We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    43 Things You *Shouldn't* Buy If You Look Around Your Messy Home And Say "This Is Fine"

    Narrator: "It was in fact *not* fine."

    1. glass and ceramic cookware cleanup kit filled with a heavy-duty scrubber, razor blade, and a cleaner specifically designed to remove those burnt-on foods and stains that came with you trying out that new recipe you thought would not be so messy...

    Promising review: "I never thought our electric top would look good again. My husband loves to do the shake-and-scrape thing with the pots when he cooks. This stuff worked like magic though. I will say we figured out that you need to work differently from what the directions say. First spread on the liquid and let sit for a good 25 minutes, then sponge off, then use the scraper after that. The scraper after was what really got those tough spots." —Stef V. 

    Get it from Amazon for $11.55.

    2. An accent table reviewers swear look more expensive than the price tag and the two doors mean you can shut your stuff away so it's out of sight, but not out of mind.

    reviewer photo of the wood paneled accent table holding a vase of tulips, a framed print, and a mirror
    reviewer photo of the inside of the accent table showing two shelves filled with files, pens, paper, and other office supplies

    Promising review: "Beautiful piece! I fell in love with it since I saw it online, even more after it was completely assembled! It's not too difficult to put together, the tricky part for us was to get the hinges to align. Would definitely recommend! Love it!" —Bea

    Get it from Amazon for $204.99.

    3. A Simplehuman grocery bag dispenser meant to take that big pile of plastic bags you've accumulated and store them in a small container where you can grab one to reuse and recycle in seconds.

    Promising review: "I had a handmade bag to hold my plastic grocery bags, FOR YEARS!! When it finally tore so badly that I could no longer use it, I found this item. It's perfect! It's well-made, has a stainless finish, and no sharp edges. It's mounted on the inside of my cabinet door, making it very convenient, and freeing up some space in my cabinet. It holds 25-30 bags, probably more if you really stuff them in. I really like this dispenser." —Cubby

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    4. A set of scrubbing attachments you'll want to constantly take for a ~spin~, because they will get everything so darn clean without causing your arm to hurt from too much scrubbing after.

    Promising review: "We originally purchased this to scrub our tile floors and grout in the bathrooms. We have a dog who slobbers everywhere and the only way to clean it is to use elbow grease. This thing is magical! We’ve used it on the walls (no paint removed), based boards, door jams and doors, windows, floors, and cabinets. Just dip it into warm soapy water and go to town! Recommending this to all our friends. Cuts cleaning time in half!" —A. Bos

    Get it from Amazon for $12.74 (available in six colors).

    5. floating shelf that will transform all your favorite novels and cookbooks into works of art you can enjoy every single day because, let's be honest, are you really ever going to get around to reading them when they're just sitting in a huge pile on the floor getting in your way? 

    Promising review: "These are so much fun! We ordered the small size, which fits standard hardback books (approximately five to seven hardbacks in my experience). They're a great way to add some extra storage to our very small home, and we've placed them in our hallway so people ask us about them all the time. I'd highly recommend!" —LaBuenaVidaMere

    Get it from Amazon for $13.72+ (available in four sizes and variations and in two colors).

    6. A wine stain-removing spray, because you shouldn't be held responsible for any spills that happen during happy hour or movie night. Red wine is too good not to drink out of fear of ruining your clothes, furniture, or anything else that gets in its way!

    reviewer image showing a large red wine stain on the carpet
    same reviewer showing how you can't see the stain anymore after using the spray

    I can confirm that this works and works well. I've used it a number of times to remove different kinds of stains — red wine, rosé, and even berries. It got rosé out of my white T-shirt instantly and even removed red wine from my white/grey rug. It's super easy to use too. You just spray it on the stain, let it sit for a bit and scrub it away. I like to always have this on hand now because accidents happen.

    Promising review: "We’ve had this thing for two years now and finally spilled red wine on our white shag rug. Holy moly, it did not disappoint! It was like magic in how it removed it all! We used a towel with water and soap first and after we found this bottle, we sprayed it and all the rest completely disappeared from our 2+ inch shag rug! We’re buying more. Highly recommend." —Mountaingrl

    Get it from Amazon for $7.16 (available in four varieties).

    7. A three-tier bamboo rack you can hang on the wall or keep on the ground, but either way, it will give you a place to organize all the random things you just can't find a home for in your bathroom.  

    reviewer pic of the rack on the ground with assorted products on it
    a different reviewer with the rack on the wall with assorted bathroom products

    Promising review: "Recently removed the radiators out of my old house, and the bathroom had a narrow space that just looked empty. This fit perfectly, providing much needed storage, and keeps the room from looking cluttered. Easy to assemble and sturdy enough that I am not afraid of it falling apart. Love this!" —Amber Kuhn

    Get it from Amazon for $29.42+ (available in three colors).

    8. A fizzing toilet tablet you simply drop in your toilet, and the fizzing will work to loosen all the stains and buildup. Then all you have to do is lightly brush the bowl, flush all the grossness away, and get back to doing more fun and exciting things in your life.

    Gif of a toilet tablet fizzing and dissolving
    before photo of a dirty toilet with hard water ring and stains
    the same toilet looking clean
    Melanie Aman / BuzzFeed

    Pardo Naturals is a Black woman-owned small biz founded by Rita Pardo who created natural body, hair, and home products that wouldn't irritate her daughter's severe eczema.

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Melanie Aman says: "For all the folks who don't enjoy cleaning the toilet — myself included — these dissolving tablets make quick work of a grimy bowl. The tablets are a little hard to dislodge from the plastic container (though that does make me feel confident that they're secure during transit and won't break; mine all arrived intact!), but once you get one out, you drop it in the toilet, and let it do its thing. It'll start fizzing — just like a bath bomb — loosening any stains and streaks in 10 minutes so they come away with a light brushing. I never let the toilet get too bad (and usually it takes awhile for me to notice any buildup since there are only two people in the apartment), so I can't vouch for them if you have really set-in hard water stains or haven't cleaned the commode in six months. But if you're looking to ditch the harsh cleansers in your toilet cleaning routine, this is a great addition to your lineup."

    Get six tablets from Pardo Naturals for $10.50 (available in seven scents).

    9. A toy storage organizer with 16 bins of various sizes and an open design so your kids can actually do (most) of their own cleanup. Hopefully, once you have this in your home, you'll never feel the pain of stepping on a Lego again.

    Promising review: "These are amazing. They have helped so much with the toy clutter. I have one in each child's room and one in our loft/living space. The kids can easily clean up and the toys end up in the right location. I love this!" —DeborahB

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99+ (available in five colors). 

    10. A Woolite carpet and upholstery cleaner reviewers with kids and pets swear by to remove stains from couches, carpets, and any other upholstery in the house. Plus, it not only removes stains but also odors and discourages resoling in the same area in the future. So no, you don't need to buy a whole new rug because your puppy has loved it a little too much. 

    before image of white upholstered chair with stains
    after image with stains removed

    Promising review: "I don't know what is in this stuff that it makes spots disappear, but my best guess is magic. I used it on dining room chairs abused by toddlers and too many family holidays hosted at my house. They were spotted, they were stained, they were... not gray anymore. One application and suddenly they're beautiful light gray seats again. A bonus is they now smell like a soft baby powder. It was a bit strong at first, but faded to a pleasant level that doesn't scream 'these chairs used to stink' after an hour or two." —P.A.

    Get it from Amazon for $20.60.

    11. A space-saving canister you can attach to the underside of a shelf to basically double the amount of storage space you have. The canisters are airtight and automatically seal when placed back in the cabinet, so you'll never have to remember to put the lid on again.

    three canisters being used for floss, cotton balls, and swabs
    a gif of someone moving the canisters and grabbing a cotton ball
    Vascito / Etsy, Vascito / Etsy

    Vascito is a Michigan-based small business that creates high-tech home storage and organization products. The jars are sold in a set of two and come with their own magnetic rims, a stainless steel shelf plate, and heavy duty Command strips for easy installation.

    Get it from Vascito on Etsy for $39.95 (available in two colors and three sizes).

    12. A FURemover Broom that works to remove pet *and* human hair from deep in your carpet that your vacuum can't reach. Plus, it has a squeegee edge so you can also use it to clean your shower, windows, and even car windshield. We love a multipurpose product!

    BuzzFeed editor holding broom with black silicone bristles
    BuzzFeed editor holding up clump of gross hair
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "This sucker is magic. I bought mine three years ago and it still works. I use it to scrape up the dog hair that gets embedded in my living room rug. (We have two basset hounds who are constantly shedding.) The vacuum gets a lot of it, but even after I run the vacuum I can drag this broom over the rug and drag up entire piles of dirt and fur that were missed. It's also great on my kitchen tile. We have a dog door in our kitchen, so our two bassets are always dragging in dirt and making messes. This works better than a broom because it works like a squeegee — nothing gets caught in the broom fibers, and it can clean up damp/wet messes as well." —yetanotherstephanie

    Get it from Amazon for $12.98.

    And read one BuzzFeed Shopping editor's full review of the FURemover Broom here.

    13. A large woven wicker basket to hold all your extra blankets and pillows when not in use so they don't end up cluttering your floor.

    Promising review: "I'm happy with my purchase — the basket is exactly as described. It's nicely woven. The entire basket holds its shape — it isn't floppy as some have asked about. I'm using it near my couch to hold extra pillows. You certainly could fill it with lots of other things to help unclutter an area. I do recommend this basket for value and craftsmanship." —BizzyEnuf

    Get it from Amazon for $55.91+ (available in four colors/sizes).

    14. A Bissell multi-purpose portable cleaner pretty much guaranteed to gross you out because of all the dirt and gunk it will pull out from the furniture and upholstery in your home. Reviewers have used this to save their couches, rugs, stairs, car seats, and more. 

    gif of reviewer using the cleaner to make their couch cushion look brand new
    reviewer image of the green portable cleaner

    Promising review: "This vacuum is amazing. I first heard of it on TikTok where people were using it to clean their stairs, mattresses, car seats, etc. and from the videos, it already looked amazing. But considering how dirty my dining chair cushions were, I was a little bit apprehensive and skeptical. I purchased the item and used it on my chairs for the first time and the results were SO AMAZING. Best vacuum I've ever used. I even bought a second one!" —Davina

    Get it from Amazon for $103.37

    15. A yoga mat holder here to turn that mess of workout equipment you have piled in the corner of the room into an organized oasis where you can still get your ~om~ on.  

    Promising review: "I love this product! It feels so much better to keep my yoga mats up off the floor when it’s not in use. It’s also been great to have a single place to keep all of my exercise equipment organized in one place. I have four mats, a yoga block, resistance bands, and mini resistance bands on mine and it feels sturdy and looks great!" —dorothy m. haber

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in two colors). 

    16. A stainless steel cleaner made with natural coconut oil to clean, polish, and protect your sink, fridge, and oven.

    Plus, it comes with a microfiber cleaning cloth!

    Promising review: "I was hesitant because other cleaners weren’t great. They either didn’t work or left a weird residue that dust would stick to. This cleaner doesn’t leave a residue and actually works! Highly recommend!" —Courtney B.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.95.

    17. An acrylic storage box that'll make you feel like you're a beauty influencer when you use it. All of your makeup will be in place and easy to grab so that five-minute makeup tutorial actually only takes five minutes. 

    Promising review: "This product is just...wow. I have so much makeup and I thought there was no way that this organizer would fit it all — but it really does fit almost all of my makeup! This thing has seriously changed my life. My makeup is so organized, and I no longer have to search through my drawers looking for products and wasting my time anymore." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $14.75+ (available in 11 colors and sizes).

    18. A woven basket, which will soon become your new secret weapon. Your home will only look cluttered and messy if you can see the clutter and mess. With a couple of these baskets around, you can shove whatever you want in them and move on with your day. It's as easy as that.

    Promising review: "Love it! I got two baskets. The quality is great. The baskets have a good capacity. They're just what I needed to make the space under my coffee table a useful, yet clean-looking storage space. And the handles are a nice touch — they really add a lot!" —koral zamir 

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in three sizes and four colors).

    19. clear shower curtain liner designed with pockets on the inside to hold all of the products that you need so they don't end up squished in the corner of the tub that always fall over when you grab your shampoo. 

    BuzzFeed editor Elizabeth's shower shown from the inside, with the clear liner holding her bath products in the several large pockets evenly spaced throughout
    A closeup on one of the mesh pockets holding a razor and large bottle of cleanser
    Elizabeth Lilly / BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Elizabeth Lilly says: "I couldn’t be happier with my purchase, which seems expensive for a shower curtain liner but is totally worth the price. Its mesh pockets are incredibly sturdy and even *I* can fit all my shower stuff in there. (FYI, I often keep three or four body washes and conditioners each in the shower at all times.) There’s lots of reinforcement where each pocket meets the liner and at the top of the liner, so dropping a weighty bottle of shampoo in a pocket is NBD. Obviously, you want to try for even weight distribution between the pockets and toiletries, but it doesn’t seem to be an issue. And these smooth-gliding hooks I also bought for my new digs make opening and closing my shower curtain as smooth as buttah." Check out her full review here, #7.

    Get it from Amazon for $19.80.

    20. A screen cleaner kit that comes with a spray and microfiber cloth to clean your TV and leave it streak-free in seconds. You'll get back to your Netflix binge in no time.

    a reviewer photo of a TV with smudges across the screen
    a reviewer photo of the same TV now clean

    The spray is free of alcohol, ammonia, and harmful phosphates. You can use it to clean any screen, including HDTVs, PC monitors, tablets, laptops, smartphones, and more!

    Promising review: "A miracle! I've been looking for this product all my life! I have a nice 42-inch smart TV that I hate cleaning. Every product I used left streaks everywhere so I'd use more and rub and rub...Make sure your screen is cool and spray an ample amount on the cloth provided and smear it everywhere. Then flip the cloth and rub it off. I think this is truly one of the greatest breakthroughs in modern history. They give you a huge can of this stuff and a quality cloth." —Paul Wedero

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97.

    21. Some shelf dividers providing you the chance to stack clothing and linens in the whole shelf without them toppling over, creating an even bigger mess. And when you want to grab that specific shirt at the bottom of the pile, you'll be super grateful to have these.

    Promising review: "If you need to Marie Kondo your closet, this is really useful and it looks really nice. I got the grey ones. Bought two to see how they were. Perfect. Bought six more. Loving it!!! Really recommended this product, ready to install and very sturdy." —Nicolò R.

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $12.99 (available in two colors).

    22. toilet paper holder with a door to discreetly hold cleaning supplies and a couple of extra rolls of TP so anyone can easily grab a new roll when they sit down and realize the current one is empty.

    Reviewer photo showing how the toilet paper holder can fit into a narrow space between their toilet and bathtub
    Reviewer photo showing the inside of the toiler paper holder neatly filled with rolls of toiler paper

    Promising review: "This is perfect! I have a very small space between the wall and the toilet, and this fit there perfectly. I use it for toilet tissue and cleaning storage. Easy to assemble and completes my bathroom." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $23.69+ (available in two sizes and in black or white).

    23. Some Goo Gone here to remove those oh-so annoying stickers you thought were destined to stay on your furniture or glasses forever. Just a touch of this magic sauce, and there won't be a trace left.

    A gooey streak stained on a fridge
    the fridge without gunk anymore

    Promising review: "I would give a 10-star rating if there was one. Works like a charm. All of the annoying sticker marks in my house are gone!!!! The old home security stickers on the windows and doors, the price sticker marks on my beautiful pink hair brush, the old hook sticker mark in our bathroom from the old homeowner, you name it. They've all been there like forever and I seriously tried all means that I could — steam cleaner, electric scrubber, nothing worked until I got this magic Goo Gone. Now they are all gone and it didn't even take any hard work to get rid of all the goos!!!!" —Yingnan

    Get it from Amazon for $7.60.

    24. A set of silicone stove-counter gap covers I'm really upset I haven't had in my home for years now because these stop all those tiny crumbs from falling down the crack, and that is so so so impossible to clean up! *shakes fists in the air*

    Promising review: "I've been using these for about a week on my new freestanding range. When they removed my old range, I was really surprised to see how much stuff had slipped through! Now when I cook, I can see the splatters and seasonings left on the silicone that would have fallen between the stove and the counter. These gap fillers really do clean up easily, too. Although they are that extra thing to clean, I prefer that to knowing there's a mess hiding in the cracks." —JMom

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $10.95+ (available in two sizes and two colors).

    25. weekly, bleach-free shower spray you simply spray in your shower, leave overnight, and rise the next day. Yes, this cleaner is basically the set it and forget it of shower cleaners.

    Before: a dirty shower floor; after: the clean shower floor

    Promising review: "We cannot BEGIN to tell you what a lifesaver this is! We have two old fiberglass tubs with vinyl shower enclosures that no matter what amount of scrubbing we have done with everything from bleach to cleanser to vinegar and baking soda would NOT come clean. After I took my shower last night, I sprayed down the tub and walls. Within minutes, all the built-up water deposits and dirt and grime began to melt away in front of my eyes. I left it on overnight, and when I got up this morning, it did not look like the same tub and shower. This product is a godsend, especially for old folks like us who have difficulty getting down on our hands and knees and scrubbing anything. More importantly, it performs as advertised. We plan on using it as part of our weekly cleanup routine. This is truly an overnight sensation!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $16.89.

    26. A coatrack and storage shelf to put right by your front door. That way, when you get home, you have a specific place to throw your coats, jackets, and shoes instead of just putting them all in a big pile on the floor. It'll be just as convenient, but make the room feel instantly cleaner.

    Promising review: "Super easy to assemble, nice and sturdy. The depth is perfect for the narrow entrance to my house. I'm sick of everybody's shoes just being piled up and hoodies being all over, now there is no excuse!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $70.99+ (available in four colors and two sizes).

    27. A microfiber window blind cleaner designed with three blades that clean the top and bottom of two blinds at once. It'll pick up all the dust you hadn't really realized had been casually sitting in your home.

    A hand using the duster on blinds
    A reviewer photo of the duster covered in dust

    The cleaner also comes with five microfiber duster clothes.

    Promising review: "Where has this blind cleaner been for the past 50 years???? I have struggled to keep my blinds clean for so many years and happily found this item. It WORKS!!! And I love that it comes with extra sleeves, and the sleeves are machine washable. The handle is plastic, but I feel confident it won't break any time soon." —marionvgt

    Get the six-piece set from Amazon for $7.99 (also available in green).

    28. A CovoBox made to look like a stack of books, but it's actually hollow on the inside, so you can use it to cover your Wi-Fi router that's awkwardly sitting out and making your TV stand look messy.

    before and after showing how what looks like a bunch of gold and tan books actually hides a wifi box and Alexa device
    Amazon Handmade

    Before adding this to your cart, you have the option to customize it, including selecting from 14 lengths and 15 colors (including custom colors). The CovoBox is made from reclaimed books and sustainable wood.

    Covogoods is a small family-owned business creating home decor in Utah!

    Promising review: "I’m pretty sure I’ve never loved a purchase from Amazon as much as I love this one, and I’ve been a Prime member since Day 1. This product is EXTREMELY well made and very unique. Plus, it does the job of hiding the ugly routers and cords. And the customer service was great and responsive. I was a little hesitant to spend the money on this but after years of living with the husband’s pile of technology, the money was well spent!" —AmazonEmme

    Get it from Covogoods on Amazon Handmade for $29+.

    29. A touchless stationary vacuum here to revolutionize the way you sweep because you'll never had to deal with a flimsy dustpan again. All you have to do is sweep the debris toward the vacuum, and it will instantly suck it up for you. Genius!

    the gray and black bagless, touchless vacuum on a tiled floor next to broom
    GIF of reviewer sweeping dust into bagless vacuum

    An indicator light will turn on to let you know that the canister is full, and then you can remove the canister and dump the debris in the trash.

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this magic floor sucker. I live in the Rocky Mountains with four large dogs and two cats. It makes sweeping not so bad and much more manageable. You just sweep it to the vac and it sucks it up. LOVE IT." —MaryKat

    Get it from Amazon for $114 (available in six colors).

    30. fridge rack that latches on (so no installation required) because even if you live in a small home, it doesn't mean you have to limit the ingredients and spices you keep in your kitchen. Plus, this can also be mounted or placed on the floor (just flip it over) so it really can fit whatever space you're working with.

    Promising review: "I love this organizer! I had to do some minor modifications to make sure it doesn’t slide off with added weight (I'm in an earthquake prone state), but it is just what I needed to free up some valuable counter space and still have access to what I need!" —Mari S.

    Get it from Amazon for $45.99.

    31. A toy box because much like kids, dogs can leave their toys ALLLL over the house, and this will give you a place to keep them all. It is designed with a lid, but just be careful because if your dog can't open it, it may result in them sitting next to it whining, asking if it's OK to play with their toys. 🥲

    Golden retriever staring at gray box with white paw prints and bones it
    Top down view of the box, which is holding treat bags and toys

    Promising review: This box is perfect for simple storage for pet belongings. It breaks down easily for transportation and is large enough to hold many toys, treats, etc. It does exactly what it says!" —Jada

    Get it from Amazon for $13.95 (available in three colors).

    32. A microfiber duster to actually trap dust particles instead of having them fly around the room, making it seem even dirtier than before. Plus, when you're done cleaning, you can just remove the cloth and throw it in the washing machine.

    Gif of the duster being used to remove dust from the front of an air conditioner unit
    Gif of BuzzFeed editor, Yi Yang removing the microfiber cloth
    BuzzFeed / Yi Yang

    Promising review: "We live in an old 1790s home with lots of wall trim and moulding. This piece of cleaning equipment makes dusting super easy. All I do is run around the room a couple of times, tackling each level of trim at a time and then shake it out outdoors. When it gets really dusty and dirty, I just toss it in the wash. LOVE IT!" —swissgirl

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    33. A three-tier slide-out storage tower so you can ~squeeze~ the most out of your kitchen even if you have less cabinet space than you thought was possible. Plus, you'll know exactly where the baking powder is when you need it for a recipe.

    Promising review: "This storage tower is awesome and such a space saver. I live in a small apartment with little cabinet space, so I used this tower for my spices right in between my stove and refrigerator. It was also the easiest thing to assemble (no tools required)!" —S.J.

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99.

    34. A shirt-folding board, because you only have to get rid of clothes if they look messy in your closet...or at least that's what I tell myself. This board will make your closet look like a department store. It'll be like shopping in your own closet EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

    Promising review: "I'm in love with this folder. I actually love folding clothes with this. The room you can make is crazy. I will never be without it. I don't have a lot of space, but I counted double the amount than I could fit before. It's amazing." —Kimberly Goff

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in five colors).

    35. A Shark robot vacuum guaranteed to make you feel like you're living in the future because it will vacuum your whole house for you. Yeah, you heard that right. Cross vacuum off your to-do list because this gadget's got it covered. 

    I have a similar Shark robot vacuum and think it is so great. We run it two to three times a week in the apartment, and it really does a great job at keeping the floor clean. It's easy to program a schedule that works best for you so you don't even have to worry about remembering to vacuum, this gadget will do it for ya. 

    Promising review: "I absolutely love my Shark robot vacuum. It saves me so much time and works great. With two dogs, three cats, and kids, my floors were always a mess. I run this twice a day and my floors look great, and I haven't had to get my regular vacuum out since I have had it. I have one high pile rug that it may not get all the dog hair out of, but it works wonders on my hardwood floors. Also, I love how it fits in small places like under the bathroom vanity and side tables where my other vacuum could not. My only regret is not buying two of them (one for each floor) when they were on sale. Do yourself a favor and order this!! 10 stars!" —Chad Haney

    Get it from Amazon for $174.95+ (available in three colors). 

    36. A lid organizer because if your container drawer looks something like the picture on the left, you've def been so frustrated digging through the mishmash piles of lids trying to find the right lid that fits on the container your leftovers are already in. This gives you spots for every different lid size you own.

    a reviewer's drawer with a chaotic mess of lids
    the same drawer with the lids neatly stored int he organizer

    Promising review: "This product does exactly what it's supposed to and does it well. In under 15 minutes, I took my nightmare lid drawer and turned it into a functional, convenient storage space. The dividers were simple to install and provided flexibility. Slowly but surely I am getting my tiny, chaotic kitchen under control, and this got me a huge leap closer." —S. Hawthorn

    Get a large size from Amazon for $19.99 (also available in four other styles).

    37. A cord organizer to help you hid any messes that accumulate from pulling in all your devices that are a total eyesore in the room.

    A before and after picture: on the left, a bunch of black cords tangled on the floor, and on the right, all those cords now nicely disguised in a light brown wood box with white sides.

    Promising review: "I had a mess of cables on the table next to my bed, and if you pulled one too much, the chargers would fall. This keeps everything in place. It is very LARGE, I didn't expect it to be that big, but it holds a full-size surge protector, and I'm able to plug in everything in there! It's very helpful!" —Patrick Pflaumer

    Get it from Amazon for $25.99+ (available in five colors).

    38. An eyeglasses organizer specifically designed to hold your favorite sunnies so they don't get lost (and probably broken) just aimlessly hanging out in your closet.

    Reviewer pic of the pink organizer with sunglasses inside on a vanity
    Same reviewer's pic of one of the drawers open, showing the sunglasses inside

    Promising review: "Super cute!!! I used to have my sunglasses just tossed in a junk drawer and never ended up wearing the different styles I have. Now they are on display so I can just pick out which pair I want to wear for the day and they’re all in one place. Great quality for the price! I got the pink one and it shipped super fast without any damage. Only downside is it will not fit super oversized sunglasses... I had one pair that would not fit but I still give it 5 stars." —Keri O.

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in two colors).

    39. An easily washable drip catcher made to fit around your faucet to stop water from pooling around it every time you do the dishes. You'll be surprised at how this little thing can make such a difference in your life.

    Closeup photo of sink drip guard in navy blue
    Red drip catcher placed around kitchen sink's faucet
    Two Lilacs Studio / Etsy

    Two Lilacs Studio is a small biz based in Saint Helens, Oregon.

    Promising review: "LOVE these splash catchers! They save me from having to chase the puddles that form around the base of our faucet before they start creeping over the counter. So reasonably priced, made well with neatly finished edges, and packaged with gift-ready care." —Alina

    Get it from Two Lilacs Studio on Etsy for $13.50+ (available in four sizes and six colors).

    40. An elegant shoe storage ottoman with a secret — it's got places to store your shoes so they don't clutter the ground or your closet! AND it functions as a comfy seat.

    the blush colored ottoman
    reviewer image of the open ottoman with shoes stored inside

    Promising review: "I can’t believe this was so inexpensive! It perfectly matches my couch and looks more expensive than it was. I like the shoe organizer inside. I put my off-season shoes in there and my Xbox controller and headset and remotes in there, and it freed up some closet space." —Tara

    Get it from Amazon for $111.73 (available in four colors).

    41. A baseball cap holder I'll go ~a-head~ and say now that you'll be very thankful for as it frees up valuable space in your closet and keeps all your hats neat and organized. 

    The three-part holder with assorted baseball hats on the back of a door
    A different reviewer photo of the holder holding different style hats and purses

    You can also use them to organize other kinds of hats and even bags and purses!

    Promising review: "This clears up half the mess in my closet. I should have ordered two. It fits well on a pair of bifold doors and makes things neater and the hats easier to get to." —Lee

    Get it from Amazon for $10.95.

    42. carpet cleaning solution capable of transforming the carpet you just assumed was brown when you moved in but is actually a nice light beige color instead. 😳

    This cleaning solution is made Sunny & Honey — a family-run small business that specializes in cleaning products, especially ones for homes with pets!

    Promising review: "Carpet Miracle is the absolute best product I have ever used! I have six kids, three dogs, and two cats. You can't even believe the messes that have happened in my house. But this product is basically magic. One of my kids spilled black acrylic paint on my two-weeks-brand-new carpet last year and carpet miracle got it completely out. There's not even a shadow left. I also use a cap full in stinky loads of laundry. It gets the smell out of anything! And there hasn't been a stain yet that this product hasn't defeated." —Lyndsey

    Get it from Amazon for $16.12.

    43. And a convertible sectional sofa bed designed with storage space to hold all your cozy blankets and extra pillows *and* a handy pullout function. You'll be able to have guests stay the night without having them sleep uncomfortably on your small couch.

    reviewer photo of gray sectional sofa in a living room
    pulled out into spacious sofa bed

    Promising review: "I have had this sofa for about a month now and so far so good. I love that it is small enough that it doesn't take over my small space, yet me and my three kids can all sit on it comfortably. We use the pull out daily so we can all put up our feet. It was a bit stiff at first, but very comfortable now without being too soft. The fabric is beautiful." —CandanceRC

    Get it from Amazon for $852.11 (available in two colors).

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.

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