Rihanna And Jay-Z Donated $2 Million To Support Immigrants, Children, The Elderly, Homeless, And Incarcerated During The Coronavirus Crisis

    The money will be split between four charities, helping people such as undocumented workers and children of first responders and health care workers.

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    Rihanna and Jay-Z have joined forces, donating a combined $2 million in order to support vulnerable people during the coronavirus crisis.

    Through their respective charities — Rihanna's Clara Lionel Foundation and Jay's Shawn Carter Foundation — the pair will be splitting the money among four organisations based in the US.

    In matching statements on Twitter, Rihanna and Jay revealed that the money would go towards supporting "undocumented workers, children of frontline health workers and first responders, and incarcerated, elderly and homeless people."

    Last week, it was announced that Rihanna had donated an additional $5 million through her Clara Lionel Foundation to help those in need.

    In a statement on Instagram, it was revealed that the money would go towards "[preparing] communities [with] critical protective gear, medical supplies, equipment and access to food across multiple countries".

    New York governor Andrew Cuomo thanked Rihanna on Twitter, writing: "We're so appreciative of your help."

    🙏🏿 @ClaraLionelFdn https://t.co/qqKeWeScFj

    And it was further reported that Rihanna had offered to pay around $700,000 to help provide her home country of Barbados with ventilators for coronavirus treatment.

    In a statement posted over the weekend by the singer, businessperson, and activist, she wrote: "We're all human. And we all just want a chance. A chance at life. A chance at an education. A chance at a future really."

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