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27 Small But Awesome Ways To Be A Good Friend

It's all about the ~little things~.

Real talk: Sometimes it feels like you don't have time to be a good friend when you're busy, stressed, or just generally trying to get your life together.

But in reality, it's usually those little easy, underrated gestures that really make your friends feel all schmoopy and loved. And everyone has time for one of those. So here's a big fast list of some small but significant things you can do to up your friendship game.

1. Text them when you see something that reminds you of them.

2. Fave that tweet or like that pic that's not getting the recognition it deserves.

3. Stock your pantry with their favorite snack if they're always chilling at your apartment.

4. Hit them up with some random nostalgia about a favorite memory you have of them.

Easy as dropping them a text.

5. Learn the names of their bitchy co-workers, bad roommates, siblings, whatever, so you don't have to keep saying, "Who?" whenever they tell you a story.

6. Take more pictures of them when they're feelin' themselves.

7. Bring them food when they have a terrible hangover.

8. Make a big fucking deal out of an accomplishment of theirs, big or small.

9. Remind them that you miss them when you haven't chatted in awhile.

10. Let them know when someone else says something nice about them.

11. Send them songs you think they'd like.

12. Don't just offer to bring them stuff when they're sick — insist on it.

13. Go on friend dates with the other important people in their life.

14. Go with them to that appointment they're dreading.

15. Give back the things you borrow.

16. Tell them a secret or some shit you're vulnerable about.

17. Don't one-up them (even accidentally) when they're having a shitty day.

18. Start a new tradition with them.

19. Celebrate their half-birthday with them.

20. Watch their favorite show so they have someone to vomit their feelings all over.

21. Call them when you're waiting for water to boil, on your walk to the subway, or some other tiny chunk of time.

22. Snap them pictures of cute dogs you see on the street.

23. Thank them for the things they do for you after the fact.

24. Know their drink order so you can have it waiting for them when you go out together.

25. Get them stupid elementary school throwback gifts like friendship jewelry or photo albums.

26. Send them a postcard. For no reason. Because handwritten things are just inherently more awesome.

27. And when in doubt, just remind them how much you appreciate them.