16 More Unpopular Horror Movie Opinions That'll Scare You More Than The Movies They're About

    "'Torture porn' should be its own category."

    We recently asked members of our BuzzFeed Community, "What is your most aggressively unpopular horror movie opinion?" and their entires inspired even MORE ire in the comments! Here are just a few of the most awe-inducing opinions shared:

    1. "I’m tired of this new horror movie cliche, 'Aliens took over our planet, so we have to be completely silent or we’ll die, good thing we happen to have a teenage deaf daughter and all know sign language.'”

    2. "Chernobyl Diaries is an amazing, criminally underrated horror movie!"

    3. "Dolls are always creepy, even when they're not possessed or killers."

    4. "People who try too hard to separate 'thriller' from 'horror' are people who think 'horror' is only torture porn."

    5. "The Insidious movies were all terrible."

    6. "Ellen Ripley from Alien is the first true final girl, and also the best one."

    7. "Practical effects will always be scarier than CGI, no matter how good the CGI is. ALWAYS."

    8. "Horror films framed around real animals shouldn't exist."

    9. "House of 1000 Corpses is better than The Devil's Rejects."

    10. "'Torture porn' should be its own category."

    11. "The Exorcist, while perhaps innovative and groundbreaking in its time, is no longer scary."

    12. "The Halloween movies would've been more scary if the soundtrack didn't go so hard."

    13. "Psychological horror movies are scarier than any other type of horror movie."

    14. "The Scream movies are honestly kind of trash."

    15. "Ari Aster is not only the greatest horror director out there right now, but the greatest in the genre, period."

    16. "The Blair Witch Project was only scary because of the unknown aspect that surrounded it at the time it was released."

    Now it's your turn! What is YOUR most aggressively unpopular horror movie opinion? Share in the comments below!

    Some entries have been edited for length and/or clarity.