17 Sex Horror Stories That Will Make You Say "Holy Shit Are They Okay?"


    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share the most hilarious, horrific, and weird things that have ever happened during an orgasm.

    And they DELIVERED.

    1. The accidental threesome:

    2. The special delivery:

    3. The eye-opening experience:

    4. The dirty double date:

    5. The suppertime surprise:


    7. The unexpected reaction:

    8. The pain that was oh-so-worth it:

    9. The curious critter:

    10. The little white lie:

    11. The worst intruder:

    12. The after-O surprise:

    13. The feeling best expressed in song:

    14. The splash zone:

    15. The baffling birth:

    16. The big freeze:

    17. The dream:

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