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Ryan Reynolds And Blake Lively Donated $1 Million To Help With Coronavirus Relief With Statements Roasting Each Other And Their Celeb Friends

Posting on social media, the power couple revealed they would be splitting the money between two food banks — one based in the US, one in Canada — but, of course, they couldn't resist a little dig at each other in the process.

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have just announced that they've donated $1 million to two food bank charities in order to help those affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

COVID-19, the name given to the disease caused by this strain of coronavirus, has swept the globe, with many countries either advising people to stay indoors and practice social distancing or locking everything down altogether.

And celebs aren't immune to the precautions either. In fact many, including Millie Bobby Brown, Billie Eilish, and Dua Lipa, are staying indoors.

Well, Blake and Ryan have become the latest celebrities to post on social media, using Instagram to announce their donation.

"I think we can all agree, COVID-19 is an asshole," Ryan said in an Instagram caption alongside a statement that said the virus had "brutally impacted older adults and low income families".

The Deadpool actor further added that the money would be split between two food banks, one based in the US and the other in Canada. "Take care of your bodies and hearts," he said. "Leave room for joy."

But this is Ryan Reynolds we're talking about, and of course, he couldn't resist making a little dig at a close friend's expense...

"Call someone who's isolated and might need connection," he finished his statement. "Hugh Jackman's # is 1-555-😢-HUGH."

Blake also jumped on social media with a similar post, encouraging those who can to donate and help the people most affected by the outbreak.

Noting the precautions to self-isolate and practice social distancing, she reminded people to stay connected with each other through alternative means, such as video calls.

"Communities are stepping up — shopping for the elderly, making lunches for children," Blake added. "We can all do something for one another, even if that's simply staying home."

However, just like her husband, Blake brought some humour to the table, roasting her husband about his apparent plea to emotionally distance himself from...her mom.

"Can someone please tell Ryan that 'emotional distancing' from his mother in law is not a thing. Nothing can save him."

You can always count on Blake and Ryan to cheer things up a little! 💖

You can read all of BuzzFeed News' coronavirus coverage here.