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    24 Things I Can't Believe You Don't Own Yet? What Are You Doing?

    "Wow, where have you been all my life?" —you, to these products.

    1. A rice cooker because think about it — cooking rice is the woooorst. Think about all the times you accidentally burnt the rice and had to scrape the brown failure off the bottom of the pot. Stop doing that. Just have a robot make it perfectly every time.

    2. And in the same vein, an egg cooker. Stop settling for overcooked hardboiled eggs with gross grey yolks. You deserve better.

    3. A long-lasting sponge you can use for legit MONTHS without any gross mildew smell. Seriously punt your stinky sponges into the trash and grab these.

    4. A Tubshroom so you can stop wasting so much money on Drano and plumber bills. Just catch the hair before it goes down, genius.

    5. An avocado tool that looks silly, but I promise you will save you a trip to the ER when your knife slips during the de-pitting stage. Get that sweet avocado meat out of its skin while keeping your blood in your skin.

    6. A cellphone holder to clip to your car's air vent and keep your make-shift GPS at eye-level. It's so easy and helpful, you'll be kicking yourself for not getting it sooner.

    7. A grout pen that covers up your disgracefully dirty tiles and makes it look like you cleaned. It's honestly the least you can do.

    8. A bottle of squalane oil to make your skin so luxuriously soft and bouncy, you'll slam dunk all your other creams in the trash.

    9. A shredder so you can properly dispose of your sensitive documents. You don't want to end up getting buried in an avalanche of bills, bank statements, and credit reports.

    10. A fire extinguisher you absolutely need once you start cooking for real. Please, please get one before you burn the house down.

    11. An electric bottle opener so much easier to use than a regular one, you'll realize you've been living in the Dark Ages this whole time.

    12. A curved brush that tackles tough knots without pulling or tearing, making your old brush look like a real jerk.

    13. A steamer for breathing (like a mini little dragon) new life into your wrinkly sweaters that were lodged in the back of your closet.

    14. A microchip pet door so your dog can come and go without bringing home any unexpected friends. Y'know, like a raccoon or your neighbor's cat who bites.

    15. A makeup brush shampoo — PLEASE stop putting that germy thing on your delicate face. Your dermatologist is crying rn.

    16. And while we're talking about your makeup, how about a spinning beauty organizer so you can actually see some counter space?

    17. A set of Target Threshold sheets so affordable and comfortable, I lay awake at night worrying about all the people who don't own a set.

    18. A three-in-one lens kit for your phone so effective, it may finally kickstart your dream of becoming a photographer. You know, the dream you've had since you started reading this?

    19. A pair of ceiling fan charms so you know what's going to happen on the first pull.

    20. A suction tool to help relieve the itchy agony of bug bites by sucking out insect venom, saliva, and other irritants under your skin. Finally, you can go outside after dark again!

    21. Boy Brow — a foolproof way to get instantly tamed eyebrows with just a few swipes.

    22. Expandable dividers to bring order to your clutter, whether it be in your drawers, shelves, or cabinets. Quite frankly, the time you waste sifting through your kitchen drawers is making us all upset.

    23. An air purifying bag to help finally rid your home or car or wherever of that gross smell. There, now you can have guests again; you're welcome.

    24. Laundry balls that will fluff up your wet clothes, letting them dry faster and with less static. Adults have these...do you want to be an adult? Buy the balls.

    Shopping for something specific? Check out BuzzFeed Reviews to find the best things for every budget!