29 Very Good Reasons To Adore The BBC

    We slag it off but we love it. Because it's ours.

    The BBC is always coming in for criticism, be it from Tory MPs, the Daily Mail, and quite regularly even members of its own staff. And it's true it can often be a ridiculous and frustrating institution. But we can be a ridiculous and frustrating nation. And we wouldn't quite be British without it.

    1. The very idea of a state-funded broadcaster is unique and pioneering.

    2. And so its principles can pretty much be boiled down to "be excellent to each other".

    3. It didn't have an office, it had a dream factory.

    4. The BBC has given the world just so many classic comedies.

    5. Doctor Who.

    6. That time an elephant ran amok on Blue Peter, obviously.

    7. The fact that Helena Bonham Carter played Elizabeth Taylor.

    8. A news service free from commercial pressures.

    9. An unwavering commitment to accuracy.

    10. And yet it's completely normal for a newsreader to mistake a ream of photocopier paper for his iPad.

    11. Where else could you hear the Shipping Forecast?

    12. The organisation is intensely self-critical (maybe even to a fault).

    13. Everything David Attenborough has ever done.

    14. A British home for those awesome Scandi-crime dramas.

    15. Balding.

    16. Being everything during the Olympics.

    17. It invented Top of the Pops.

    18. It gave the world Patsy Stone.

    19. It would be remiss at this point not to mention Sherlock.

    20. The greatest science programme in the universe.

    21. The rare genius of Andrew Neil.

    Seriously, it's not like any other politics show. Remember that time they all had a rave to Underworld?

    22. Light entertainment on the BBC is just that bit classier.

    23. Being able to watch stuff online free and legally.

    24. The website in general.

    25. The saving of 6 Music.

    26. In fact, the fact the Beeb constantly survives routine Conservative attacks proves that we are, at heart, a liberal nation.

    27. Which means this guy absolutely hates it.

    28. So let's hear it for the BBC.

    29. Because there's a reason we call it Auntie.