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    27 Useful Things That'll Help You Cut Down On Your Cooking Time

    Who wants to sit around waiting for food to be ready when you're hangry?

    1. These microwaveable potato cooker bags for when you want a perfectly cooked baked potato and you want it now. It also works for cooking corn on the cob and warming up tortillas, so you'll probably be reaching for these quite often.

    Collage of microwavable potato bag with potato inside, bag placed in a microwave, and a cooked baked potato

    2. A pair of onion goggles because cooking dinner shouldn't make your eyes water more than the first 10 minutes of Up.

    Model chopping onions while wearing onion goggles

    3. This One & Done Seasoning that takes all the flavors currently in your overcrowded spice cabinet and packs them into one bottle. It'll definitely upgrade your next steak night, but it's also versatile enough to sprinkle on chicken, burgers, BBQ, french fries, and basically anything else you whip up.

    Bottle of One and Done seasoning next to cooked steak

    4. A microwave rice cooker for the times you don't feel like pulling out a bulky appliance or rummaging in your cabinets for a pot.

    5. A subscription to Freshly, which delivers fully cooked meals right to your door so you literally won't have to think about what you're eating tonight. Whether you're in the mood for Chicken Tikka Masala or a White Bean Turkey Chili Bowl, it'll be ready in just three minutes.

    6. A bestselling immersion hand blender so your smoothies can actually be smooth for once and your soups will look as creamy and delicious as the Pinterest photo you took the recipe from.

    7. This breakfast sandwich maker that's so easy to use — even if you haven't had coffee yet. Just toss your ingredients in, close the lid, and you'll have the perfect grab-and-go breakfast ready in about 10 minutes.

    Breakfast-sandwich maker opened to reveal various ingredients

    8. An absolutely genius tool that lets you easily spread butter on your pans before cooking or directly on hot foods like corn on the cob or fresh bread. No more butterfingers!

    9. This rapid egg cooker so you can quickly cook all of those eggs sitting in your fridge before they go bad. Whether you like 'em boiled, poached, or scrambled, this little device does it all.

    10. The ridiculously popular Instant Pot that more than lives up to its hype. It may look like a normal slow cooker, but it's also a pressure cooker, sterilizer, rice cooker, steamer, and yogurt maker — so get ready to donate all of your other bulky appliances.

    11. A highly rated spiralizer that might just get you excited about eating your veggies. If you're looking to jump on the veggie pasta trend, this will make it so much easier.

    12. Or this handheld veggie spiralizer if you're looking for something super compact but still just as easy to use. You'll have Food Network-worthy spirals at just a few flicks of the wrist.

    A hand using the spiralizer, which is similar to a large pencil sharpener, to make zucchini noodles

    13. A microwave pasta maker for the days when boiling a pot of water is just too much to handle — trust me, I've been there. All you have to do is fill with pasta, add water, then microwave for about 13 minutes.

    14. This three-section nonstick grill pan so you can finally master the art of multitasking in the kitchen while also reducing the amount of cleanup afterward.

    15. A pack of pre-prepared seasoned beans you can throw in the microwave for 60 seconds when you're way too tired to even think about cooking a side dish.

    16. A shredder claw set so your pulled pork will look just as tender and delicious as it does at your favorite BBQ joint.

    Orange meat claws next to shredded meat

    17. A set of herb scissors to give your dishes a touch of freshness. You'll be ditching your pre-packaged bottles of rosemary and parsley in no time.

    18. This microwave veggie steamer, because getting in your daily serving of greens should be as easy and hassle-free as possible.

    Carrots and broccoli placed in microwavable veggie steamer

    19. A pack of three unique hot sauces so you can add a spicy kick to literally any meal you whip up — and admit it, your taste buds are bored of the same brand you've been buying for years.

    Three bottles of Hot N Saucy hot sauces

    20. A corn peeler so you can safely and easily de-cob your corn and finally ditch the frozen and canned stuff. You deserve fresh corn and you deserve it NOW!

    Model using tool to remove corn from cob

    21. This apple slicer that proves getting perfectly sliced fruit doesn't have to be a painful process. Also, let's be honest, apples somehow just taste better when sliced... and dipped in peanut butter.

    Model using slicer to cut a whole apple

    22. A super handy garlic press so you can chop up your favorite ingredient without smelling it on your hands for the next 10 years. You can even put a personalized engraving on the handle, making it a perfect gift for the true garlic lover in your life.

    Garlic press placed on cutting board with minced garlic

    23. Or a garlic twist for the times you need freshly minced garlic but don't possess the knife skills to make that happen.

    Model holding garlic twist filled with minced garlic

    24. A helpful two-stage sharpener to bring some life into those knifes you've had for far longer than you'd like to admit.

    Model running knife through sharpener

    25. This freezer pod tray that will make food prep SO much easier. Simply fill each rectangle with smoothie ingredients, soup, or any other leftovers you're not sure what to do with. Once you're ready to eat, just pop 'em out and re-heat!

    Reviewer photo of tray filled with frozen soup

    26. This manual food chopper that evenly breaks down everything from ground meat to fruits and veggies with just a few turns of your wrist.

    27. And an egg white separator that can hold up to four egg yolks at a time and is really just too adorable for words, so I'm going to stop typing now.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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