All 47 Vice Presidents, Ranked By Hotness

    The United States has had a lot of vice presidents but not all of them were hot.

    47. John Calhoun, who had a fluffy neck.

    46. Dick Cheney, who looks like a mischievous uncooked sausage.

    45. Henry Wilson, who didn't care for eyebrows.

    44. George Clinton, who cared too much for eyebrows.

    43. Chester A. Arthur, whose face just had a lot going on.

    42. Adlai Stevenson, who was alarming.

    41. Daniel D. Tompkins, who was sad.

    40. Martin Van Buren, the friendliest goblin.

    39. Thomas R. Marshall, who only wanted love.

    38. Hannibal Hamlin aka Old Man Neck-Spikes.

    37. John Tyler, who was melting.

    36. John Adams, who just wasn't hot.

    35. George M. Dallas, who knew how to please a woman, but didn't look great doing it.

    34. Theodore Roosevelt, who was always going on about his big stick.

    33. Andrew Johnson, who you'd settle for.

    32. Harry S. Truman, who looked like an aged art bro.

    31. Garrett Hobart, a thumb that sprouted an impressive moustache.

    30. Hubert H. Humphrey, who had a tiny, angry face.

    29. John C. Breckinridge and his cold, dead eyes.

    28. Charles Gates Dawes, who was mostly hands.

    27. James Sherman, who'd ask you to be punctual for your Tinder date.

    26. Levi Morton, who had a twinkle in his eye and somewhat enjoyed life.

    25. Charles Fairbanks, who looks like he might have been tall.

    24. Walter Mondale, who was exactly average.

    23. Thomas Andrew Hendricks, who looked like a sadder, weaker Colin Firth.

    22. William Wheeler, who was exceedingly comfortable.

    21. Calvin Coolidge, who had permanent bedroom eyes.

    20. Gerald Ford, who'd hold you close.

    19. Lyndon B. Johnson, who loved a confident stance.

    18. Millard Fillmore aka 1800s Alec Baldwin.

    17. Charles Curtis, who had kind eyes.

    16. Aaron Burr, who was a bit of a murderer but had a great profile.

    15. Richard Mentor Johnson and his chocolate brown eyes.

    14. William Rufus de Vane King and his excellent bulging features.

    13. George H. W. Bush, weirdly.

    12. John Nance Garner, who had a wry smile.

    11. Thomas Jefferson, who was a solid 7.

    10. Alben Barkley, hot but problematic.

    9. Spiro "Sexface" Agnew.

    8. Richard Nixon, when he was young, I swear to God.

    7. Nelson Rockefeller, whose solid, strong jaw took no nonsense.

    6. Henry Agard Wallace, who loved to forage.

    5. Joe Biden, I guess.

    4. Dan Quayle, who was a cutie patootie when he was young.

    3. Elbridge Gerry, who could gerrymander our hearts.

    2. Schulyer Colfax, who would have been your soulmate if you lived in the same century.

    1. But the hottest vice president of all, it cannot be disputed, was Al Gore, seen here looking fresh-faced and handsome and environmentally-friendly.