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21 Little Ways To Be Happier In 2017

We're guessing you need it after 2016.

1. Remove apps from your phone that might be stressing you out.

2. Give a name to your negative thoughts and then call them out on their bullshit.

3. Develop a morning routine that will set the mood for the whole day.

4. And while you're at it, develop a before-bed routine, too.

5. Replace "I'm sorry" with "thank you."

6. Revisit some of your favorite things from childhood.

7. Call your Person on the phone more often.

8. Find a general practitioner you love if you haven't already.

9. Try tracking your moods and habits to find the little things that make you feel better and worse.

10. Commit to a work-life balance.

11. Put your phone on Do Not Disturb at night.

12. Be liberal with the mute, block, and unfriend button.

13. Listen to some hilarious podcasts in your downtime.

14. Check out your alcohol intake and how it's making you feel.

15. Get rid of old things that you can't use right now.

16. Make moves to get out of a shitty job/school/major/living situation/relationship/whatever big thing is making you MISERABLE.

17. Write letters of appreciation to people you love.

18. In fact, work on being a better friend in general.

19. Invest in a massage every once and awhile.


21. Learn about resources available to you if you ever need a bit of help.

For more ideas, check out last year's list here!