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Hurricane Irene

Hurricane Irene

Watch This Guy Jet Ski Down A NY Street

This jet skiing freak took lemons and made lemonade when Hurricane Irene flooded the streets of Oceanside, NY. Warning: Soundtrack provided by Linkin Park.

Hurricanes Are For Lovers

Potential near-death experiences and Craigslist really bring out the romantic side of people. Something tells me that 9-10 months from now there will be a few love children named Irene joining us on this earth.

Flooding In Vermont Destroys Historic Covered Bridge

Vermont was hit hard by flooding as a result of Hurricane Irene, with roads, bridges, homes and vehicles being washed away by some of the most intense flood waters the state has ever seen. This footage shows the Bartonsville Covered Bridge, a historic landmark built in 1870, being washed away.

Ron Paul Wants To Abolish FEMA

Hurricane Irene may not have been as disastrous as everyone feared, but that doesn't mean now is the time to get rid of FEMA.

Best Friends Arrested For Rafting In Philadelphia

Pete and Pat were Key West-bound in a raft from Philadelphia (!!), but local police put the clinks on the bros long before they arrived at their tropical destination. After showing face on a local newscast, the river rats were arrested just minutes after "for lack of common sense," the officers said.

New York Responds To Hurricane Irene

Most of the city may have shut down, but some New York bars were still in full swing during the hurricane. And the ones that weren't had a couple of words for good 'ol Irene.

10 Photos Of Irene's Aftermath In New York City

Flooding, tree branches, winds, oh my! Taken around the lower Manhattan area, these photos show the "catastrophic" aftermath of Irene's great force.

The Internet Responds To Hurricane Irene

Now that Hurricane Tropical Storm Irene is behind us, let's get to what's really important: what the Internet thought about it. Facebook and Twitter users were constantly updating their pages during the storm, and from the looks of it, they were pretty furious about it.

Awesome Hurricane Prepper

In Baltimore the streets are empty, and the bars are full.

Tomb Sentinel Soaked But Vigilant

Disregard hurricanes. Acquire reverence. Despite Irene drenching the Arlington Cemetery, this lone sentinel does his duty. A member of The Old Guard has walked this route every day without fail since April of 1948.

SoHo: Amazing Pics Of Irene Prep

BuzzFeed's neighborhood is already fully prepared for the wrath of Hurricane Irene, and SoHo is basically a ghost town. Check out the scene with Irene only hours away.

President Obama: "We Have To Be Prepared For The Worst"

President Obama speaks from Martha's Vineyard about the impending landfall of Hurricane Irene and the federal government's preparation for what could be a historic storm. Takeaway: Get ready. NOW.

How A Hurricane Gets Its Name

The more you know. Here's hoping Irene won't warrant a lobby to retire her name.

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