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“I Don’t Google Anymore. I TikTok.”

“That's not to say that everything a random person on TikTok without credentials is saying is a lie, but you just have to know the difference between knowing that this is true, and thinking, Oh, I should look that up."

Splitscreen of purple graphic with THE BUZZ in white letters on the right side and photo of Sandra Lindsay on the left side (CREDIT: GETTY)

First Person In US Receives COVID-19 Vaccine

A New York nurse is the first person in the US to get the coronavirus vaccine, plus "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" turned two years old and Jesy Nelson announced she's leaving Little Mix.

Googleの5G対応スマホは完全に「新しい生活様式」向け。Pixel 5とPixel 4a 5Gは、どっちが買いなの?

Googleから発売された5G対応スマホPixel 5とPixel 4a(5G)。背面カメラに超広角レンズが搭載され、最新のGoogleアシスタントによっていろんな機能が追加されます。どっちが「買い」なのでしょうか? レビューで説明します。

A Top DHS Staffer Who Defended The Muslim Travel Ban Now Works At Google

Former DHS staffer Miles Taylor once defended a “tough” but “tailored” version of Trump’s controversial travel ban and served under Kirstjen Nielsen during the implementation of the family separation policy at the US–Mexico border.

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