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Pete Davidson Expertly Parodied An Eminem Song On "SNL," And The Real Slim Shady Himself Made An Appearance

Will the Real Slim Shady please show up on SNL? Yes.

After a brief hiatus, Saturday Night Live was back last night with host Jason Bateman and musical guest Morgan Wallen.

It was a great episode to kick off the holiday season, but the absolute highlight was "Stu," a parody of Eminem's 2000 hit "Stan," starring Pete Davidson.

"Stan" tells the pretty upsetting story of Stanley, an obsessed Eminem fan who writes him many unanswered letters to disastrous consequences. The character is voiced by Eminem and physically played by actor Devon Sawa.

SNL's version starred Stu (played by Pete), a young man who obsessively writes letters to Santa Claus because, duh, it's the holidays and he wants a gift.

The whole thing was a masterpiece full of ~cinematic parallels~.

Here's Kate McKinnon as singer Dido, who is featured on the original song.

Also present was Bowen Yang as Elton John, who actually performed the song with Eminem at the 2001 Grammy Awards.

Best of all, the Real Slim Shady himself made a quick cameo to finish off the sketch, decked out in all his Christmas sweater glory.

Fans loved everything about it, and rightfully heaped on the praise via YouTube comments.

Here are both videos, so you can see for yourself how perfect of a parody this is.

View this video on YouTube

NBC / Via youtube.com

View this video on YouTube

Interscope / Via youtube.com

Many thanks to everyone at SNL who took part in creating this little bit of holiday magic.