We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    56 Gadgets And Gizmos That Would Put Ariel's Collection To Shame

    King Triton is definitely getting a waterproof bubble massage mat for his birthday.

    1. color-shifting mushroom light because you're a ~fun guy~ and will totally appreciate the cozy lil' cottagecore aesthetic these bring to any room.

    Reviewer holding white plug with pastel mushrooms and leaves blooming out of it
    The mushrooms lit up in the dark

    Check out a TikTok of the mushroom nightlight in action. 

    Promising review: "I LOVE this night-light. It's in my bathroom and is a lovely addition. It turns off the second the lights go on, which is nice because I don't have to worry about accidentally leaving it on. Super cute and the little itty-bitty lighting element does a good job lighting, just enough so I don't have to turn the main lights on in the middle of the night." —1Thand

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97

    2. A too-cute wireless portable charger that'll likely be praised as your savior on more than one occasion if your phone just always happens to be dead when you need it most.

    gif of reviewer holding the pink charger and showing its built-in lightning cable
    hands holding a phone with the white charger plugged into it

    Check out a TikTok of the portable charger in action.  

    Promising review: "The holy grail of portable chargers!!! I was traveling to Disney for vacation and knowing me, I would drain my battery with just taking pictures alone. I wanted a portable battery but didn’t want a carry a cord either, so I was excited when I found this little baby! It does exactly as described, pretty pink color, and I get one full charge of battery for my iPhone 11. Get it, you will not be disappointed!" —Meghan Doble

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in six colors). 

    3. mug warmer to keep on your nightstand so you can continue to sip on hot tea even if you completely forgot about it while getting a bit *too* invested in the bread week episode of The Great British Baking Show.

    a buzzfeed editor's mug on a mug warmer
    Jenae Sitzes / BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed editor Jenae Sitzes can confirm this gadget is worth the money:

    "After seeing this coffee warmer all over BuzzFeed Shopping and even gifting my dad one for Christmas, I finally decided to buy one for myself. Based on all the reviews, I was pretty confident I'd soon be kicking myself for not getting it sooner, and that proved to be true: This thing not only looks good, but works great for keeping my coffee warm all day long (because yes, I'm one of those people that'll sip on coffee until 5 p.m., all right!!). I was kind of worried it'd be too small for some of my larger mugs, but the center plate is bigger than expected and accommodated every mug in my (very eclectic) collection perfectly. I can confirm that flat-bottomed mugs are the best option for using with this warmer as they do stay hotter, but it still keeps my concaved-bottom mugs warm enough for my taste. Also, I looove how sleek the white version looks on my white desk, and the auto-shutoff function is a nice safety feature as an absent-minded person."

    Promising review: "I researched so many coffee warmers and am so glad I decided on this one. It definitely keeps my coffee hot, no matter how long it takes me to drink it. I also like that it has three settings. As you drink down your coffee, you can lower the heat because it keeps the coffee very hot. I like it so much I ordered a second one for another part of the house." —hottytoddy

    Get it from Amazon for $19.79+ (available in eight colors).

    4. A TikTok Bluetooth scrolling remote that'll take your laziness trait to the next level but leave you feeling smug at the same time for working smarter not harder. You can set this bad boy up then get under your covers and enjoy some seriously cozy scrolling, hands-free.

    You can also use the remote to take selfies on your phone from afar! 

    Check out a TikTok of the remote in action!

    Promising review: "I love this for scrolling through TikTok videos on my phone while I'm in bed. It is comfortable to wear. I use it with a mounted phone holder, so it's completely hands free! I would definitely recommend this to anyone who spends hours scrolling on TikTok like I do!" —Shawn P.

    Get it from Amazon for $22.95 (available in three colors).

    5. A Baby Yoda night-light that, for lack of a better term, will become the *light of your life*.

    a gif of the baby yoda night light in the light and dark
    the night light
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    I am admittedly obsessed with "the Child" and can't get enough of him. That includes letting him reign over my bathroom at night in the form of the night-light.

    Promising review: "My children love this in their room at night. It is not too bright. It has a very low, warm light which is just enough for them to see if they need to get up at night to use the restroom, but not bright enough that it keeps them awake." —chocolate*bella

    Get it from Amazon for $6.42.

    6. A rechargeable lighter, so you can light every candle in your house to create the *perfect* ambience without concern you'll run out of lighter fluid.

    buzzfeed editor's gif using the lighter to light a candle
    the lighter
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    I'm obsessed with candles, so it was a no-brainer for my husband to gift me this surprisingly super-fun gadget. It's really simple to use and charge, and it really works! I'll never have to buy another lighter again. My first charge lasted me seven months!

    Promising review: "This is seriously the coolest device of my winter holiday. It makes lighting candles a breeze. Yes, there is a weird crackling noise, but that's a super-minor annoyance. It's a super-intuitive device. Plus the lighter with the USB (included), charge for a bit, then pop it open and light ALL THE THINGS; well, candles. I don't know how well it lights cigarettes or whatever. However, for my personal intended use, it's awesome!" —Jee W.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in nine colors).

    7. pet hair remover with a unique patented brush design that'll let you invite guests to sit down without fear of them being covered head-to-toe in your dog's hair.

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Promising reviews: "The ChomChom Roller really works. I have two German Shepherds who shed SO much, so this was necessary. The ChomChom Roller picked up SO much fur the vacuum couldn’t." —Ezra Gordon

    "I've had it in my possession for like two hours and I've cleaned everything. The couch, the blinds, the cat tree pad, the chair; I'm obsessed. I feel like this thing should win an award for being so awesome. I feel like it should be in raffle baskets and giveaways and silent auctions for every event that highlights 'things cat people need.' It's better than those sticky rollers, it's better than the one-directional velvet wand thing that I always use the wrong way. It's the best." —Meowser

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99.

    8. Tozo earbuds many swear are *just* like AirPods but for waaaaaay cheaper — you'll finally be able to listen to your favorite podcast in peace.

    Check out a TikTok of them if you're not yet convinced!

    Promising review: "Okay these are by far the best earbuds I’ve ever used. No exaggeration. My husband had these in his Amazon cart a couple of months ago but never checked out. Well it’s about to be Christmas soon, so I chose to get these on the sly for him. When they came in I wanted to make sure everything was working correctly before wrapping them up for Christmas. The sound quality is absolutely perfect, the noice cancellation is AMAZING! They were on low and the sound was crystal clear. I asked my 6-year-old son to talk so I could see how well they canceled out noise and I couldn’t hear him, so I told him to shout and I still couldn’t hear him at all. My husband will absolutely love these!! Also, now I need to get myself a pair as well! Definitely happy with my purchase!" —Ashley Haley

    Get them from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in five styles). 

    9. A set of LED lightsaber chopsticks you'll probably misplace in your utensil drawer but then have the opportunity to exclaim "THESE are the ones I've been looking for!" once you finally find them.

    unlit lightsaber chopsticks
    a gif of a buzzfeed editor using the glowing, blue chopsticks to eat sushi
    www.amazon.com, Emma Lord / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I purchased these for a friend's birthday present (he is a sushi waiter) and these are flippin' AMAZING. I ordered two sets by mistake, but I am totally keeping the second pair for another gift (or for myself!). These are sure to be great conversation pieces and attention-getters. Way to go!" —T. Redwood

    Get two pairs from Amazon for $14.98+ (available in two styles).

    10. An automatic cleaning toilet bowl cartridge to pop into the top of your tank — it'll last up to three months and clean with every single flush. Now that's a cleaning product worth testing out.

    Promising review: "This works absolutely phenomenal. I would clean the bowl area every weekend like clock work to remove mold or something…Our municipal water system may not inject enough chlorine to prohibit? But toilet cleaning is a breeze now!!! Works on the Koehler new low flush systems…amazing. No chlorine damage to rubber parts either like other devices! Pretty simple instructions to install." —CdrW

    Get it from Amazon for $10.77 (and you can snag refill cartridges here).

    11. A humidifier tank-cleaning fish you'll cherish as much as Ariel (the Little Mermaid) does her BFF Flounder — it'll kill up to 99% of odor causing bacteria so you can continue to keep your room nice and moist all season long.

    a humidifier with a little fish floating inside

    Promising review: "These things are AMAZING! I went from having to Clorox my ultrasonic humidifier tank every few days to every month, if that. I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to not have to worry about it! I feel like they work quite a bit longer than advertised, but that may depend on water temp, if the water is distilled (this is what we use, as our water is REALLY hard otherwise) vs filtered vs not, etc. Will definitely buy again!" —CindyR

    Get it from Amazon for $5.28.

    12. A veggie chopper you can use to dice onions in a flash — save your uncontrollable crying for the next time you watch The Notebook. It can also spiralize, slice, and chop!

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action. 

    Promising review: "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in three colors).

    13. An electric painless hair remover that'll help you (temporarily) banish those pesky, unwanted fine hairs from various areas of your face with ease.

    Model holding lipstick shaped rose gold hair removal tool
    Model using it to remove hair from their face

    Promising review: "I have actually had mine for years. My cousin asked me about my clean face the other day, giving me the opportunity to tell her about it. I bought this one for her. It is easy to use, can be used anywhere, fits easily in small purses, is quiet and the battery life is good, besides being easy to clean. A must have!" —Candy Osias

    Get it from Amazon for $19.98+ (available in five colors). 

    14. milk frother to pack a powerful, spinning punch despite looking rather delicate. It'll help transform your hot chocolate into one out of a Hallmark Christmas movie scene. Delish.

    Reviewer image of white marble handheld frother on its stand
    Reviewer using the frother to frother milk in a cup

    Promising review: "So I’ll admit I got this on a whim after a TikTok video, however I’m in love with this thing! It’s so much fun to use and you make your at home drinks feel so much more special. It’s easy to use and froths pretty quickly if you’re on the fence I’d say what are you waiting for buy it already!" —Denise

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in 45 styles).

    15. A 3-in-1 foldable magnetic wireless charger you can break out and charge your iPhone, Apple watch, and AirPods all in one! Talk about a gadget that's worth investing in.

    The white charger pad laid out to charge a phone, watch, and AirPods
    Reviewer pulling out the black version from its compact size all the way out to the three part mat

    Check out a TikTok of the foldable 3-in-1 charger in action. 

    Promising review: "I use this product to charge my IPhone 13, AirPods, and Apple Watch. Prior to this 3-in-1 compact purchase, I have purchased three different kinds of 3-in-1 chargers — I frequently travel between school and home with carry-on bags on airlines and all of the previous stand version chargers don't fit well in my bags or I am always worried I would break. This is compact and folds so well that I can fit in my carry-on or in any zipper pockets without having to worry about breaking anything. Charger works really well and it is the best compact one you can find in market. Love it and been using it for two months now and no issues!!" —SBREDDY

    Get it from Amazon for $33.99 (available in nine colors). 

    16. A SwitchBot Smart Switch Button Pusher you'll likely want to buy for every single switch in your home (apologies) as you'll be able to use it to transform *any* device into a smart one! Once you set it up you'll be able to use Google, Alexa, or an app on your phone to control it. Technology, man.

    the white square shaped SwitchBot on a lightswitch, fan, and computer
    The black version on a coffee machine button

    Reviewers love this because it doesn't require you to "smart enable" other parts of your home. I need to get one of these for my husband who drags himself out of bed every morning to turn on his espresso machine.

    Promising review: "This is exactly what I was looking for and had no idea it existed until I saw someone mention it on TikTok! Our front walkway gets pretty dark at night, and I was frustrated with trying to remember to turn on the light every evening and off every morning. I looked into those light sensors you can plug in, but our front porch light is under an awning with enough shade that it would have kept the light on 24/7. This little Switchbot solved the problem. I applied it to the indoor light switch and set the time on my phone. It has worked perfectly ever since." —Alecia McLochlin

    Get it from Amazon for $29 (available in white and black). 

    17. A waterproof shower phone holder, because why buy an extra music-playing device when you already have your Spotify linked to your phone? Stow your phone away in this for safe keeping, then proceed to sing and dance your heart out to The Best of Taylor Swift while washing your hair.

    a reviewer hand touching the outside of the shower phone holder with a phon inside
    a reviewer rotating the shower phone holder

    Check out a TikTok of the shower phone holder in action. 

    Promising review: "This waterproof phone case makes listening to music and watching Netflix in the shower so easy!! It’s super easy to put your phone in, fog proof, and easily rotatable. The only thing is sometimes touching the screen through the plastic can be a little difficult, but worked most of the time! It comes with three different backs so you can move it around to many different spots in the house. I got the white so it would match my shower." —Brittney Steele

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (available in six colors). 

    18. A heated eye massager complete with five different massage modes and Bluetooth music so you can fully indulge and relax while relieving pain from eye strain and headaches.

    Promising review: "I saw this product on one of Amazon’s must-have TikTok videos and I knew I had to get it. It was so worth it — even though price may seem higher compared to other sellers, this is for sure a good investment piece. The quality is top notch, the strap that goes around your head is comfortable, and most importantly, the duration of each mode is long enough that it doesn’t interrupt your rest. I work a 12-hour night shift as a nurse and this technology has helped me get through the night easily.👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $69.99 (available in two colors).

    19. A Petcube, which is a reliable pet monitoring camera with a wide angle and night vision. Delightful if you're out and about but still want to keep an eye on your precious pup.

    A small camera mounted to the bottom of a kitchen shelf

    Petcube is a California-based small business that specializes in interactive HD pet camera products. It can send you instant notifications via its app and sync with Amazon Alexa.

    Promising review: "We have had the original Petcube for some time and have loved being able to see our furry friend (cat) when we are away. We had always talked about getting another one so that we could see more of her while we are traveling. Enter the new Petcube...a petite footprint with a wide-angle lens. Easy to set up and easy to use. Absolutely perfect." —NLVG

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99.

    20. portable car vacuum that'll help you battle the seemingly endless amount of crumbs that somehow make their way in between your seats despite the fact you rarely eat in your car.

    an image of crumbs and debris in a car
    the same car cleaned by a portable vac

    Promising review: "I was a little skeptical at first seeing all the mixed reviews but I wish I had taken a pic of my driver side cause that was the worst of it but there was a lot of buildup from me just not having the time or energy to clean my car but this vacuum is AMAZING! You can see the clear difference between those two photos. 11/10 would HIGHLY recommend." —Kayla

    Get it from Amazon $29.99.

    21. Rubbermaid's power scrubbing brush, for when you want to give your grout an all-inclusive spa treatment and bring it back to its squeaky-clean glory.

    Gif of BuzzFeed Shopping reviewer cleaning grout with the brush
    Reviewer's picture of half of their tile floor with dirty grout, and the other half totally clean
    Natalie Brown / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Promising review: "The Power Scrubber is life changing. I bought it several weeks ago with the intention of doing a deep clean 'sometime soon.' After an overflowing toilet incident, I had to make sure it got done right away. MY GROUT HAS NEVER BEEN CLEANER. I used some Comet and spray cleaner to get the job done, but this made short work for what typically requires 'a lot of elbow grease' and a spent toothbrush. With this tool, you really know you're getting in there and it's clean. I can't recommend this enough — I've already mentioned it to a neighbor, and a few friends, including one fanatical cleaner. We all agreed, it's such a necessary, perfect product." —Jojo

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    Check out our full Rubbermaid Power Scrubber review.

    22. A scrubber brush to attach to your drill (!!!) and help you clean your tub/shower like you've never cleaned it before but without the arm workout. You'll be singing "I've got the powerrrr" in no time!

    Reviewer using the brush to clean grime out of a tub
    one of the brushes attached to a drill next to a shower pane with half still fogged up and the other super clear

    The white is a soft bristle, best for wheels, carpet, upholstery, glass, and leather; the yellow is a medium bristle, best for bathroom, bathtub, shower, tile, and porcelain; the green is a medium bristle, best for kitchen, stoves, cabinets, countertops, and linoleum; the blue is a medium bristle, best for boats, pools, canoe/kayaks, hot tubs, and plastics; the red is a stiff bristle, best for outdoors, siding, brick, garage, and gutter; and the black is a hard bristle, best for grills, loose paint, furnaces, ovens, and industrial use. 

    Additionally, Drill Brush is a small business based in New York!

    Promising review: "I've been eyeing these for a few months and finally caved. Man do I regret not picking them up as soon as I saw them! They work GREAT! We rent an apartment that has a 30+ year old shower/tub. I've used everything from abrasive powders, gels that sit to most recently the bathroom Magic Erasers and nothing really got the grime out. These WORK and they work fast. Just 10 minutes with my handy drill and the shower has never been cleaner. I love that I don't have to throw money out on cleaning products anymore and that I can be a little more environmentally friendly with no waste and no chemical cleaners! Just a little dish soap, baking soda and a spin of the brush. If you're on the fence, just buy them!" —Becky Adie

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in six strength types).

    23. toothbrush holder and dispenser, because mornings are hard enough to cope with so you might as well mount this bad boy and let it dispense your toothpaste for you. It's the little things!

    The white stand mounted to a mirror with a space for two toothpastes and two toothbrushes
    close up showing a toothbrush getting paste from the dispenser

    Promising review: "I love this item! I saw it originally on TikTok and thought it would be perfect for our bathroom! We have one bathroom upstairs and five people who use it. This cleared up so much counter space for us! There are ventilation holes where the cups go to help make sure they dry properly. The toothpaste dispenser has really been working to get every last drop out of the tube. Would definitely recommend for a family or kids bathroom. There is also a little storage compartment behind the toothpaste that is great for extra brushes, cotton swabs, or flossers." —Sariyah J

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99+ (available in three colors).

    24. bagless, touchless stationary vacuum that'll fantastically suck up all the dust and debris you sweep its way — Rosie from The Jetsons is shaking!!!

    the gray and black bagless, touchless vacuum on a tiled floor next to broom
    GIF of reviewer sweeping dust into bagless vacuum

    Promising review: "Saw it on TikTok and knew I had to have one. I hate cleaning but get annoyed with the clumps of dog hair and bits of things on my kitchen floor. I usually just vacuum my tile with the vacuum which is a pain. This thing is so easy to just sweep things into and it sucks them right up. Sure, it's more expensive than my actual vacuum, but I've only had it three days and have used it two times." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $129 (available in six colors).

    25. A handheld lamp you will surely find yourself *mooning* over each night. It'll bring a magical ambiance to your room, just you wait.

    Editor holding up lit up small moon in hand
    The moon changing colors from white to red to blue to purple
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Check out a TikTok of the moon lamp in action. 

    BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord is obsessed with this gadget:

    "UMMMM I bought this because it was on one of Amazon's top selling products pages for so long that I was like 'Why are people so obsessed with this moon!!' And now, my friends, I know. First of all, it really does look hyper realistically like a small moon and adds a chill vibe wherever you plant it. But it's also just so soothing to watch and have in the periphery. You can control dozens of different colors for it and either keep it on those colors or have them alternate, fade quickly, or fade gradually. It's super easy to charge and controlled by a remote, so you can move it off its stand and have it light up wherever you want. These days I tend to turn it on for my designed ~me time~ night every week, in which I will light a candle, pour a glass of red wine, read a romance novel, and, of course, light my lil' moon. Definitely one of my favorite 'the internet made me do it' purchases."

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99+ (available in seven sizes). 

    26. cup rinser that'll make cleaning bottles, glasses, and mugs as easy as 1, 2, 3, which means you'll have more time to do more important things like practice that TikTok dance trend you've been itching to learn.

    Model using a flat round rinser to press a cup onto so it will spray a jet of water up into it to clean
    Reviewer washing a baby bottle

    Check out a TikTok of the cup washer in action. To install, you can use the instructions and materials provided to easily hook it up to the hot water line. Note that this won't install on sinks without a flat edge!  

    Promising review: "Never knew I needed one until I saw it on TikTok, and with water bottles and toddler cups it is essential to my household!" —Gayla Brink

    Get it from Amazon for $25.99 (available in two styles). 

    27. A thin bar light to brighten your gaming area so you can happily continue to play hours and hours (AND HOURS) of World of Warcraft without your partner asking "are you still sitting in the dark?"

    a reviewer's monitor with the light above
    another reviewer's monitor set up with the light bar above it

    Promising review: "It's a good option for a streamer that has an overhead camera that shows-off their custom keyboard, gaming mouse, or artisan desk mat. Highly recommended and for the price, it's worth every dollar you spend." —MarkusTechCorner

    Get it from Amazon for $98.10+ (available in three styles).

    28. A Microsoft Surface Book 3 laptop, because it's essentially a tablet and a computer mixed into one gadget that'll truly blow your mind.

    the silver surface book laptop with the screen detached

    There are so many things you need to know about this gadget that I barely know where to start! I've been using it awhile and, despite being a loyal Mac user, I really love it. The charger itself has a USB port in it, so you'll never have to scour for multiple outlets or choose between your two devices when your phone inevitably starts to die. The screen can literally be detached and used as a touchscreen — which is pretty awesome for anyone looking to take notes on the go or wants to draw with the tablet in their lap. I've been using it to play The Sims; aka my greatest test for any computer. The fact I can play it without the computer fully blowing up or canceling the game on me is something I haven't been able to enjoy in years. My husband, who is a bit of a gaming nerd (sorry, Paul) was so impressed by the clarity and specs on the screen. If you're in need of a computer upgrade, consider this one.

    Get it from Amazon for $1,070.95+ (available in 13 or 15 inches and four internal storage options).

    29. A pack of super-strong magnets you can attach to the top of your fridge to ensure your drink of choice is *always* refreshingly cold without taking up space for leftovers.

    four glass bottles hanging from the top of the fridge
    a gif of someone placing a six pack of bottles into the top of the fridge using the magnets

    Promising review: "Of all the things I have bought that I didn't need, this is one of my favorites. Beer is hard to get out of the cardboard carrier in the top of my fridge. While just taking them out and sitting them on the shelf would have solved this problem as well, this solution is more fun. They float and technically it does make a tiny bit of extra space under the beer for small things like cheese or something." —AbbyValentine

    Get a set of two strips (six magnets) from Amazon for $29.99.

    30. An Xbox Series S console you'll never regret splurging on — you'll be able to virtually hang and play games with your friends all the time or dive into an enticing solo adventure.

    I have an Xbox Series S and am forever impressed by all the things it can do in addition to being used for playing video games. You can download a slew of apps on it (Discord, Spotify, Disney+, the list goes on) and essentially use it as a smart TV. It's the smallest Xbox they've come out with so far (I was literally shocked at how tiny and sleek it is when I took it out of the box), but is still packed with great sound and visual specs. My husband set it up in our room so we can hang out and play games before going to sleep — it's great!

    If you're intimidated by the thought of trying to set up the console, you can actually book a one-on-one appointment with a Microsoft Expert to set the entire thing up for you! 

    Promising review: "I'm a PC gamer, I own a jet powered PC at home, but since I can't lug a 50 lb system internationally for work, I decided to give the series S a try to hold me over. I am enjoying this a lot more than I thought I would, the small size of the console is one of the most appealing aspects for me, aesthetically and it will barely take up room in my luggage. Games like Mass Effect: Legendary Edition and Halo Infinite look surprisingly good for an entry level machine. I'm very much enjoying playing all of my games on this until I get home to my pc. The Xbox Series S is a great value and worth buying." —James Lowe

    Get it from Amazon for $283.95.

    31. A wall charger with six outlets and two USB ports in case you've managed to rack up *quite* a number of can't-live-without gadgets.

    I have this outlet set up in my bathroom and it's great! I'm able to keep my source of music plugged in (who doesn't enjoy a shower dance party?) even when I'm using my straightener or curling iron. It's a helpful nightlight at night so when I inevitably get up to pee I don't have to wince at the overhead lights.

    Promising review: "I work from home in a small apartment, and this really made my setup work the way I want it to. I need to use all six plugs; plus, I like to keep my phone and MiFi charging while working too. This was the perfect thing for me to get everything plugged in and essentially retrofitted into a built-in apartment wall desk setup that was intended for the large desktop towers of the late '90s. I’m ordering a second one in hopes it transforms another part of my weird floor plan. Bonus: The USB ports seem to fast-charge my iPhone XS Max. I can go from dead to fully charged in about 90 minutes." —Moose

    Get it from Amazon for $17.97.

    32. A motion-activated toilet light, a must-have for anyone who is tired of stumbling over themselves when they get up in the middle of the night to pee.

    a reviewer photo of a glowing pink toilet
    a reviewer photo of a glowing blue toilet

    Promising review: "I've had this device for a little while now and I absolutely love it! Light detector and motion detector work together to only turn the toilet light on when it senses darkness and movement. I love that there are 16 different colors you can choose from; and with each of the 16 colors, you can raise or lower the brightness, which kind of makes color choices even bigger if you consider the different color brightness a new color. You can either leave your toilet light cycling through all 16 colors while on, or you have the option of choosing one of the colors and keeping it on that color. I ended up getting two of these toilet lights for both of my bathrooms and my guest's as well as I love it." —Sergio Rios

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    33. A gooseneck mount you can attach to your headboard (or wherever!) and insert your device in so you kick back, relax, and unwind for a bit hands-free.

    the long winding mount with a phone in it
    a reviewer's mount set up so they can watch tv in bed

    This lil' gadget is compatible with phones, tablets, and the Nintendo Switch. So, no matter how you choose to relax after a busy day, it'll support you!

    Promising review: "This is exactly what I was looking for. I had been wanting to play my Nintendo Switch in bed without having to hold up the entire console. This mount allows me to have the screen hover above my head while my arms and neck can relax. This is the ultimate in laziness and I love it. :)" —Michael K.

    Get it from Amazon for $21.99.

    34. A FOREO LUNA mini 2 facial cleansing brush for every skin type — an excellent treat for anyone who is always on the hunt for the next addition to their skincare routine (ahem, YOU).

    a gif of a buzzfeed editor using the foreo in pink
    the pink foreo luna
    Maitland Quitmeyer / BuzzFeed

    My fellow BuzzFeed editor Maitland Quitmeyer loves this thing. Here's what she had to say:

    "The acne scars on my cheeks from a series of breakouts are fading fast, and I get new acne very rarely — they're more like a pimple here and there occasionally when I have to fly somewhere (curse you, dry airplanes) or get stressed or.... who even knows why my skin freaks out sometimes. Never thought I'd ever put a no-makeup selfie on the internet, but that's how much I love this thing."

    Get it from Amazon for $83+ (available in six colors).

    Check out our full FOREO LUNA Mini 2 review.

    35. Glow-in-the-dark LED bands, a must-have if you're a runner who manages to get up before the sun to get your workout in or enjoys breaking a sweat in the evenings.

    Model wears green glow-in-the-dark bands on their ankles while they run at night

    Each band can be worn on an arm or ankle for optimal visibility early in the morning and late at night.

    Promising review: "This product was a gift for my daughter who may walk her dog in the evening and to my grandson who sometimes runs at dusk. They both report their pleasure with the product. 'It works well' was the comment. It's bright, comfortable, and did I say it's bright! I'm thinking of getting another color and letting them add on to their safety color palette." —Jed

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in seven colors).

    36. A lightsaber umbrella that'll turn you into a jedi every time the skies open up.

    a reviewer holding a red umbrella with a lightsaber handle
    darth vader with a red lightsaber umbrella

    Promising review: "OMGOSH! I'm a struggling Sith who was able to purchase this awesome lightsaber umbrella for way less than the other more official light saber umbrellas that go for about 80 bucks. Took it out in the field for the first time today and it passed with all flying colors (literally) since I'm able to press the button and emit different colors including my favorite, RED." —daniel ortiz

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in four styles).

    37. A Dyson Corrale straightener that'll make you never want to use another brand's again — it can be used for 30 minutes without a cord, has flexible plates, and chimes to let you know when it's done heating up.

    a model straightening someone's hair
    the editor's before and after photos using the straightener
    dysonhair / Via www.instagram.com, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    I was gifted this magnificent straightener and, boy, do I consider myself lucky. This is a gadget I typically wouldn't have splurged on, but after getting to try it out first hand I'd like to eat the words I just typed. This thing is AWESOME. It has its own stand so you don't have to worry about placing it down on an inappropriate surface (ahem, your bedroom carpet) while sectioning off the next part of your hair. It also heats up faster than it takes to watch a TikTok video — legit like SECONDS. It's very lightweight and straightens my hair in half the time it usually takes and can be used without a cord! It really is an incredible gadget that is worth every penny.

    Promising review: "I am 38 years old and I've finally found the one! By the one I mean the ONLY hair straightener in the world that delivers salon quality results at home. For the first time in my life, I can stop going to the salon once a week to get my hair done, and actually make it look amazing by myself. Hats off to the whole Dyson team for inventing this hair tool, I'm a guaranteed lifer. This is also the first time in my life any product has impressed me so much that I took the time to do a review, I'm just so excited to finally be able to my hair at home and have it look absolutely professional. Thank you Dyson!" —MaggieMo82

    Get it in rose gold from Ulta for $499.99.

    38. An automatic pan stirrer with a timer, perfect for any aspiring chef who tends to get a little absent-minded while following a recipe.

    a tube-like gadget with three prongs at the bottom that sit inside a pan and stir for you

    Promising review: "My husband loves to cook. We have two very small children, so while his meals are mostly yummy, they are also sometimes burnt. :) This was perfect for him. He's able to turn it on, run into the next room to save the day with a plastic bag and a washcloth for whatever blowout-esque mess I'm dealing with, forget he's cooking, run back into the kitchen frantically when he remembers, and arrive only to find the meal practically cooking itself. Best. Gift. Ever." —Jake the ChefturnedDaddy

    Get it from UncommonGoods for $25+ (available in two styles).

    39. A Moccamaster drip coffee machine that'll become your most bragged about gadget thanks to how beautifully it'll match your kitchen decor — it comes in over 23 colors!

    a green moccamaster drip coffee machine

    My husband, a coffee connoisseur, has assured me in the "coffee community" this machine is regarded as one (if not THE) best drip coffee machines on the market. I mean, it does boast the ability to brew between a half or full carafe, a brew basket that automatically stops the flow of coffee when removing the carafe (no mess!) and a hotplate with an independent heating element to keep coffee at the *perfect* temperature. But for me? It's the color options. There are SO many choose from — there's no doubt in my mind anyone would be able to find an option that would look great in their home.

    Promising review: "Absolutely worth the money and I’m sad I waited so long to get this beautiful coffee maker. Looks great in my kitchen and makes my favorite Iron Bean coffee taste even better, which I thought was impossible! Probably going to purchase the single cup for my office at work." —Vauna S.

    Get it from Moccamaster for $359 (available in 23 colors).

    40. A PhoneSoap UV sanitizer you can toss your phone into for a quick 10 minutes after you get home to get rid of the grime that's surely lurking everywhere we go.

    a model placing their phone into the phonesoap at their bed side
    two petri dishes showing the bacteria from phones before/after using the phonesoap

    I have one of these bad boys and can validate that it is SO easy to use. I pop my phone into it when I get in the shower and click the lil' button on the front to start the cleaning process. You can also charge your phone while it's inside the machine. Fellow germaphobes — you can thank me later.

    Promising review: "Bought this along with a set of agar plates to test it for ourselves. We swabbed my daughter's and husband's phones before and after use. It does work. We are very happy with the product." —Ginger

    Get it from Amazon for $59.95 (available in six colors).

    41. A quip water flosser that'll help you keep your gums and teeth in tip-top shape without the added effort of unwinding actual floss and trying to get into the hard-to-reach crevices of your mouth.

    a black metal water flosser

    I have this water flosser and am a *huge* fan of it! I've been using it for a few months now and, as someone who is prone to plaque build-up, my gums and teeth have never felt cleaner. It's so simple to use and one charge lasts SO long — literally, I think I've only charged it once! You can order a replacement flosser head every few months to keep thing nice 'n' clean. It doesn't take up much space at all on my bathroom counter and I've already started recommending it to friends and family.

    Promising review: "I needed a water flosser that took up less room than my big Waterpik. I was worried that there would not be enough pressure (like my travel Waterpik), and that it would be difficult to fill and drain. This is actually perfect. The high speed does what I need it to do. It is super easy to fill and drain. I stick the flosser tip in the water reservoir to carry this back and forth to work in my bag. I never even take my big water flosser out any more." —Kathi C.

    Get it from quip for $45+ (originally $50+, available in two materials and four colors).

    42. A rapid egg cooker you can use to make your breakfast faster than you can say, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

    the egg cooker
    a perfectly cooked runny egg

    One little machine that can whip up hard-boiled eggs, poached eggs, scrambled eggs and omelets? Sounds magical! And let me tell you — it is. Get one of these egg-cellent appliances ASAP.

    Promising review: "This egg cooker is some sort of insane magic. It is brilliant...totally changed my life and is my new best friend in the kitchen. Super simple to use, instructions are extremely clear, with pictures and some recipes to get you going, and the different types of eggs you can cook with this is incredible: hard boiled, poached (!!!) and an omelet. We didn't even have to try it a few times to get it right — first time the eggs came out the most perfect I've ever cooked them and all I did was follow a few basic instruction steps, then walk away and listen for the buzzer. Even the buzzer at the end is more than a sound...it's music that my son and I dance to in the kitchen. I'm in heaven. All for such a low price. I can die happy now:)" —Amazon Customer

    Check out our deep dive into the Dash Rapid Egg Cooker here.

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95 (available in eight colors).

    43. A Bluetooth speaker with an adorable '90s feel to it you can program with fun pixelated messages, a clock, and animations galore! This lil' gadget has RGB-backlit buttons and, of course, has the ability to play music and podcasts.

    the retro-style Bluetooth speaker on a reviewer's work desk
    a gif of a junimo from stardew valley dancing on the bluetooth speaker screen
    www.amazon.com, Jenae Sitzes / BuzzFeed

    Check out an unboxing TikTok from @thatkawaiigrl

    BuzzFeed editor Jenae Sitzes loves hers! You can read more on why it's one of her favorite pieces of desk decor here.

    Promising reviews: "I actually impulsively purchased this because I saw it on TikTok. I have had it for a little over a month now, and it is actually the best item I have purchased in a while. I admit, there is a slight learning curve when setting it up because there is not a clear-cut instructions guide for all of the features, but once you figure it out, it’s so worth it. It is really multifunctional and you can customize it to your liking. I really love the mini games feature on here, like Tetris and Snake, because they all bring back childhood memories for me. My favorite part is the fact that it works as a speaker and when I play music, I can have little videos sync to the music. Who knew a tiny little speaker could bring me so much joy. It is a bit pricy though, but it is just so cute. If you’re looking for a sign to buy this, here’s your sign." —Khuyen Nguyen

    Get it from Amazon for $99 (available in six colors).

    44. color-changing moon lamp to keep you company during late night gaming sessions (and encourage you to stop sitting in darkness, save for your monitor light). It works alongside an app that'll let you customize the color of your lighting and it also has color modes that are sound-reactive and will change along with whatever music you've decided to vibe with that night.

    the glowing moon lamp in a reviewer's darkened setup
    the color-changing moon lamp in a dimly lit room

    Check out an unboxing + how it works in this TikTok from @heartdefensor!

    Promising review: "I bought this lamp after seeing it on TikTok. It looked really cool and thought it would be a nice addition to my bedroom! I actually expected to have some buyer's remorse but I couldn't have been more wrong! This lamp is so adorable and perfect for bedrooms of any age and would definitely go well with a kawaii gamer setup too. It has a multitude of color options; the gradient pastel rainbow is my favorite! It's controllable from your smartphone or touch, and it has a neat little feature where it changes color based on the sound it picks up! It's super affordable, especially compared to other smart lights like Phillips Hue." —Alice

    Get it from Amazon for $41.99 (available corded or cordless, and with or without Wi-Fi for Amazon Alexa/Google Home compatibility).

    45. A USB-powered defuzzer you can use to remove all the pills from that oversized sweater you refuse to retire from your wardrobe. Now you'll look presentable and still feel cozy.

    a model using the lint remover on a sweater
    a reviewer showing the before and after images for two towels to showcase how much less lint is on them after using the defuzzer

    Promising review: "I purchased this lint remover because of the reviews. And I must say that it works awesome. I like the fact that it’s electronic and not battery operated. The Aw Union Lint remover is very easy to use and has taken my extremely linty shirt and made it look new again. The lint remover is a perfect price and comes with a drawstring pouch, a replacement blade and a brush for cleaning. Worth the value." —Lea

    Get it from Amazon for $10.49.

    46. A splurge-worthy Logitech wireless mechanical keyboard complete with a cloud wrist rest that'll help you achieve that cozy gaming vibe you've been trying to replicate since falling down a TikTok rabbit hole about it. And! The keyboard isn't just a pretty face — it has customizable RGB lighting and a 25-hour rechargeable battery life.

    the white logitech keyboard and cloud wrist rest
    buzzfeed editor's logitech keyboard with pink faceplate and the cloud wrist rest
    www.instagram.com, Jenae Sitzes / BuzzFeed

    The keyboard comes in a simple, but elegant, white but if you want to add a pop of color you can order a colorful plate for it from Logitech's store for $19.99! I personally have this keyboard and the cloud wrist rest, so I can confirm they're also great for daily use in addition to gaming. 

    My fellow BuzzFeed editor, Jenae Sitzes, also is a big fan of this set up:

    "I've been using the wired version of this mechanical keyboard for months, both for gaming and for everyday work, and absolutely love it. I had a full-sized keyboard before, so I really appreciate the more compact tenkeyless design of this keyboard (which fits on my desk better). The keys sound perfectly clicky and feel great to type on, and the cloud wrist rest keeps my wrists supported really comfortably. And even though I've been using wrist rest cloud for 8+ hours a day for so long, it still looks totally new! My favorite thing is undeniably the aesthetic, though. It's the prettiest keyboard I've ever had, in a really sleek and modern way. I highly recommend it whether they play PC games or just work from home!"

    Get it from Amazon for $179.99 (also available wired, and with or without a mouse).

    47. A Digimon X virtual pet monster for anyone who enjoyed keeping a Tamagotchi alive but would much rather enjoy raising, training, and battling a little creature against others instead.

    a digimon in teal and purple with a little person on the screen
    a yellow and gray digimon with a monster egg on the screen

    Promising review: "Man, I love the heck out of this thing. I'm an adult, and I grew up with the original '90s Digimon V-pet. Two Digimon at once, five plus sets of eggs to raise, colosseum mode, and the sleep and mute buttons. 👍 For the price and all the features, this is everything that my nostalgic heart wanted. I got the glow-in-the-dark version, and I've never ever regretted it." —Franco

    Get it from Amazon for $14.39 (available in 25 colors).

    48. An electric waterproof bubble massage mat complete with a built-in heater and an aroma clip for essential oil aromatherapy. Just imagine how wonderful this will feel after a long workout or a long day.

    Reviewer's bath with bubble massage mat suction cupped to bottom of tub.
    Same reviewer's tub with mat turned on, showing the large amount of bubbles that come up from the air pads

    Promising review: "This product provides a great massage technique for my back muscles. I experience a lot of pain and tension in my shoulders. And I have chronic pain in my lower back. I also like the aromatherapy pad. What a great, soothing, and relaxing experience for the low cost." —Octavia

    Get it from Amazon for $130.

    49. A super cool gadget called Tidbyt you can customize with apps of your choosing (think train times, weather, calendar, etc) to display all you need to know at any given time.

    a tidbyt display box

    Tidbyt (which was created by a small business of the same name) is sort of a clock display but does so much more than that. There's a ton of applications users can plug into the gadget to customize it to their liking. Current practical app options include weather, clock, stocks, news, and sports scores. However, the fun *really* starts when they start to dive into the "just for fun" applications like "Burger of the Day," "Who's That Pokémon?" "Nyan Cat," and "Super Mario Kart." They can even pre-schedule the apps to appear at specific times. You're going to blow any techie away with this one-of-a-kind gift.

    Promising review: "I enjoy having this even more than I thought I would. I have currently: three clocks, live day/night time zone map, Doppler radara, Spotify now playing, most recent MegaMillions numbers, live near Earth objects, and some photos. Love it!" —Jade O.

    Get it from Tidbyt for $179 (originally $199).

    50. A Cricut Explore Air 2, great gadget for teachers, crafters, or anyone who has been dying to label every container in their home a la The Home Edit.

    a mint green cricut explore air machine
    a plastic container with a black label on it that says kylie cosmetics
    Amazon, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    It's me. I'm the one labeling everything like I'm living inside an episode of The Home Edit. My husband assisted me (I'm not the best when it comes to crafts) in making labels for all of my makeup. It was really simple to choose a font, print out the labels on vinyl, and apply it to the containers I had purchased. Can't wait to fill 'em up and continue labeling items for my pantry!

    Promising review: "The Cricut Explore Air 2 is the perfect tool for the crafty people of the world. It is extremely simple to use (after some trial and error) and makes the perfect design every time! I have only had my machine for about two weeks and have already made over 20 stencil designs to paint, as well as some vinyl stickers and a logo for a business! I can see this machine starting a ton of small businesses; the Cricut Explore Air 2 is so versatile, it can cut anything from card stock to leather, copper, vinyl and more! The machine makes it simple to make T-shirts, stencils, vinyl stickers, decals, business cards, party decorations and more!" —Erin

    Get it from Amazon for $169+ (available in three colors).

    51. A Samsung TV that'll disguise itself as an elegant picture frame when it's not in use. A magical marvel in home decor and technology if you ask me.

    A BuzzFeed editor's TV hung alongside art
    Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed writer Mallory Mower has and loves her frame TV. She said: 

    "This is honest and truly the best splurge I have ever made. It has massively upgraded the look in my living room. My husband loves the photography options and I love all the classical paintings – as someone who loves changing up my decor, being able to update the display images has been so fun. The quality is fantastic while watching movies and TV...but I'm pretty sure I love it as a piece of art in my home even more."

    Get it from Amazon for $497.99+ (available in six sizes, six styles, and with or without expert installation).

    52. A Dyson V15 Detect cordless vacuum, complete with 10 tools and a ton of high-tech features (like a dust-highlighting laser!) your parents won't even know what to say when they see how incredibly it cleans.

    the vacuum off next to an image of it with the laser on highlighting dust
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    I have this incredible device and cannot stop raving about it! This baby is *packed* with features that continue to amaze me each time I take it for a spin. Seriously, it has a built-in laser feature that literally highlights dirt, dust, and debris as you clean! You can read my full review of the latest Dyson vacuum here.

    Promising review: "We bought this a couple of months ago, and has been great. A cordless vacuum will change how often you use it because it is so easy. It's great for stairs. I thought the laser thing was a little gimmicky until I started using it. It is disgusting! You can have your house professionally cleaned, and if you put the laser head on, you can see all the dust and pet hair that was missed. It came with a lot of attachments." —DerekP

    Get it from Dyson for $749.99.

    53. A mini bag sealer that'll make it easier than ever to sneak a few cookies out of your partner's favorite dessert that they always leave a note over that says "DO NOT EAT THESE." Use this to reseal the packaging — they'll never know 😉.

     a reviewer holding the blue sealing tool that looks like a small hair straightener
    another reviewer using the tool to seal a bag of takis

    Promising review: "This little iron is very handy. Great for resealing plastic bags. Even though it is small it is made in a way to fit over a full-sized bag of chips. It heats up in 30 seconds and comes in a nice little case. Very cool! The main reason I wanted something like this is that I often buy fancy crackers or nuts for charcuterie boards and by the time I have my next party the items have gone stale ... this is a way to really save on those and keep the fresh in between parties!" —Laura Graham

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in six colors).

    54. rechargeable light necklace to toss around your doggo's neck before heading out on a walk at dusk — no need to stress about your leash-less pup getting lost in the dark. This will also be great for anyone who lets their dog roam around a big backyard at night.

    a green glowing collar
    a reviewer's dog with a pink glowing collar

    Promising review: "These are amazing!! I’ve tried numerous light up collars and this is by far THE best!! It is essentially a long, clear tube that you cut down to size to fit your dog’s neck. No worrying about which size to order. I cut mine so I can easily slip it off and on. The ends plug into the little light, which then shines throughout the tubing. It’s like a big halo of light around your doggo’s neck. I keep mine on solid but you can also change it to slow or fast flash. I use it every night when I take my dog out and then all weekend when we go camping. It’s such a hit our whole camping group ordered one! Now at night we have different colored circles running around the campsite so we know who is who and where they are. I like red for my dog. The green is really bright. Blue and purple are nice too. Orange is okay but I’m not a big fan of the color ;) Oh and these hold a charge forever. I think I charge it back up maybe once a month. If he wears it all weekend I might have to charge it up when we get home. Buy one, buy many. Give them to your friends." —Tiffany Beyer

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in six colors).

    55. A 3D printing pen kids, teens, and adults alike will be in awe of after they see how freakin' cool it is to make their own drawings come to life

    3d drawn chess piece
    a pen that doodles in 3D

    Promising review: "This pen is SUPER COOL!!! My tweens are loving it! I actually am having fun with it too! I thought it is like a magical crayon!!! It is easy to use and you can create endless creations. You don't have to be an 'artist' to use. You just have to have a great imagination! Has kept my daughters entertained for hours. So happy with the purchases. Bought one for each of my daughters. Would recommend to anyone." —Whoopie Pie

    Get it from Amazon for $69.99.

    56. A levitating planter you can use to convince everyone else in your life that when you were "studying abroad" you were *actually* learning to cast spells at Hogwarts. It's leviosa, not leviosaaaa!

    A geometric white planter filled with a grassy plant that's levitating over a dark-colored wooden base
    a gif of a planter filled with white blossoms levitating over a light-colored wood base

    Promising review: "Awesome little thing. Guests are immediately interested in it. If they are intoxicated, they are afraid that sorcery may be involved. I'm not sure how to convince them otherwise." —Nick Ebeling

    Get it from Amazon for $65+ (available in two finishes).

    Some reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.