19 Times John Oliver Was Just Really Fucking Great

    "Fuck you, Donald Drumpf."

    1. When he took on Donald Trump.

    2. And celebrated Trump's ancestral name.

    3. When he perfectly summed up New Year's Eve.

    4. When he described Ireland:

    5. And Canada:

    6. When he bravely traveled to Russia to interview Edward Snowden.

    7. And asked all the important questions about the NSA's spying capabilities.

    8. When he opened up on his teenage life.

    9. When he gave us all a lesson in geography.

    10. When he shut down global warming deniers.

    11. When he boasted of his fame back in his home country.

    12. When he perfectly summed up mental healthcare in America.

    13. When he made a great comparison of Sepp Blatter's 90 day FIFA suspension.

    14. When he mocked New Zealand MP Steven Joyce getting hit in the face with a dildo.

    15. When he made a passionate plea, complete with unicorn, for Scotland to remain in the UK.

    16. When he described a hug like this:

    17. When he had this great reaction to a Pop Tart commercial:

    18. When he mocked the pumpkin craze.

    19. And finally, when he brought out an actual sloth in a nightcap.