The Funniest Part Of "SNL" This Weekend Was When Harrys Styles Mispronounced "Shawn Mendes"

    Broke: Adele Dazeem. Woke: Shawn Mendeese.

    This past weekend, Harry Styles hosted Saturday Night Live.

    One of the more memorable sketches from this weekend was the "Sara Lee" sketch.

    And the MOST memorable part of the "Sara Lee" sketch was his pronunciation of Shawn Mendes...if you can even call it that.


    Like, you mean to tell me that Harry doesn't know how to pronounce Shawn's NAME? Maybe it was a part of his skit? But, then again, he didn't pronounce it "Nick Yonas."

    Ofc, Stan Twitter had a field day:

    if harry styles says that shawn mendes is pronounced shawn mendeez then it is pronounced shawn mendeez. no questions asked.

    shawn mendes running to the courthouse to legally change his last name to mendeez bc harry styles said so

    Harry Styles saying “Shawn Mendeez” like

    Harry Styles mispronouncing Shawn Mendes name on SNL #HarryOnSNL

    if harry styles pronounced shawn mendes “shawn mendees” guess what harry styles is correct all of us have been saying it wrong including shawn mendes and his mother

    yes i am getting the sound wave of harry styles mispronouncing “shawn mendes” tattooed my ass, absolutely i am doing that

    i really cannot harry styles genuinely had no clue how to pronounce shawn mendes’ name i

    So yeah, hoping this brought you as much pleasure as it brought me. Like sure, his pronunciation was wrong, but also Harry can do no caught between a rock and a hard place here.