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26 Little Details From "Harry Potter" That'll Totally Blow Your Mind

Consider me stupefied.

We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which little moments in Harry Potter totally blew their minds. Here's what they said...

1. When Harry saw Voldemort drinking unicorn's blood in the Forbidden Forest, we were unknowingly given a hint of what was to come.

2. There were suggestions that Snape was able to read minds as early as the first book.

3. Fred and George were trolling Voldemort at age 13 without even knowing it.

4. There's a heartbreaking reason why Dumbledore awarded Neville house points at the end of Philosopher's Stone.

5. The ~real~ reason why Ron and Neville weren't the best at magic to begin with.

6. The vanishing cabinet that Peeves destroys in Chamber of Secrets has an important role later in the series.

7. Ron's speculation over why Tom Riddle won an award for special services to the school was actually scarily accurate.

8. The Sneakoscope that Ron gifts to Harry isn't actually broken, as they first thought.

9. In Prisoner of Azkaban, Professor Trelawney correctly predicts that Dumbledore will be the first person to die.

10. And this prediction repeats two more times throughout the series: once with Sirius, and once with Remus.

11. The early hint that Trelawney may not have been a fraud.

12. When Harry is attacked by Dementors and hears his parents' final moments, it's not actually his memory at all.

13. And, similarly, Trelawney wasn't entirely wrong when she asked Harry if he was born in mid-winter.

14. The very first chapter of Goblet of Fire contains the most subtle suggestion of what's to come.

15. In Goblet of Fire, Harry and Ron correctly predict Harry's future misfortunes while doing their Divination homework.

16. Dumbledore's reaction to Voldemort's return didn't seem to make much sense – until later.

17. There was a subtle mention of Mrs Figg at the end of Goblet of Fire.

18. There's a suggestion of Snape and Lily's story as early as the fifth book – we just didn't notice it.

19. They find the locket Horcrux in Order of the Phoenix, but because they don't realise, they just throw it away.

20. It's just a tiny thing, but there's a hidden message in the code for the visitor's entrance at the Ministry of Magic.

21. There's a hidden meaning behind all those smashed prophecies in the Department of Mysteries.

22. The tiara Harry used to mark his hidden potions book in Half-Blood Prince would turn out to be incredibly important one book later.

23. The story of how Fred and George got their names.

24. In Deathly Hallows, we finally get confirmation that Neville Longbottom belonged in Gryffindor all along.

25. And we ~finally~ understand the incredibly important meaning behind Ollivander's insistence that "the wand chooses the wizard".

26. And, finally, there were hints toward a new type of magic that would come to light in AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SERIES.

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