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16 Messages That Are Basically Sexts for Anxious People

"BTW, your house is definitely not on fire."

1. When anxiety makes you question every relationship for no reason:

2. When doubt creeps in and gets worse throughout the day:

3. When even the smallest, silliest things seem impossible:

4. When you can't handle too many people, but you don't want to be alone, either:

5. When open-endedness = TORTURE to your anxious brain:

6. When you just really want/need a mental health day:

7. When you're the master of overanalyzing every comment, ever:

8. When big parties where you only know one person are your nightmare:

9. When the last thing you need is to feel anxious about staying home because you're anxious:

10. When solid plans help your anxiety calm the fuck down:

11. When talking on the phone = THE WORST:

12. When EVERY passive-aggressive thing on social media is definitely about you:

13. When lateness sets your mind into overdrive:

14. When they know exactly what you need:

15. When a message from your boss DOESN'T give you a heart attack for once:

16. And when you need a reminder: