The Best Pets Of Nickelodeon: A Tribute

    Ah the good old days when Doug, Hey Arnold!, and Clarissa Explains It All were on Nickelodeon. Here's a tribute to our favorite pets in the shows we grew up with. Who's your favorite??

    "Clarissa Explain's It All": Elvis, the Caimon

    "Doug": Porkchop, the dog

    "The Rugrats": Spike, the dog

    "Rocko's Modern Life": Spunky, the dog

    "The Off-beat's" of "KaBlam!": September, the dog

    "Hey Arnold": Abner, the pig

    "Prometheus and Bob" of "KaBlam!": Bob had his Monkey, Prometheus had Bob

    "The Wild Thornberrys": Nigel, the monkey

    "CatDog": Cat and Dog, the cat and the dog (obviously eachother's pets)

    "Pete and Pete": Petunia, the Lady in Red