28 Facts That'll Make Anyone Who Is Over 28 Feel Uncomfortable And Old

    "Why would you do this to me, BuzzFeed?!" — You, reading this

    1. First off — the year 2050 is as close to us today as 1990 is:

    2. And 2020 is to 1995 as 1995 is to 1970:

    3. Speaking of 1995, that's when both of these classics were released (yup, they're both a QUARTER of a century old!):

    4. And 25 years ago was also when Casper uttered this iconic line:

    5. Today, we're closer to the opening of the Nickelodeon time capsule than to when it was buried:

    6. Also, while we're at it, the release of The Lion King was closer to the Beatles breaking up than it is to today:

    7. And these '90s kids classics were released closer to the moon landing... THE MOON LANDING!

    Want to feel old? Jurrasic Park, Mrs Doubtfire, Aladin, Home Alone (1 & 2) and Wayne's World were all released closer to the moon landing than today.

    8. Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Zack Morris) is now OLDER than Dennis Haskins (Mr. Belding) was when Saved by the Bell premiered. He will also be being playing the authority figure in the reboot!!!

    9. Jonathan Taylor Thomas is now as old as Tim Allen was when he first starred on Home Improvement:

    10. And, crazy to believe, but Sam Neill (who played Alan Grant) is now older than Richard Attenborough was when he played John Hammond in Jurassic Park:

    11. This year marks 20 years since Boy Meets World ended...

    12. ...and Malcolm in the Middle started:

    13. You singing Destiny's Child's "Independent Women Pt. 1"...

    ...or NSYNC's "Bye Bye Bye" today would be like someone in 2000 singing a song from 1980:

    14. Speaking of NSYNC, they have been on "hiatus" for 18 years, which is more than double the length that they were actually a band:

    15. And teens today don't even know who they are:

    Omg my teens just asked me "who is *NSYNC?" 😱 #byebyebye

    Speaking of teens today:

    16. A lot of them have lived in a world where the Star Wars prequels have always existed, which means they probably watched all of the Star Wars movies in numerical order:

    17. Those same teens have also always lived in a world where Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie weren't BFFs...

    18. ...The OC has been an old teen show...

    19. ...and where the Razr...

    20. ...Facebook...

    21. ...and iPods have always existed:

    22. Speaking of iPods, kids today have NO idea what they are:

    Tried to ask the 2nd graders the riddle, “What happens if you put your iPod in the refrigerator” and they were like “what’s an iPod?”

    23. They have also, sadly, lived in a world where these delicious drinks don't exist:

    24. If The Sandlot was created today and set the same number of years in the past, it would take place in 1989:

    25. And if the boomer classic The Big Chill was remade today, all the music used in it would be from the early '00s:

    Just did the math. If you rebooted The Big Chill today all the songs would be from 2002 or so. People dancing around the kitchen making dinner to The Strokes and such.

    26. Harry Potter is now older than he was during the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:

    27. This year, we'll be further removed from Britney Spears' debut single than we were to Madonna's debut single when the two of them kissed at the 2003 VMAs:

    28. And finally, if you downloaded an MP3 from LimeWire in 2000 (and still have it on a disc somewhere), it's now older than freshmen who will be entering college this fall: