11 Very Interesting New Details About The "Game Of Thrones" Prequel That George R.R. Martin Just Revealed

    "The Starks will definitely be there." H/T: Entertainment Weekly

    It's been less than two months since Game of Thrones ended, but here we are already talking about the prequel — which, btw, is currently filming in Northern Ireland!

    And, in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Martin revealed a few new details that will probably make you say, "OK, I'm listening...":

    1. There will be a lot of familiar names, like the Starks.

    2. And the Lannisters, too...probably, anyway.

    3. As far as creatures go, you can also plan on seeing direwolves...

    4. ...and even mammoths.

    5. The White Walkers will definitely be a part of it too.

    6. There will be — get this — not seven, but a hundred kingdoms in the new show.

    7. The infamous castle Casterly Rock will be in the show...

    8. ...but don't expect to see the Lannisters there, because the prequel will predate their rise.

    9. Martin has suggested The Long Night as the title of the show in the past...

    10. ...but he heard it might actually be called The Longest Night.

    11. And finally, much like Game of Thrones, this will be another ensemble-style show.

    Me, to the new Game of Thrones prequel: