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The 13 Most Terrifying Horror Movie Posters Of All Time

Why watch a whole movie when a single image can do the same job in a fraction of the time?!

Hi, I'm Allie. I love horror movies. That's kind of my one personality trait. Anyway, one of my favorite activities as a child was walking through the aisles of the local video rental store* and giving myself completely avoidable nightmares by gawking at all of the terrifying VHS covers and posters on display in the "Horror" section.

But — because I was an actual child at the time — I wasn't allowed to read the back descriptions of any of the films, so instead I'd just make up the entire plots of the films in my head. What a fun way to pass the time as a kid, amirite?

So, in no particular order, here are some of the horror movie VHS covers and posters that are still burned into my dumb adult brain, and what I decided the movies were 100% actually about as a child:

1. Candyman (1992)

The "Candyman" official poster which features a very large bee near a very large eye, which Candyman's silhouette visible in the reflection

2. The Company of Wolves (1984)

The official poster for "The Company of Wolves" which features a young woman dressed in a red hood looking at a man slowly transforming into a werewolf

3. The Evil Dead (1981)

The "Evil Dead" official poster which features a young woman being pulled down into the ground by her neck, by a zombie-looking hand

4. Hellraiser (1987)

The official poster for "Hellraiser" which features Pinhead holding out a shiny present for you to take

5. Black Christmas (or Silent Night, Evil Night) (1974)

The official poster for "Black Christmas" which features a young woman being choked to death by a plastic bag with text reading, "If this picture doesn't make your skin crawl, it's on too tight"

6. Re-Animator (1985)

The official poster for "Re-Animator" which features a scientist in a lab clutching a disembodied head with text reading, "Herbert West has a good head on his shoulders and another one on his desk"

7. Ghoulies (1985)

The official poster for "Ghoulies" which features a terrifying green creature coming out of a toilet

8. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

The official "A Nightmare on Elm Street" poster which features Nancy asleep in her bed with Freddy Krueger hovering over her, claws spread

9. Creepshow (1982)

The official poster for "Creepshow" which features a very wacky looking skeleton in a ticket booth, holding out a ticket for you to take

10. Fright Night (1985)

The official "Fright Night" poster which features some freaky looking vampire faces in clouds above an otherwise docile suburban home

11. Alice, Sweet Alice (or Communion) (1976)

The official poster for "Alice Sweet Alice" which features a large paper shopping bag overturned with a mask, a creepy baby doll, and a huge bloody knife spilling out of it

12. Jaws (1975)

The official "Jaws" poster that features a young woman swimming while a giant shark lurks just under the surface of the water

13. Dead-Alive (or Braindead) (1992)

The "Dead-Alive" official poster featuring a woman opening her own lips wide using her hands to reveal a horrifying skeleton inside

SURPRISE BONUS ROUND: Since you've made it this far into the post without leaving and/or calling me mean names, here's a few more horror movie posters I wanted to include...because they 100% gave me nightmares as a teenager/grown-ass adult woman:

14. Saw (2004)

The "Saw" official poster featuring a rotting, cut-off hand laying on the ground

15. The Descent (2005)

The official poster for "The Descent" featuring six women in formation to form a skull

16. Sinister (2015)

The official movie poster for "Sinister" featuring a young girl smearing blood across a wall with her hands, revealing the face of a demon

17. Us (2019)

So, uh, yeah...there you have it. I hope you enjoyed this trip down nightmare lane! What horror movie poster(s) gave you nightmares as a young, impressionable child? Which of the above posters is your personal favorite? Share yours in the comments below!