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Amy Schumer Opened Up About Having Sex After Giving Birth And It Was As Brutally Honest As You'd Expect

"Otherwise you’re just like roommates."

If there's one thing we know about Amy Schumer, it's that she isn't afraid to be honest. In fact, she recently told BuzzFeed that she "doesn't believe in TMI". We love to see it!

And in keeping with that belief, Amy recently made an appearance on the What To Expect podcast, opening up about her life as a new mother, including her sex life with husband Chris Fischer.

"You can’t have sex for like six weeks, you know?" Amy said of her post-partum sex life. "I was hoping it was going to be longer than that because they just like sliced my FUPA open."

She went on to say that she and her husband make plans to have sex "once a week" in order to avoid feeling "like roommates".

"We're really good about having sex once a week," Amy said. "We just keep it going because you have to, otherwise you're just like roommates, and then it’s weird that you're having sex."

During the interview, Amy also opened up about their plans to have other children, explaining that while the couple had gone through IVF, she doesn't believe that she will ever be pregnant again.

You can listen to Amy's full interview on the What To Expect podcast here.