"I Sobbed For Two Hours Afterwards" – 16 Film Endings People Think Were Completely And Utterly Perfect

    "An absolutely perfect ending to seriously one of the greatest ensemble films."

    The ending to a movie is essential, it's the last thing we remember of course. Well, we've recently been talking about some films that have completely nailed the ending, and people have done the honourable thing and shared some more.

    1. The Passion of the Christ

    Side profile of a man with long hair and beard, in contemplative mood

    2. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

    E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial character holding up a glowing finger

    3. Officer and A Gentleman

    Man in naval uniform embracing woman among onlooking crowd

    4. Home Alone

    Two characters, a man and woman, embracing in a snowy scene from the film

    5. You’ve Got Mail

    Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan standing close, facing each other with a backdrop of flowers

    6. Arrival

    Person in a raincoat and another figure looking at a circular symbol drawn on a foggy surface

    7. Chinatown

    Man in fedora, close-up on tense expression, another man in a hat behind him

    8. The Whale

    Man with an emotional expression, wearing a casual t-shirt

    9. Identity

    Woman looking up in surprise at a person extending an object towards her

    10. No Country for Old Men

    Tommy Lee Jones wearing a plaid shirt, seated indoors, with a pensive expression

    11. Women Talking

    Woman in early 20th-century dress standing in a field, looking back over her shoulder

    12. Oppenheimer

    Character wearing a vintage hat and coat, looking pensive

    13. Rogue One

    Two silhouetted individuals embracing by the sea at sunset

    14. Big Fish

    Scene from a film with a man carrying a woman in his arms, others cheering in the background

    15. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

    Two men embracing, one comforting the other, in a scene from a film

    16. Empire Strikes Back

    Darth Vader stands facing Luke Skywalker in a tense duel on a narrow platform

    What film ending do you think is perfect? Let us know in the comments below!