22. Aladdin

"The Cave of Wonders from Aladdin terrified me as a child." - submitted by G1nger0hsnap

23. Watership Down.

"Watership Down. All I have to say is the mean bunny with the eye creeped me out. And the dream sequences of the dog that got the other bunny. I had nightmares for weeks." - submitted by Martalidiaf

24. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

"The kid catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Still creeps me out." - submitted by Melissavincent

25. Howard the Duck

"For some unknown reason Howard the Duck used to scare me horribly."- submitted by Melh4b9c2e451

26. Edward Scissorhands

"Edward Scissorhands still terrified me to this day. I always had to walk out when he was giving haircuts because I was terrified he was going to accidentally cut them." - submitted by Mklethig

27. The Mask

"The Mask with Jim Carrey. I watched it once and had nightmares for months. Still scares the crap out of me. I’m 25." - submitted by Caitlinh42ce0a37b

28. Jumanji

"Jumanji! I could never get through that movie." - submitted by Michalaw

29. Alice in Wonderland

"In Alice in Wonderland, when the walrus It still upsets me today. Haven’t been able to watch it since. I never gained back my trust of walruses either." - submitted by Cellardoor221

30. The Nightmare Before Christmas

"When Oogie Boogie came unraveled in The Nightmare Before Christmas and was exposed for all the bugs he was made up of. So scary as a child, but absolutely delightful now." - submitted by Lanna Campanelli

31. Drop Dead Fred

"Drop Dead Fred… it just gave me the creeps as a kid." - submitted by Adelestyles

32. Hocus Pocus

"All of Hocus Pocus. I loved that movie, but it definitely got to me. Especially in the beginning when Sarah Jessica Parker flies past the window." - submitted by Lauren Wright (Facebook)

33. Coneheads

"Coneheads. No idea why, probably because they just looked so bizarre to me and I didn't understand the movie at the time." - submitted by Allie Neeb (Facebook)

34. Fantasia

"Fantasia scared the ever-loving shit out of me. Haven't watched it since I was a kid and don't plan on watching it ever again." - submitted by Caitlin Thompson (Facebook)

35. Gremlins

"Gremlins. The entire movie. How can this be a comedy? It’s terrifying!" - submitted by Emilyodomc

36. The Last Unicorn

"The alcoholic skeleton in The Last Unicorn when he gets angry." - submitted by Michael Montisano (Facebook)

37. Beetlejuice

"Beetlejuice. 'Nuff said." - submitted by Hyump