19 Costumes That Prove That The U.K Does Halloween Better

    There are some real throwbacks here.

    1. This genius Theresa May delivering a no deal Brexit.

    my friend went as Theresa May for Halloween and I cannot

    2. And this uncanny Nessa from Gavin and Stacey.

    3. Harry Styles looked phenomenal as Elton John.

    the world is dark and the only thing giving me life is this

    4. This extremely accurate portrayal of Kerry and Kurtan Mucklowe from This Country.

    “You’re such an unemotional slab of ham Kerry” @bbcthree #ThisCountry

    5. This brilliant/creepy Villanelle.

    6. This 13th Doctor recreation is too cute.

    My daughter is the 13th Doctor for Halloween. Thank you @BBC and Jodie Whittaker! #DoctorWho

    7. Sam and Mark went as Shirley and Heather from Eastenders because why not?

    Happy Halloween #halloween #HappyHallowen

    8. And again we have Nessa, this time with Bryn.

    Islands in the Stream 🏝🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

    9. This life-like Thomas The Tank Engine.

    Thought Facebook was dead until I saw this 😂

    10. This too-real portrayal of Bob and Alan from Chewin' the Fat.

    Would you be interested in our extended 5 year warranty guarantee?

    11. This Jeremy Corbyn, complete with bakerboy hat and scowl.

    12. This extremely accurate Julia Montague impression.

    Julia is off to #SinkThePink, with her belly out.

    13. This absolute throwback to Ariel's audition for The X-Factor.

    First of all, let’s sort this out. I am not a number, I’m a human being. My name’s Ariel, I’m a holistic vocal coach. I’m a generalist- not a specialist- I’m a generalist. I take into account people’s body, people’s emotions, people’s thoughts and people’s energy. #Halloween2018 https://t.co/Qp9GO5geHS

    14. This extremely demure Meghan Markle costume.

    Introducing... Fakin’ Markle VS. Meghan Markle 👑 A Royal @FOX29philly #Halloween2018 !

    15. These '90s panini stickers which are a massive blast from the past.

    16. This extremely glam Pat Butcher lewk.

    @BuzzFeed Ummm excuse me what about my pat butcher costume

    17. This inventive Irn-Bru costume.

    Killieween didn’t disappoint 🧡💙

    18. This Banksy painting which is probably better art than the original itself.

    19. This two-pronged genius idea that is Noel Edmonds underneath Mr Blobby.

    Last night my mate was dressed up as Mr blobby and underneath he was dressed as Noel Edmunds