23 Reasons Why Amy Poehler Is Perfect

    Though 23 reasons doesn't even scratch the surface

    1. Because she's extremely modest

    2. Because she does her own stunts (with Tina Fey on the set of Anchorman 2)

    3. Because she's not a regular mom; she's a cool mom

    4. Exhibit A: she gave birth to superheroes

    5. Because she pretended to be Julianne Moore at the Golden Globes

    6. Because she was probably the funniest cheerleader ever

    7. Because she doesn't age

    8. Because she did this on Sesame Street

    9. Because she spontaneously breakdances

    10. Because she's great at photobombing

    11. Because she's able to create songs on a whim

    12. Because she knows how to have a good time, especially with celebrity friends

    13. Because she's a fearless competitor

    14. Because Earth is her favorite planet

    15. Because she has great taste in breakfast foods

    16. Because she's going to make "Pooney" a real thing

    17. Because she marches to the beat of her own drum

    18. Because she gave this advice

    19. And this

    20. This too

    21. And especially this

    22. And because her 'Parks and Rec' producer has total faith in her

    23. Well, sort of...

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