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21 DIY Trends That Dominated 2012

We learned a lot about Making Things with Our Hands this year.

1. Before 2012, were you aware that you can make anything out of a Mason jar?

Anything at all?


2. Also, you can cover anything that has corporeal form with chalkboard paint.

3. Chalk isn't just for the playground anymore.

4. And sprinkles aren't just for eating.

5. Is something not cute enough? Put a pom-pom on it.

6. Now we know there are PRACTICAL uses for nail polish.

7. Always keep a garland on hand as an instant party decoration.

8. Bunting makes an easier cake decoration than messy icing dispensers.

9. "Decoupage" can actually look cool.

10. We discovered that Japan has invented really cool tape.

11. Paint chips are free, and therefore you should make art with them.

And lampshades.

Also calendars.

And wedding photo booth backdrops.

12. Glitter brings instant elation to one's life.

13. Cats are the new owls.

14. A sock is a girl's best hair accessory.

15. Your T-shirt is boring. Turn it into something else.

16. Ombre the bejeezus out of everything.

17. Dip-dyeing is like ombre, but oh so different.

18. Back to nail art!

19. Make stuff from your Instagrams.

20. Printables made our printers relevant again.

21. OK, hold up: Everyone seemed really pumped about this glowing Mason jar DIY this year, but has anyone ever actually done it?