Cole Sprouse Posted This Instagram Selfie And I'm Confused As Heck

    Let's get to the bottom of this.

    It's no news that Cole Sprouse has a very *quirky* presence on social media.

    Photographer captured a photo after they told me I was beautiful.

    Remember when he uploaded a bunch of super FaceTuned photos as a joke???

    Or just look at literally any of his Instagram captions.

    Well, he's done it again. I was just scrolling through Instagram and came across this.

    I — er — am not sure what to make of this and his caption isn't very helpful.

    He legit looks like some random middle-aged trucker dude and I have so many questions!!!

    What's up with this Marlboro baseball cap? Do you smoke cigs Cole? I'm not judging, I just want to understand.

    And also, what the hell is this thing attached to your mouth?

    And most importantly, WHY ARE YOUR PANTS UNBUTTONNED???

    Is this for some Riverdale episode? Maybe a role for a movie? A Halloween costume you were trying on?

    It doesn't help that the comments are even MORE perplexing.

    For some reason, his brother Dylan called him "daddy-o" like it's the '50s.

    Your sarcasm is not helping me Haley lu Richardson!!!

    Is he — is he referring to the app?

    Well I know that Skeet Ulrich's comment is a subtle Riverdale reference but what can it mean? Hmm 🤔

    And a couple some more random comments:

    In the end, this is the only person who gets me.

    So until Cole provides some answers, I'll just be patiently waiting.