Just Some Cool Ways To Spend Your Time This Week

    What to read, watch, play, and more.

    1. Watch Preacher.

    2. Read What's a Girl Gotta Do?

    3. Listen to Singing Bones.

    4. Play Exploding Kittens.

    5. Cook these mac 'n' cheese breadsticks.

    6. Try finding your tribe on MeetUp.com.

    7. Follow @EverythingGoats.

    Twitter: @EverythingGoats

    "I fucking love goats so I may be unfairly biased," says Rebecca. She is not. This account is everything, and I feel relatively neutral about goats.

    Follow @EverythingGoats here.

    If you don't appreciate goats, some reassurance from @thegoodquote might be just what you need.