11 "Game Of Thrones" Fan Theories That Are Better Than The Actual Show

    I wish these theories had come true tbh.

    One of the very best – and very worst – things about Game of Thrones has been the fan theories. They’ve run the gamut from pure genius and 100% accurate to totally wild and utterly weird.

    1. Daenerys and Jon would have a baby

    2. Jaime would kill Cersei

    3. All magic would be destroyed

    4. Jon Snow would become the new Night King

    5. Bran would become the original Night King

    6. The White Walkers would win

    7. Tyrion Lannister would ride a dragon

    8. Jaqen H’Ghar was Syrio Forel

    9. The White Walker art had significance

    10. [Insert character here] was Azor Ahai

    11. Varys was a mermaid (mer-eunuch?)

    And now, it's time to retire the tinfoil.

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